Divine Child System

Chapter 3017: Stunned

But soon, everyone couldn't laugh anymore!

Shocking news came from Tianta, which belongs to the southern part of the origin galaxy!

The main mansion of Tianta Star, was attacked by a group of puppets!

The entire Star Master Mansion, from the Star Master to the servants, was slaughtered!

The news came out, and the entire origin galaxy was boiling!

But the bad news is more than that!

Not long after the Tianta Star tragedy was reported, the Tongliu Chamber of Commerce in the eastern part of the Origin Galaxy was looted, and all the supplies were looted!

And the cause of all this is still a group of puppets!

The Buddha Gate of the Buddha, the gilt moon tower, was attacked by terrible puppets!

Tens of thousands of Buddhas died in the entire Buddhist temple of the Buddha!


One by one, the message is delivered to the origin star!

The upper reaches of the river, the lord of the source, can no longer sit still!

"This news turned out to be true?"

"The puppet can actually give birth to sage?"

The face of the upper reaches of the river was full of shock!

A puppet is just a dead thing!

Even some extremely terrifying puppets can only burst out of power under the control of the puppet masters!

However, now, no one controls the puppets, and these Geng family puppets spontaneously attacked everywhere!

This made the upper reaches of the river, when feeling incredible, his expression gradually became serious!

The puppet of the Geng family is a must-see for the original galaxy!

It's just that the Geng family has always tried to hide their puppets, so much so that nowadays many people don't know how powerful the Geng family's puppets are!

But the upper reaches of the river are very clear!

There used to be 108 puppets in the Geng family, and each puppet can almost rival the gods!

In other words, there are now more than one hundred deity-level powerhouses, making waves everywhere!

More than a hundred strong gods, already able to destroy the stars!

The upper reaches of the river did not dare to underestimate this!

He took a deep breath and suddenly shouted!

"Come on, Chuan Geng won't let you!"

For some things, he didn't trust Jiang Farewell, nor the Ye family!

However, the situation must be clarified!

Therefore, summoning Geng to refuse, this person is the most suitable!

After a while, Geng "please" come over to prevent the strong from the source palace!

"The minister knocks on the emperor!"

Geng did not let him kneel down in front of the upper reaches of the river trembling!

The Lord of Origin, also known as Origin Emperor!

This emperor is not an emperor title, but the position of the Lord of Origin!

And Geng refused, strictly speaking, he was also a minister of the origin galaxy politics, so the name of a minister is reasonable!

"Get up!"

The upper reaches of the river waved his hand!

Immediately, he stared at Geng and shouted in a deep voice!

"No Geng, how many puppets of your Geng family ran out?"

When Jiang Farewell came, he didn't explain the specific figures, so the upper reaches of the river didn't have a bottom at this moment!

If it were the 108 puppets of the Geng Family, only a small part of them ran out!

There is still room for recovery!

"Back...to the emperor, there are...more than ten thousand!"

Facing Jiang Bieli’s questioning, Geng refused to hide it at all!

Moreover, he has also heard about the attacks everywhere!

He knew that this time, things were really making a big deal!

If it doesn't work, their Geng family will be completely destroyed!

The current Geng is not allowed, only to be exonerated!

Therefore, even if the upper reaches of the river did not ask, he would tell it all together!


"More than 10,000 puppets?"

"Where does your Geng family have more than 10,000 puppets?"

Hearing this, the upper reaches of the river was stunned!

One hundred and eight puppets of the Geng Family are extremely famous in the Origin Galaxy!

Therefore, the upper reaches of the Yangtze River always thought that the Geng family was such a puppet!

Who would think that there are more than 10,000?

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