Divine Child System

Chapter 3265: For this kid

Naruto Office.

Sarutobi Hizen looked at Naruto with a dull look in front of him, and frowned!

In his impression, Naruto is an optimist. Why did he not see him for a few days and become like this?

"Have you hit the sand hidden messenger?"

Sarutobi Hizen frowned and asked!

Naruto was silent.

"Why are there conflicts with Sain's people?"

Sarutobi Hizen asked again!

It is a pity that Naruto is like a wooden man, his expression has not changed from beginning to end!

Seeing this scene, Sarutobi Rizen had a headache!

Shouldn't this kid give up on himself?

Did he know that Shayin's people came to complain?

However, what makes Sarutobi Rishi a headache more is how to punish Naruto!

The penalty is heavy, let alone whether you are willing to accept it.

Even Sarutobi Hizen himself is not too willing!

After all, how to say, Naruto is also his great grandson by generation!

But if the punishment is lighter, Naruto's current uncooperative attitude, God knows, will he continue to cause trouble in the future?

Moreover, Shayin is not easy to explain!

The one who was beaten by Naruto was the son of Shayin's fourth generation Fengying.

"Let you shut down for a few days, calm down!"

After thinking for a long time, Sarutobi Rizen could only make such a decision!

Sha conceals this group of people, and it is not an official visit to Konoha!

They just came for the baby's bookstore!

As long as they learn about the baby bookstore, they will naturally not stay in Konoha!

When the time comes, it will be the same if Naruto is released again!

Doing so is an explanation for Sha Yin!

After all, people are closed, what else do you want?

Sarutobi Hizen felt that his arrangement was really wonderful!

It's a pity that Naruto in front of him, with that dull look, stared at Sarutobi's beard!

This kid actually doesn't appreciate it?

Boom boom boom!

Suddenly, there was a knock on the door in the office!

After Sarutobi Rizen heard this, his brow furrowed!

"Come in!"

The sound came out, and the door was pushed open!

Soon, a figure walked in!

"It's you?"

When Sarutobi saw it, he was slightly startled!

The visitor is actually Hyuga Nissu?

"Master Naruto!"

Seeing Sarutobi Hizuru, a smile appeared on Hyuga Hizu's face!

"Patriarch Hyuga, what are you doing?"

Although, in terms of seniority, Hyuga Hizu is his junior, but the opponent is the elder of the clan after all, and Sarutobi Hizu will naturally give him some face!

Hearing Sarutobi Hisaki's words, Hyuga Hizu first hit a haha!

Soon, he glanced at Naruto!

"Master Naruto, I'm here for this kid!"

That's right, Hyuga Nissa is here for Naruto!

He came to intercede for Naruto!

No way, Sasuke and Haruno Sakura begged Hinata and Huahuo!

And Hinata and Hua Huo begged him again!

Now that the two baby girls of my family have spoken, Hyuga will naturally not refuse!

When Sarutobi heard this, he was taken aback!

When did Naruto actually get in touch with the Hyuga clan?

Before he could speak, the knock on the door sounded again!

After Sarutobi Hitoshi said please come in, the door was pushed open!

The person who came in was Kakashi!

"Master Naruto, can I beg for this kid?"

Kakashi is naturally the rescuer brought by Sasuke and Haruno Sakura again!

Looking at Kakashi, and then at Hyuga Hizu, Sarutobi Hizen suddenly got a headache!

But Sarutobi's headache is still to come!

After a while, Matt Kai, Yamanaka Hiichi, etc., all appeared!

Even his baby son Asma and baby grandson Konohamaru came to intercede for Naruto!

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