Divine Child System

Chapter 3250: Be abused

"However, if this kid really died under Gaara's hand, I'm afraid he won't be able to explain to Konoha at that time!"

"It seems that I have to be ready to take action anytime to save this kid!"

Maki murmured to himself!

He is not optimistic about Naruto at all!

What a joke, how terrifying is Gaara who is angry, he knows very well!

Sasuke's expression cooled down!

His eyes swept across Kankuro, Temari and others, with a hint of coldness in his eyes!

Although Naruto is annoying at times, he is also his teammate!

Sasuke will naturally not watch Naruto being bullied!

Besides, this is Konoha anyhow!

As Konoha's ninja, how can he tolerate outsiders coming to presumptuously!

However, since Kankuro and others didn't do anything, Sasuke also chose to suppress it!

It was Haruno Sakura, she was surprised with her small mouth!

She is not surprised at the effect of God's possession!

But I am surprised, is this the so-called declining **** possessing body?

Naruto didn't seem to be so unlucky except for a fall!

Could it be that this guy with the gourd on his back will beat Naruto violently?

If this is the case, it would be almost the same!

Haruno Sakura didn't worry about Naruto, she wished that Naruto would be deflated!

Of course, if Naruto really encounters any danger, she will naturally not watch Naruto fall into trouble!

"Want to fight? Come on, I'll fight with you!"

Feeling the aura of Gaara, Naruto was not only not afraid, but excited, he hooked his finger towards Gaara, as if he didn't put the other person in his eyes!

Gaara became more irritable when I saw this!

Instantaneous surgery!

Gaara gave a sack and struck Naruto with lightning!

His speed is extremely fast, there is only an afterimage left on the spot, and the naked eye can hardly catch his figure!

At the same time, thick sand was rolling in, overwhelming the sky, with a huge momentum!

In the middle of the sand, countless shurikens burst out, and the target is Naruto!

Sand Shuriken!

"Good job!"

When Naruto saw this, he was not angry but was overjoyed. He yelled and his body was bounced out like a spring!

The strange thing is that his feet have never left the place!

And his legs were stretched more than ten meters!

It was as if his body rushed straight into the sky!

The next moment, Naruto's body fell, and his fist blasted toward the flying sand in the sky with unmatched momentum!


The violent power collided violently in an instant!

After a loud noise, Gaara, who was carrying a gourd, was slammed out of the body!


Mackey was stunned!

Kankuro and Temari were stunned!

Gaara was blown away by this kid again?

Wait, this kid's body seems a little weird!

How could ordinary people's arms and legs stretch so long?

Maki and others suddenly realized that Naruto's body just now was too weird!

"Fight me Uzumaki Naruto, you are still far away, give me another punch!"

Naruto smiled smugly!

The sound fell, and he punched again!




Under Naruto's chaotic fists, Gaara hardly had any power to fight back, like a sandbag, being abused by Naruto to the death!

Inferring from the timeline of the original work, Gaara's strength is actually not worse than Naruto, even better than a lot!

After all, in the timeline of the original book, Naruto today is just a fledgling boy!

However, the appearance of Baby Bookstore has changed Naruto!

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