Divine Child System

Chapter 3275: Copy out

Early the next morning, Maki took Gaara, Kankuro, and Temari and appeared in the bookstore again!

They now have another task!

Meet the owner of the bookstore!

Make a good impression in front of the owner of the bookstore, and then slowly persuade the boss to open a branch in Shayin!

Ma Ji was very fortunate that there was nothing rude to Ye Meng yesterday!

Even yesterday, Ye Meng strongly asked them to hold Naruto responsible for hurting Gaara!

Although Macky was upset at the time, he also endured it!

If Maki chose to turn his face with Ye Meng yesterday, he would never want to complete the task now!

So, Maki is very thankful for his wise move!

After stepping into the bookstore, Maji and others saw Ye Meng sitting in front of the cashier!

They arrived too early, Hinata and Huahuo sisters have not yet started to work!

Therefore, Ye Mengcai personally sat at the cash register and immediately!

"Hi boss!"

Maki, Kanjirou, Temari, all greeted Ye Meng respectfully!

Gaara, who was at the end, did not speak, but looked indifferent!

However, his eyes were born, but also a trace of fanatical worship!

Although Ye Meng looked only seven or eight years old!

However, who dares to underestimate him now?

"Reading again?"

Seeing this, Ye Meng asked lazily!

Maji and others reappeared, and it did not exceed his expectations!

After all, these guys are here for the bookstore!

Baby Bookstore is not in Shayin Village. They don't take advantage of this opportunity to read more books and gain more abilities!

"This is an expense, you collect it!"

Ma Ji respectfully handed 40,000 taels to Ye Meng, with a hint of humility on his face!


Ye Meng took the money and waved her little hand!


After hearing this, Maji responded!

He didn't continue to disturb Ye Meng!

After all, it is not an overnight thing to make friends with a terrifying powerhouse like Ye Meng!

No one was expecting it, just talk to Ye Meng, and he went to Shayin to open a branch!

With a sense of awe, Maki walked to the bookshelf with ease!

The task of making friends with Ye Meng is a long-term task!

Therefore, Mackey is not in a hurry!

When they came to the bookshelf, the four began to choose!

Gaara chose "The Pirate King" today!

Maki chose "Two Stinky Bears" which Temari watched yesterday!

As for Kankuro and Temari, they each chose fantasy novels to see!

Just as the four of Maki were concentrating on reading, Sisters Huahuo and Hinata came to the store!

"You are here, that baby went upstairs!"

Seeing the fireworks and Hinata coming, Ye Meng immediately became the shopkeeper!

He didn't leave the instance yesterday, but today he took this opportunity to return to Xuanyuan Universe to take a look!

After all, he has been in the dungeon for several days, and he does not know how the Xuanyuan Universe is now!

After going upstairs, Ye Meng had a thought and disappeared in place!

In the next moment, his figure has returned to the Xuanyuan universe!

Seeing Ye Meng appearing out of thin air, Ye Family is not surprised at all!

Xiao Yemeng has always been out there, and she can still connect with her ancestors. Now, almost everyone in the Ye family has respected Ye Meng as a deity!

Not to mention, behind Ye Meng, there is still a terrifying figure-Ye Xuan!

The emerging overlord of the Origin Galaxy!

Even the Lord of Origin, in front of Ye Xuan, would be trembling, not dare to give the slightest hint!

There is no other reason, just within a few days!

The strong under Ye Xuan's command had already wiped out the Sheng family of the four major families!

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