Divine Child System

Chapter 3091: Return to the city

Turning to sleep, Xiaochun's appearance did not make Ye Meng think much!

Even Sarutobi Hizen has been to the bookstore, and he turned to Xiaochun, what's the deal?

After paying 5,000 taels obediently, Xiaochun turned to bed and walked to the shelf!

She took out a book at random, and immediately, her old face couldn't help but twitch!

"The Shameless Old Thief's Motivational Biography"!

The title of this book somewhat subverts the three views of Zhuan Xiaochun!

It was the first time she saw that the title of the book contained the words shameless old thief!

However, it was this shameless old thief that attracted her!

After all, by age, she seems to be called a thief too!

Turning to bed, Xiaochun slowly opened the books!

She is very slow in reading, reading almost every word!

Her appearance naturally attracted the attention of Hyuga Nizu and others!

However, for everyone, reading is the top priority!

It's not worth their attention to turn to Xiaochun!

The pharmacist put down the book in his hand, he let out a long sigh!

The book he just read is called "The Shame of the Bandits"!

Although the title of the book is a bit weird, I have to say that this book is really...what a mess!

He read the entire book, but he didn't know who the protagonist was!

In other words, this is a book with multiple protagonists!

There are as many as 97 protagonists!

After watching for a long time, the pharmacist pocket is still at a loss!

And the whole book is more like a biography of each protagonist, rather than a complete novel!

However, although this book is weird, it has a few protagonists, and Pharmacist likes it!

One is a guy named Li Bai!

The sword of the big river came up from the sky, the cool look, the pharmacist was very envious!

The other is King Lanling, this guy will be invisible!

"I don't know, what can I get!"

"It's best to use Li Bai's swordsmanship, or the invisibility skills of King Lanling and A Ke!"

The pharmacist secretly looked forward to it!

In the next moment, a white light fell from the sky and enveloped him!

A memory suddenly appeared in his mind!

"Return to the city?"

When the pharmacist felt the memory in his head, he was dumbfounded!

He actually obtained the city return technique in "The Shame of the Bandit"?

Nima, what's the use of this stuff?

The pharmacist wanted to cry without tears, he felt how bad luck he was!

"Congratulations, what you got is very practical!"

Ye Meng's milky voice sounded!

The pharmacist heard the words and stepped his face down.

"Little boss, stop teasing me, I..."

He is depressed, this little boss actually teased him!

Ye Meng shook his head, looking at the pharmacist pocket like an idiot!

"You are really stupid, this is reality, not a novel!"

"Things like the city return technique, although they have no lethal power, are very practical in life!"

"It's like when you run into a difficult situation when you go out, you will be back home with a biu, and you will be unhappy?"

Hearing Ye Meng's words, the pharmacist was obviously taken aback!

He carefully tasted Ye Meng's words, and after a while, a happy smile appeared on his face!

"Little boss, you're right, I'm stunned, return to the city, very good, very good!"

Pharmacist really wants to understand that the real world is not the world of fiction!

In the novel, the protagonists of the shame of thieves all return to the city, which is very tasteless!

However, in reality, this skill is extremely practical!

Although what Pharmacist wanted more was attack skills, but it was a worthwhile trip to get a city return technique!

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