Divine Child System

Chapter 3323: Strange goods can live

"It's just a small matter, dad, leave it alone!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand upon hearing the words.

Father Ye took a deep look at Ye Meng, nodded, and stopped asking.

Ye Mu and Ye Shishi on the side also fell silent!

Although Ye Meng looked indifferent!

However, how could something that Ye Xuan could explain specifically to be trivial?

"Mengbao, don't be aggressive. Although my parents are not as good as you, they are also system owners!"

"If you have something that can't be solved, you must tell us, don't follow your brother, you will handle everything alone!"

Ye Mother looked at Ye Meng, hesitated for a moment, and said slowly!

"And I!"

Ye Shishi on the side also echoed a sentence!

Ye Meng laughed when he heard this!

"It's a trivial matter, my brother is just afraid I will forget it!"

What a joke, let alone Ye Meng can solve the dungeon Ye Meng!

Even if it can't be solved, he can't talk to his parents!

At that time, once the parents see the copy of Ye Meng, what kind of mood will they feel?

After all, the copy of Ye Meng is also Ye Meng!

Destroy yourself?

This kind of operation is not acceptable to everyone!

"Dead boy!"

Seeing Ye Meng's oily and salty state, Ye Mu felt helpless, so she gave him a fierce look!

When children grow up and have their own independent thinking, what else can they do as parents?

Xuanyuan Universe, Peba Star.

This planet is located at the junction of the π galaxy, the origin galaxy, and the Waga galaxy.

Due to its geographical location, Peba Star does not belong to the three above galaxies, but belongs to the three-regardless zone!

It is precisely because of this that Peba Star has become a paradise of sin and a source of chaos!

Here is full of killing, darkness, and tyranny!

Many interstellar thieves and important interstellar criminals often flee to Peba Star in order to avoid being wanted!

After a long time, almost wicked people gathered on Peba Star.

However, these are all in the past tense!

A few months ago, a terrifying strong man came to Peba Star, and strongly suppressed the strong on Peba Star and took it into a private domain!

This terrifying powerhouse is indeed a copy of Ye Meng!

Peba Star is his lair.

The most prosperous Moon City in Peba Star, in a palace full of exotic customs.

"Habao, eat slowly, there is more!"

The copy Ye Meng gave Ye Ha a smile.

At this time, Ye Ha was already eating his mouth full of oil, and he couldn't take care of it anymore, he only knew he nodded!

"Host, Ye Ha is completely convinced of you, when do you plan to have a showdown with Ye Xuan and Ye Meng brothers!"

"As long as he is in our hands, brothers Ye Xuan and Ye Meng will eventually throw a rat!"

The voice of the god-level bear child system rang in the mind of dungeon Ye Meng!

The dungeon Ye Meng left Ye Ha, naturally there was no good intentions!

For the strange goods to live!

Use Ye Ha to blackmail Ye Xuan and Ye Meng!

As the incarnation of Ye Meng's evil thoughts, the dungeon Ye Meng naturally knew how high Ye Ha's status is in Ye Xuan and Ye Meng's hearts!

It can be said that no one can match Ye Ha's status in the hearts of the two brothers except for close relatives like Ye father and Ye mother!

"I plan to use Ye Ha to eliminate Ye Meng's help first!"

After hearing the words, Ye Meng said silently in his heart!

"Is the host intending to blackmail Ye Xuan so that Ye Xuan must not interfere in the affairs between you and Ye Meng?"

The god-level system asked a question!

"Yes, although my strength alone is not inferior to Ye Xuan or Ye Meng, if their brothers join forces, it is not something I can deal with!"

"So, only if Ye Xuan is forced and unable to intervene in this matter, can I have enough chances to win!"

The copy Ye Meng replied in deep thought.

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