Divine Child System

Chapter 3123: The Demon Sword is here, disaster strikes

"Hurry up and put away the knife!"

Ye Meng's milky childish voice came over!

There was a hint of dissatisfaction in his tone.

Sarutobi Sun heard the words, and was slightly startled.

"What are you in a daze, don't you know that if the Demon Sword is in this world, disaster will come?"

"According to this baby, you'd better destroy this knife, otherwise the consequences will be disastrous!"

Seeing the silly Sarutobi Rizhan, Ye Meng gave him a dull look!

Although, Ye Meng is not afraid of Demon Sword Village Zheng!

However, this does not mean that Konoha's villagers will be spared!

Once Sarutobi Hizen took the demon sword Muramasa, went out to show off or something!

Then, disaster will come to Konoha!

Demon swordsman, evil swords too!

Whenever the Demon Sword is born, it must be accompanied by a **** wind!

The rumors about the demon sword in the novel "Split the Sky" have been written very clearly!

Since the demon sword Muramasa, it is from the novel "Break the Sky"!

Then, the characteristics it carries are naturally the same as in the novel!

In the center of the Demon Blade Village, the soul of the divine soldier is impressively the Great Demon Amaterasu of Yingdao!

Therefore, whenever the Demon Blade Village is born, the soulful Amaterasu in the blade will inevitably stir up blood and rain!

The more killings caused by the Demon Blade, the more nourishment Amaterasu Divine Soul gets!

This is why the Demon Blade Village is just being born, and there will be disasters!


Sarutobi Rizen stupidly took away the Demon Blade Village Masaru!

However, he didn't care about it!

The so-called Demon Sword was born and disaster came, it was just a novel!

Could it be that now that the Demon Blade Village is in his hands, Konoha will have a disaster?

Sarutobi Rizen felt that this was a bit nonsense!

However, he did not dare to refute Ye Meng!

After all, Ye Meng's made him very afraid!

In addition, he has just won the demon sword village Zheng, and owes Ye Meng a favor!

Therefore, Sarutobi Hizen only agreed.

Soon he had no intention of staying anymore!

Holding the demon sword, Cunzheng, and after saying goodbye to Ye Meng, he hurried away!

Seeing Sarutobi Rizhan could not wait to leave, Ye Meng shook his head.

He knew that Sarutobi Hizaki definitely didn't take his words as the same thing!

I am afraid that it will not be long before the disaster will come to Konoha Yin Village!

However, Ye Meng could do nothing about it!

He has already said anything to persuade!

If Sarutobi Rizhan really doesn't listen, when disaster strikes, he can only blame himself and no one!

With Sarutobi Hizen's departure, it's time for Baby Bookstore to close!

Although it is dark, there is still so much lost time!

But Ye Meng doesn't plan to continue business anymore!

Today, with so many customers here, enough skills have been developed!

It is natural to run a bookstore like a gadget!

Otherwise, in case there is a lucky customer, what good things should be published!

Ye Meng is really dumbfounded!

After all, he has already chosen his skills today!

Rubber fruit!

That's right, Ye Meng chose the rubber fruit brushed by Naruto!

This thing not only can increase the strength of people, but also very fun!

As a bear child, how could Ye Meng miss such good things?

After closing the store door, Ye Meng flipped his wrist and the rubber fruit had appeared in his little hand!


Ye Meng didn't even think about it, and swallowed the rubber fruit in one bite!

The next moment, his body suddenly changed a little!


Ye Meng directly stretched out his hand!

His arm was suddenly pulled by the old man, and then fell on the bookshelf!

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