Divine Child System

Chapter 3262: How are masters made

"There are quite a few rules!"

After reading the rules, Maki and others all complained!

Without personally experiencing the magic of Baby Book House, they will naturally not be in awe of Baby Book House like the villagers of Konoha!

When they saw the charged price, they were stunned again!

The first charge is 5,000 tael, the second time is 10,000 tael, the third time is 20,000 tael, and so on. Each additional time will double the charge price!

This Nima is simply stealing money!

It is conceivable that if someone comes here a few more times, the charging price will directly become an astronomical figure!

Who can eat it?

"Try it!"

Maki shook his head secretly.

They are just here to test, even if the price at the back of the baby's bookstore is more expensive, it has nothing to do with them!

After paying 20,000 taels for a group of four, Maki brought Kankuro, Gaara, and Temari directly to the bookshelf!

At the moment, there are no customers in the bookstore!

There is only one ordinary Konoha ninja sitting in the corner, reading carefully!

After sweeping around, Maji retracted his gaze.

Their attention fell on the bookshelf!

""God-level villain"? It sounds interesting, I just read this one!"

Kankuro shook the book in his hand toward Maji and others!

He is the fastest, hardly any choice!

The title of the book "God-level villain" directly attracted him!

"Look at this one!"

Temari on the side picked up a book called "Two Stinky Bears" with joy.

God knows why this guy would fancy this book!

"Gaara, haven't you chosen yet?"

Maki looked back at Gaara and asked in a low voice!

I love Luo Hearing this, there is no reply, and my eyes are constantly swept across the bookshelf!

When Maki saw this, he shook his head and stopped asking!

Immediately, he picked up "The Story of Me and My Seventy-two Lovers" on the bookshelf, and walked aside with a wretched look!

This title is exciting when you listen!

A certain desire in Maji's heart is constantly being released!

Gaara squinted at Maki, then sneered!

This Mackey, looking serious, is a nasty person who wants to be!

"Just this one!"

In the next moment, Gaara's gaze fell on "How Masters Are Made"!

The title of the book is very loud, he wants to see if this book is worthy of the name!

Taking down the book, Gaara opened it at will!

A line of text at the beginning of the volume jumped into his eyes instantly!

"If you want to be a master, you must endure endless loneliness!"

"If you can't stand your loneliness, what kind of master will you be?"

A few simple words made Gaara stunned for an instant!

He recalled these two sentences carefully, and Yuepin felt the more aftertaste!


Even in their Ninja world, before those strong men became famous, didn't they practice Ninjutsu day after day, year after year?

They are not stunned by the feasting!

Instead, he endured loneliness and became a strong man admired by the world step by step!

How can the difficulties be imaginable by outsiders?

"Good book!"

Although I haven't read the content yet, based on these two sentences, Gaara has determined that this book is definitely not bad!

Immediately, he walked aside, sat down, and read it quietly~www.wuxiaspot.com~ also needs a state of mind!

Especially good books!

Gaara used to think it disapproved!

But at this moment, he deeply felt that this was not wrong at all!

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