Divine Child System

Chapter 2930: Shengjia Law Enforcement Team

Ganada Electric Eel is dead, he died on his best lightning attribute!

However, the remaining members of the Devil Squad can no longer care about this!

Their offensive has already erupted, and Ye Meng is within easy reach!

Bang bang bang...

Ye Meng waved his wrist without any hesitation!

Wind, rain, thunder and lightning, gold, wood, water, fire and earth...

Various elements come together from the void!

In the next moment, it ejected instantly!

Such strength has exceeded the level of ancient gods!


A huge mushroom cloud rises from the ground and rushes straight into the sky!

The members of the Devil Squad near Ye Meng evaporate in an instant!

Only the devil with a dull face in the distance was left, and the whole person fell into a messy state in the wind!

He never thought that his cellmates, his team members, would be so vulnerable!

He froze for a moment, then suddenly turned and fled!

What gambling game, what Shengjia promised, were all left behind by him!

At this moment, there is only one thought in his mind!

That is, escape, the farther you escape, the better!

Faced with such a terrible child, he couldn't give birth to a trace of fighting spirit!

What a joke!

Can he deal with this level of power?

As for the consequences of his failure, he has not considered so much!

Let's take care of it now!

At least, if you survive now, you can live a few more days!

Seeing the devil fleeing, Ye Meng curled his lips, and disappeared in place with a move!



All the nobles, all fell into a dumbfounded!

They stared at the light curtain blankly, their minds were blank!

The Devil Squad was almost wiped out?

Only the Captain Devil is left, has he escaped?

After a long time, a graceful old man groaned angrily!

"Mo Gui, you coward!"

This old man is the steward of the Sheng family!

As the representative of the Sheng family, he represented the third son of Sheng Rulong, supervising the progress of the gambling game!

But who would think that the devil squad that was given high hopes could be so vulnerable!

Especially the behavior of the devil, the old man of the Sheng family is extremely ashamed!

The face of Tangtang Sheng's family has been completely lost by the devil!

"Damn devil!"

"Shameful, extremely ashamed!"

"Devil kid, how dare to damage the reputation of the Sheng family?"

"We must capture him back and be punished by ten thousand snakes!"

Some nobles under the Sheng family's name began to clamor!

The Sheng family is embarrassed, and they are also shameless!

Look at the supporters of the other three families. What are their eyes now?

Ta Ta Ta!

Soon, a group of Shengjia law enforcement teams assembled!

Immediately, they broke through the air!

At this point, the Shengjia has already declared out of this bet!

Therefore, the Shengjia law enforcement team wanted to capture the devil back, and no one said anything!

"Good job!"

Patriarch Ye Family was full of enthusiasm, secretly applauded!

However, his face did not dare to show it!

See the law enforcement team, break through the air!

Patriarch Ye family frowned!

Although he knew that the law enforcement team would not disrupt the game!

But at this moment, the Sheng family is in anger, who knows if they will still abide by the rules of the game?

In case, under annoyance, the law enforcement team will attack Ye Meng...

At this point, Patriarch Ye family gritted his teeth, as if he had made some decision!

The next moment, he dropped his hands, and the hands hidden in his sleeves suddenly flashed a faint light!


"I hope he can come forward!"

Patriarch Ye Family sighed slightly!

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