Divine Child System

Chapter 3288: Evil ideas

Naruto copy, Baby Bookstore.

Kankuro put down the book in his hand still unfinished!

His face is full of shocked expressions!

He had never thought that there are novels with such rich imagination in the world!

An incomplete thought can actually kill people!

Moreover, it is not only killing people, it also caused a **** storm!

The strong men in the novel, even the protagonist, are all played by it!

Such a big boss, he has never heard of it!

Although, in the end, this idea fell into madness and self-destruction!

However, the impact of this kind of plot on Kankuro can be said to be unparalleled!

"Congratulations on completing your reading and receiving a reward-Evil Mind!"

Suddenly, the mechanical electronic sound rang in Kankuro's mind!

After Kankuro heard this, he was stunned for an instant!

The evil idea is the biggest boss in the book!

He actually got a BOSS?

Kanjiuro was stunned by himself, a strange black mansion suddenly enveloped!

Immediately, the temperature of the entire bookstore seemed to drop a dozen degrees!

Maki and the others, who were concentrating on reading all around, couldn't help but shudder!

They raised their heads subconsciously and looked over!

The next moment, everyone was stunned!

"what is this?"

"What a terrible black mang!"

"Could it be that this is Kankuro's reward?"

"Why do I feel this black light seems to be evil?"

Maki and others whispered to themselves!

Not to mention them, Hinata and Huahuo in front of the cash register were also shocked, and the whole person instantly became alert!

They have experienced the things of the Baltan stars and know that the rewards for reading novels are good and bad!

It is undoubtedly a bad reward for people like Baltan!

What's more frightening is that these bad rewards can cause huge damage to Konoha!

Right now, the atmosphere in the bookstore is so evil!

Therefore, the fireworks and Hinata subconsciously began to be on guard!

If once this time there is a reward similar to the Baltan star!

Fortunately, they killed the danger in the cradle for the first time!

The black light lasted for about dozens of breaths, and gradually dissipated!

The next moment, a very gloomy laughter came out!

"Jie Jie Jie, another world? Interesting!"

As soon as this sound came out, Mackey and others felt their hairs stand up!

Even Gaara, who has always been indifferent and ruthless, has a tight body and can enter a fighting state at any time!

Step on, step on...

The sound of footsteps!

Kankuro was expressionless and stepped forward!

He ignored Maji and others beside him, as well as Hinata and Huahuo sisters in front of the cashier, and walked outside the bookstore!

"Kan Kuro!"

Seeing Kankuro's appearance, Temari couldn't help but exclaimed!

At this moment, Kanjirou's face was black and gloomy, as if he had changed!

Temari's exclamation did not stop Kankuro!

He just turned around and smiled evilly at his hands!

"Jie Jie Jie!"

The strange and gloomy laughter made everyone present shiver again!

"No, he seems to be possessed by something evil!"

After all, Maki is very knowledgeable. When he saw Kankuro's appearance, he immediately saw some clues!

When I heard Maji's words, Temari suddenly became anxious!

Kankuro is his younger brother after all!

Although Gaara's expression has not changed, the fists can't stop clenching!

What kind of evil thing is it that dare to possess Kankuro?

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