Divine Child System

Chapter 3280: camouflage

"Today this baby is here to take you out!"

The copy Ye Meng said something with milk!

As soon as his voice fell, all the saints became excited!

The proportion of time in the different-dimensional space can pass by much faster than the outside world!

Regardless of Ye Meng's presence in the Xuanyuan Universe, it will only take a few months to play a full game!

But in a different dimension, hundreds of years have passed!

The sages have long been bored here, and at this moment when they heard that Ye Meng was going to take them out, they were naturally excited!

"Little brother, have you figured out the situation?"

Shen Hongye stood up and asked in a low voice!

After hearing this, the dungeon Ye Meng nodded!

"Yes, this baby already knows the rules of this universe!"

"However, this baby has encountered a powerful enemy here and needs your help!"

Upon hearing this, all the saints looked terrified!

With Ye Meng's strength, a person who could be called a strong enemy by him is definitely not easy!

"Even little brother, you are considered a strong enemy, who is this?"

Shen Hongye looked surprised!

In his impression, no one in the world could be more powerful than Ye Meng!

"Speak out, you may not believe it!"

"This baby met a tribe here!"

Dungeon Ye Meng sighed, with a heavy expression on her small face!

"Clan people?"

All the saints and Shen Hongye were all taken aback!

Since he is a tribe, why has he become a strong enemy again?

Seeming to know the doubts in everyone's hearts, the copy Ye Meng explained it!

"The people here are extremely xenophobic, they are me... My baby is heresy and deliberately suppressed, so my baby fell out with them!"

Upon hearing this, all the saints suddenly realized!

Naturally, there are differences between families.

It is naturally not easy for an outsider like Ye Meng to be accepted by the natives!

And Ye Dong (Daozu) is a man of great strength, of course he is not willing to subdue to others!

Therefore, it is not incomprehensible to have a conflict with the family!

"Little brother, don't worry, whether you belong to your clan or not, I will definitely look forward to you!"

Shen Hongye yelled when he heard this!

They are all Ye Meng's confidantes, so naturally they only listen to Ye Meng's orders!

They don't care about so many people who are not people!

As long as you dare to mess with the little brother, we want you to look good!

Upon seeing this, the duplicate Ye Meng nodded in satisfaction.

As long as this group of people, after being fooled by him on his territory!

Even if Ye Meng's deity discovered the anomaly, it was already too late!

He is confident enough to brainwash and control this group of people!

Even for Ye Meng irons like Shen Hongye and others, he still has a way to make the other party surrender!

"Little brother, your tribe is the overlord of this universe, right?"

Shen Hongye tentatively asked!

For some reason, there is always something wrong in his heart!

But what was wrong in detail, he couldn't tell!

"Forget it, now the origin galaxy has fallen into their rule!"

The copy Ye Meng grinded her little tiger's teeth, and said milky voice!

Immediately, his small face sank, his eyes swept over everyone!

"My baby reminds you that there are two particularly powerful people among my baby's enemies. Even my baby does not dare to win easily!"

"Once you meet these two people, you don't need to think about it, and immediately use the strongest stunt to attack them, otherwise you won't have any chance to shoot!"

The dungeon Ye Meng said this very seriously!

When the sages heard this, their hearts were stunned, and they nodded again and again!

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