Divine Child System

Chapter 3271: Mackey was almost stupid

"I'm okay, kidding, how could I be scared?"

Seemingly realizing that he was in a bad shape just now, Maki naturally wanted to save some face, he waved his hand nonchalantly, pretending to be forced!

Unfortunately, his pale face and faintly trembling legs betrayed him!

Temari is not broken either.

"The teacher is naturally the strongest!"

Temari flattered quietly!

After hearing this, Ma Ji felt much better!

Really worthy of being my student, with a sharp vision, knowing that I am Maki awesome!

"By the way, what is the name of the book you just read?"

After adjusting his mood, Marquill asked eagerly towards the hand!

Hearing this, Temari scratched his head!

"The title of the book is a bit weird, it's called "Two Stinky Bears"!"

Hearing the title of the book, the corners of Maji's mouth twitched slightly!

This is more than weird, it is simply weird!

"Oh? The animal is actually the protagonist? Interesting!"

Maki smiled, pretending to be a scholar full of poetry, and commented!

Temari grinned when he heard Maji's words!

"Teacher, the protagonist of this book is not an animal, but a human!"

"He is called bald and weak, he is a hero with a sense of justice, who likes to be a chivalrous man!"

"Moreover, the stinky bear is not an animal. It is also a human being. Or, strictly speaking, it should be a catwoman!"

"One of them is called Maoxiao, the other is called Maosan!"

When Maji heard the words, his cheeks twitched again!

This Nima, what a mess!

"Oh, catwoman!"

Naturally, Maki would not show his timidity, he nodded, showing a clear look!

It seemed that he knew everything Temari said!

But in fact, he has never heard of Catwoman!

"It's interesting that Catwoman is called a stinky bear!"

"In fact, they are my real titles, not stinky bears!"

"Oh? How to say?"

"This little cat and the third cat are the demon cats who have cultivated into spirits. They are naturally good at fascinating others, so they made a combination by themselves, called the little three combination!"

Temari was excited at the moment. Seeing that Maki seemed interested in the book he was reading, he immediately explained it!

"This combination of Xiao San is just what Mao Xiao and Mao San claim to be!"

"But outsiders don't call them that, because they are very hot and good at seduce others with fierceness!"

"So, outsiders gave them the nickname of a fierce hook combination!"

"It's just that "Xiaogou" is a little slurred. Gradually, people start to reverse these two words and they become bears!"

When Maji heard this, he suddenly realized!

It turned out to be so, but he thought it was a book about animals!

"However, even if it's upside down, shouldn't it be a murderer?"

"Teacher, you know, this is avoiding harmony!"

"That's it!"

Immediately, Maji made up his mind secretly, next time he comes, he must read this book about bears and bald men!

If so, he also got the chainsaw!

Then his Mackey is really soaring!

At that time, who would dare to provoke them to Shayin?

"Teacher, if you don't read the book, don't read it again, the time is coming?"

Seeing Maji, who has been wandering beyond the sky, Temari couldn't help but remind him!

When Maji heard the words, he was immediately aroused!

Yes, my book is not finished yet!

Immediately, Maki gathered his mind, picked up the book, and flipped through it!

The book Maji read is called "The Story of Me and My Seventy-two Lovers"!

When seeing the title of the book, Mackey originally thought that this was a restricted novel!

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