Divine Child System

Chapter 3291: Stop, don't leave

"Konoha is over, it's all messed up..."

The Anbe ninja couldn't speak with sobs.

In fact, when he saw Konoha in chaos, he almost collapsed on the spot!

Had it not been for his luck and had not been shrouded by the horrible shadow of evil thoughts, I am afraid he would have already become a member of the madman at this time!

Sarutobi's face changed slightly!

He took a deep breath, and didn't immediately believe what the Anbe Ninja said!


The crystal ball lights up!

Soon, the scenes of Konoha appeared in the crystal ball!

After just a few glances, Sarutobi shook his body and almost fell down!

Is this still Konoha?

In the picture, everyone is like a lunatic, attacking others unscrupulously!

The number of casualties is increasing, and dying Konoha villagers can be seen almost everywhere!

"This...what the **** is going on?"

Sarutobi's hands were trembling!

The last two times, the turbulence caused by the Baltan Stars and the Orochi Pills to Konoha, although it seemed quite serious!

But, in fact, they just destroyed some buildings and killed some Konoha ninjas!

For Konoha, it can't be said to be a painful one!

But this time it was different!

The entire Konoha seems to have fallen to more than half!

Once Konoha's villagers were killed and wounded in this sudden disaster!

So, is Konoha still necessary?

"If you send out the Anbu, you must find the culprit!"

Sarutobi Hizaki's look is extremely solemn!

Hearing this, the Anbu ninja responded and hurried away!

"Damn it, how could this be..."

Although the order had been given, Sarutobi Hizaki still did not dare to relax!

Right now, he doesn't even know how this disaster came about. How can he relax?

"Stop, don't leave!"

In the soft shout of Hua Huo, Kan Kuro, who had been possessed by evil thoughts, slowly stopped!

He turned around and smiled grimly at the fireworks!

"Jie Jie Jie..."

The creepy laughter sounded, and the fireworks couldn't help but shiver!

However, since she has caught up with the culprit, she won't let the other party escape easily!

After all, Konoha has been plunged into chaos when he came along this way!

If let him spread to more places, God knows Konoha can hold it?

Kankuro raised his arm with a strange expression!


A black shadow, instantly shrouded in fireworks!

Upon seeing the fireworks, my heart was horrified!

She didn't dare to neglect, she raised her hand, the golden saint clothing was already covered!

Immediately afterwards, her body was armed and domineering, frantically surging!

The person in front of him is too weird, even if he has armed domineering and golden saint clothes, Huahuo dare not underestimate the enemy!

The black shadow quickly touched the body of Hua Huo!

At this time, the golden saint clothing on the surface of Huahuo suddenly bloomed with dazzling golden light!

The next moment, the black shadow seemed to be electrocuted, and immediately retracted!

There was a look of surprise on Kankuro's face!

Obviously, he didn't expect that the shadow of his fear could not help but fireworks!

Suddenly emboldened!

She raised her hand and suddenly punched out!

Huahuo didn't move, only his fists blasted out into the void!

However, Kankuro, who was on the opposite side, flashed to the side as if he was facing an enemy!


The place where Kankuro stood before suddenly exploded!

The air waves are flying, the stone chips are flying!

The violent vigor is raging!

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