Divine Child System

Chapter 3243: confidant

Hearing this, Metkay suddenly smiled!

He glanced at Ya'er with satisfaction.

"Coincidentally, I also like strong ones!"

When the voice fell, he sighed with emotion!

This woman is really his confidant!

Ya'er on the other side heard this, her expression stagnated for an instant!

Strengthen your sister!

Is there anything strong to describe a woman?

Can we still chat happily?

Upon seeing this, Xiao Li hurriedly moved his head and whispered in Metka's ear!

"Teacher Kai, you see it's almost dinner time now, don't you go to have a meal with this... this girl?"

Xiao Li is also worried, Teacher Kai has been single for so long!

Finally, a woman who seemed to have an eye on him appeared!

Not hurry to solve the single problem?

Although this woman was summoned!

When Metkai heard the words, his face suddenly showed a look of enlightenment!

"Yeah, don't you say that I am not hungry yet, that said..."

As Metkay spoke, his stomach groaned!

When the opposite Ya'er saw this, his eyes lit up!

"I'm hungry too!"

When Metkay heard it, his expression was delighted.

Sure enough, this woman is his confidant, and even the hours of starvation are so highly consistent!

Immediately, Metkay showed a warm smile!

"It's okay to be hungry, just go to eat!"

"By the way, your name is Ya'er, right? You just came to the Ninja Realm, and you didn't have any money when you wanted to come!"

"Well, I will lend you the money first, and you will use it to eat. When you earn it in the future, you will return it to me. It will be fine for a long time, but you must remember to pay it back. I don't like people who renege on accounts!"

Metkay said, took out the money and handed it to Ya'er!

When Ya'er saw this, her face turned black, and her heart was full of frustration!

What is this man made of?

How straight to such a degree?

Xiao Li on the side, holding his forehead with his hands, couldn't bear to see it!

Teacher Kai, teacher Kai, you are out of help!

Seeing Metkay, this straight steel man, Hinata, Huahuo and others all covered their mouths and laughed!

Ya'er took a deep breath, she is not a person who gives up easily!

There is no man in this world that she can't handle!

Although the strange flower in front of her was straighter, she was still sure to get him!

At this point, Ya'er showed a charming smile again!

She reached out and took the money.

"Then what are you waiting for, let's go, I'm almost starving!"

Metkay heard the words and patted his chest, looking like a big deal!

"Don't worry, just follow me, I know where there are delicious foods, and your mouth is full of oil!"

With that said, Metkay stepped out!

Seeing this, Ya'er sighed secretly!

After saying so much, this guy just said that, and he was a little bit human!

It's not easy!

Even Xiao Li and the others on the side thought that Metkay had opened up, and they were very pleased!

"Master Metkay, what do you like in weekdays?"

"Me? I like hitting people!"

"Battering? It's great, I like to be "beaten" by others. The more violent I am, the better!"

"Huh? You still have this weird preference? It's really hard to understand, but I can satisfy you!"

"Really? I'm a good future loan..."

Metkay and Ya'er both talked and walked outside the store!

Just stepping out of the door, Metkai suddenly raised his hand and banged towards Ya'er with a bang!

Poor Ya'er, never thought that the man next to her would suddenly attack her!

She suddenly screamed, and she flew out!

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