Divine Child System

Chapter 3106: Curse of the Green Hat King

The Baltan star is still raging in the village!

The villagers messed up into a pot of porridge!

Konoha ninjas are all helpless!

They are just ninja and ninja, what else can they do when facing such a monster?


A Konoha Nakanobu has a look of despair on his face!

In a short period of time, more than a dozen buildings have been destroyed!

Fortunately, the Baltan star seemed to be playing a game of cat and mouse, and instead of continuing to hurt people, they were destroying the building enthusiastically!

"I'm afraid that only Shinobu can do it!"

"Isn't Yamanaka just Shangnin? Even he can't help this monster!"

"It's over, it's over this time!"

"Could it be that Konoha will be destroyed in the hands of this monster?"

All Konoha Ninjas present were all in despair!

In their ears, all the magical laughter of Baltan star people!

Baby Book House.

Devilish laughter and panic screams came in!

Ye Meng sighed softly when he heard the words!

This mountain stroke really summoned the Baltan star!

It seems that Konoha should have this disaster!

Asma in the bookstore slowly closed the book!

There was a trace of doubt on his face!

He naturally heard the laughter and screams!

It's just that he was immersed in the book world just now, unable to extricate himself, and ignored it!

Now that I have finished reading the book, I can naturally take time to pay attention to this strange sound!

"Little Ye Meng..."

Asma opened her mouth and just wanted to ask Ye Meng!

Suddenly, a green light shrouded it!

In the next moment, a green hat appeared on Asma's head instantly!

"Congratulations on your reward-the curse of the Green Hat King!"

Asma was stunned!

He touched the top of his head and subconsciously wanted to remove the green hat from his head!

However, no matter how hard he was, the green hat seemed to grow on his head, but his scalp was stinging!

"End baby!"

Asma burst into tears without tears!

With such a bright green hat, can he go out to meet people?

However, the next moment, the information in the mind floats!

His face suddenly became wonderful!

The curse of the Green Hat King, as the name suggests, this is a curse skill!

However, hurt yourself first!

If you want to curse someone else's cuckold, you must wear it yourself!

Even more bizarre is that this green hat can also add to its own Chakra!

For a while, Asma didn't know what to say!

Is this skill practical?


However, the green hat on the top of the head is too spicy!

"Help, the monster is here!"

Suddenly, a group of panicked villagers rushed past the bookstore. They screamed and looked embarrassed!

Asma, who was struggling with the green hat, did not care to continue struggling!

He flashed out quickly and came outside the bookstore!

In the next moment, Asma's whole figure seemed to be petrified!

"Gosh, what is this?"

There was a babbling noise in his mouth, and his eyes were full of shock!

Is this big lobster refined?

"No, you can't let it ruin Konoha!"

Seeing Baltan star people raging in the village, Asma's heart was angry!

He took a deep breath and rushed towards the Baltan star without hesitation!

I don't know when, Ye Meng has also appeared outside the store!

He watched this Asma's figure drift away, and shook his head!

Those guys of Konoha, although they don't look good at ordinary times, they won't lose the chain at critical moments!

Ye Meng still appreciates this!

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