Divine Child System

Chapter 2974: Origin Young Master Jiang Farewell

Jiang Bieli, eighteen years old, has the highest talent in the origin galaxy in the legend, the ninth-level infinite-level genius!

Of course, this is just a rumor and has not been confirmed!

However, he is undoubtedly a genius in the true sense!

What's more terrifying is that his father is the upper reaches of the river, the Lord of Origin!

In terms of background and birth, he is the true pride of heaven!

Like the four great arrogances, although they are also of extraordinary origin, they are undoubtedly inferior to Jiang Bieli!

This is equivalent to Jiang Fieli being the prince of a country!

And the four great arrogances are just the sons of princes and nobles!

Anyone can see the gap!

However, the fame of Jiang Bili, the young master of the origin, only circulates in the upper class!

Most ordinary warriors of origin do not know this!

Brother Ye Chengyang is the core of the Ye family!

Although the Ye family has fallen!

But no matter how declining, it is relative to the upper class society!

Compared to the warriors at the bottom, the Ye Family is undoubtedly a behemoth!

Therefore, the Ye Chengyang brothers, naturally all know the original young master Jiang Farewell!

They also know the horror of Jiang Farewell!

Don't look at it, in the origin galaxy, Jiang Fieli's reputation does not seem to be as loud as the four great arrogances!

However, Jiang Farewell, he is the genius of other galaxies!

And the four great talents are only competing within the origin galaxy!

This is completely the difference between heaven and earth!

"Li Wangsheng knocked on the young master!"

Seeing Jiang Bieli, Young Master Ghost Li Wangsheng quickly kneeled down respectfully!

Don't think he is also the young master, but there is a big gap between the young master and the young master!

"Brother Li, please!"

Jiang Farewell's voice came out, with a hint of gentleness!

He did not show any underestimation because of Li Wangsheng's identity!

Even, he even called the other party Li brother!

I have to say, this Jiang Farewell, there is only a stunning demeanor!

At least, Li Wangsheng in front of him was truly impressed!

"Dare the villain be called Young Master Li Brother?"

"Young Master, please!"

Li Wangsheng heard this and quickly became humble and humble!

However, there was a hint of joy in his expression!

Obviously, Jiang's departure from Brother Li made him feel extremely honored!

"Thank you!"

Jiang Bieli nodded!

Soon, he walked out slowly!

Just step on the void like this, just like crossing the sky, banishing the immortals!

When Li Wangsheng saw this, his eyes showed fanatical worship!

As for the beautiful women behind Jiang Bieli, he didn't dare to take another look!

Although, Li Wangsheng's life is most fond of female sex!

However, what kind of woman can move and what kind of woman should not be seen, Li Wangsheng still knows quite well!

"Even Young Master Yuan Yuan was alarmed, this time I'm afraid it will be really troublesome!"

Ye Chengyang retracted his gaze, and said with lingering fear!

Ye Chengyue's expression on the side was already ugly!

The appearance of the young master of the source, Jiang Fieli, means the attitude of the source palace!

After all, characters like Jiang Fieli generally never move lightly!

Their words and deeds all represent the position of the Yuan Palace!

The four major families are giants, and the superpowers on the official side of the Origin Galaxy are true!

But the Origin Palace is the real master!

He is the king of the galaxy recognized by Xuanyuan Universe!

Therefore, Brother Ye Chengyang naturally felt the pressure of a mountain!

If the source palace, like the four big families, if you can't find the fairy tools, you will come to threaten it!

Then Ye Family, it's better to wash your neck as soon as possible, and wait for someone to chop it!

In front of the Origin Palace, the Ye Family did not have any resistance!

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