Divine Child System

Chapter 3028: Humans are the spirit of all things

"It's difficult this time!"

Seeing Da Ye Lei Shen regaining his body, Lin Tatian frowned.

Such a behemoth is naturally difficult to deal with!

Not to mention, at this time Lin Tatian had also discovered that his realm seemed to be lower than the puppet in front of him!

This made Lin Tatian feel as if he was getting rid of husky!

"There is a way!"

After all, Lin Tatian is a human being, and human beings are born the spirit of all things, relying on wisdom to far exceed other creatures!

In the blink of an eye, he already thought of a way to deal with Da Ye Thor!

On the other hand, Thunder God of the night still has some hindsight at this moment!

This guy is just a puppet, even if the king has given him a mind!

However, compared to real humans, the thinking of these alien creatures is a bit more rigid!

Except for the few existences such as Qiu Wanren that can fight humans, other metamorphic creatures, to put it bluntly, their IQs are basically the level that is crushed by humans!

After continuing to fight Da Ye Lei Shen a few tricks, Lin Tatian stopped and flew towards the west of Yuelong City!

"Want to run?"

When Da Ye Lei Shen saw this, Daolin Tatian wanted to escape!

Immediately, he chased after him reluctantly!

As for siege but not siege, he has already thrown it out of the sky!

This is the fatal flaw of alien creatures, no brains!

In other words, the brain is not enough!

In fact, if it weren't for the king to direct this group of puppets, I'm afraid this group of puppets would not be able to toss out the current momentum!

Maybe they were wiped out by the strong of the origin galaxy long ago!

"not good!"

In the camp, Qiu Wanren had been paying attention to the battle situation. When he saw Da Ye Lei Shen chasing Lin Tatian indiscriminately, his expression suddenly changed!

Lin Tatian said that they are all three-star super gods, how could it be possible to flee after only trying a few tricks with Da Ye Lei Shen?

If he didn't have any conspiracy, Qiu Wanren would not believe it!

"Shi Renhua, go and support Daye!"

Although Da Ye Lei Shen's brain is not good, he is a fierce general after all, and Qiu Wanren will naturally not just watch him win the game!

Therefore, Qiu Wanren immediately made arrangements!

A big-headed man beside Qiu Wanren heard the words and nodded!

"give it to me!"

He is Shi Renhua, from the plant department under Wang's command!

In fact, this Shi Renhua is a giant piranha!

He made a lot of credit under the king's command, so he was given the ability to transform into shape by the king!

After transforming, Piranha named himself Shi Renhua!

Shi Renhua came out, let Qiu Wanren rest assured!

Although Shi Renhua is not as good as Thor at Night, he also has the strength of a three-star super god!

A seven-star super god, plus Shi Renhua, a three-star super god, is more than enough to deal with a three-star super **** in humans!

After making arrangements, Qiu Wanren stopped paying attention to Daye Thor!

His gaze fell under the Yuelong City, a stalemate scene!

Although the skeletal army is fearless of life and death, and extremely brave, Yuelong City is after all the core hub of the origin galaxy. The city is tall and easy to defend and difficult to attack!

So, for a time, the skeleton army really can't help Yuelong City!

The soldiers of the Yuelong City, relying on the advantage of waiting for work, killed a lot of bones!

However, there are so many bones that even if the soldiers of the Yuelong City line up to chop, it will take at least a few days and nights!

In this way, the two sides can only fall into a dull, stalemate state!

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