Divine Child System

Chapter 3325: Peba Star Lord

In front of the Governor's Mansion.

"Thank you to send a message to Governor Favali and say that the Star Master Peba is visiting!"

The dungeon Ye Meng looked at the guard of the Governor's Mansion and said slowly.

Upon hearing this, the guard at the Governor's Mansion gave Ye Meng a suspicious look!

What Peba star master, he naturally has never heard of it!

Peba Star is a place of chaos, where is the star owner?

However, this guard saw that the copy of Ye Meng was extraordinary, and he didn't dare to underestimate it!

Immediately, he nodded.

"Wait a minute!"

There is no such thing as a dog-blooded plot that looks low!

After all, not everyone can ignore the strong aura of Ye Meng's body and the aura of the superiors!

As the guards of the governor's palace, which one of them is not good at observing words and colors?

Offending a strong man inexplicably, this guard would not be so stupid!

"Governor, there is a person outside the door who claims to be the master of the stars of Peba and wants to ask to see you!"

"Peba Star Lord? Where does Peba Star come from?"

Favali was stunned when he heard this!

Even if he is the mighty governor of the Southern Territories, he is also confounded by the news!

Through the ages, Peba Star has been a chaotic land without an owner!

The π galaxy, the origin galaxy, and the Waga galaxy, although they all covet Peba Star!

Among them, the original galaxy is fine, after all, it is ruled by the π star system, so naturally I dare not fight with the π galaxy!

But the Waga galaxy is a force on the same level as the π galaxy, and neither side will accept it!

If the π galaxy dares to invade Peba Star, then the Waga galaxy will definitely send troops to interfere!

Therefore, under the fear of each of the two parties, Peba Xing has always been safe and sound, maintaining a transcendent independence!

Later, as more and more interstellar exiles, interstellar thieves, etc., gathered behind Peba Star!

Peba Star's strength is getting stronger and stronger!

Although it is not enough to compete with the two galaxies, at least it has the power to protect itself!

Coupled with the existence of an independent Peba Star, it can act as a buffer between the π galaxy and the Waga galaxy!

Therefore, the independence of Peba Star has been preserved!

But in any case, from beginning to end, Peba Star did not have a clear ruler!

Some are just loose alliances composed of several strong men to restrain the people of Peba Star!

And now, there is a person who claims to be Peba Star Lord, how can this not make Favali feel embarrassed?

"Are you sure he is calling himself Peba Star Lord?"

Favali looked at the guards and asked in a deep voice.

The guard nodded when he heard the words.

"The subordinates can hear clearly. This person really claims to be the master of Peba Star. At that time, the subordinates were strange, when will Peba Star have a master!"

"However, the subordinates think this popularity is extraordinary, so they dare not neglect, so they come to pass the message to the Governor!"

Hearing the words of the guard, Favali, who had a serious expression, gradually raised the corners of his mouth!

"Interesting, take him in!"

The guard heard the words and left as promised!

When the guards left, Favali was lost in thought.

Can make his guards think that the bearing is extraordinary, then this person who claims to be the star master of Peba will never be a simple character!

You know, his guards are all elites among the elite!

All Samsung chip fighters are extremely powerful!

Logically, what kind of strong they have not seen?

Therefore, Favali was particularly curious about how sacred this guy who claimed to be the star of Peba was!

After a while, the previous guard, with a copy of Ye Meng, entered the governor's office.

When the copy, Ye Meng, had just stepped into the Governor's office, Favali's gaze fell on him instantly!

Immediately, Favali's eyes wiped out a look of surprise!

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