Divine Child System

Chapter 3329: Pain of Pai Galaxy

Because the π galaxy is a high-tech galaxy!

In addition, the Supreme Council of the Xuanyuan Universe strictly prohibits civilization exchanges between galaxies!

As a result, there are very few people in the π galaxy who know martial arts!

Although, the chip warrior of the π galaxy is far more powerful than the warrior of the origin galaxy!

However, there is one thing, a powerful chip warrior, but it can never be comparable to a warrior!

That is, Shou Yuan!

The martial arts system of the original galaxy has been passed down for thousands of years, and it can be said to have reached its peak!

Therefore, the martial artist, after practicing, the more lifespan increase in the later stage, the more shocking it is!

Especially in the ancient times, the martial arts powerhouses of the original galaxy could easily live millions of years, which can be described as envious of others!

On the contrary, high-tech chip soldiers, although powerful, they are still ordinary people in essence!

Nothing but, these people have been implanted with high-tech chips and become extremely powerful!

But their longevity is still the same as that of ordinary people, and even shorter than ordinary people!

In this regard, the insightful people of the π galaxy have long coveted the original martial arts!

However, due to the ban of the Supreme Council, even if the π galaxy has been infiltrating for millions of years, it still has little effect!

Even because of this, some dignitaries in the π galaxy secretly launched a conspiracy to destroy the ancient martial arts of the origin galaxy!

It's just that the latter incident was revealed, which caused the anger of the Supreme Council!

The pi galaxy dignitaries who launched the conspiracy were directly slaughtered by the Supreme Council!

This allowed part of the martial arts system of the Origin Galaxy to be passed down!

Since then, even though the π galaxy still covets the martial arts system, it doesn't dare to move any evil thoughts!

Can only lay out secretly, relying on some spies to try to steal the original martial arts system!

However, how vast is the original martial art, and how can it be stolen by a few spies?

In the end, the π galaxy has only got some fur, and there is no use for eggs at all!

However, it is different now!

The origin galaxy changed ownership, but the π galaxy was not reported!

what is this?

To put it bluntly, this is the crime of bullying!

Even the Supreme Council will be furious about it!

Therefore, if Favali relied on this, even if the original galaxy was included under his command, no one would dare to say anything!

After all, this is entirely the origin galaxy's own death, no wonder anyone!

And once the original galaxy is incorporated into one's own command!

Isn't it possible to learn the martial arts system anytime, anywhere?

At that time, Favali had both original martial arts and high-tech chips, even if the Lord of the Gray Palace was in front of him, he would not dare to be presumptuous!

You know, for the longing for Shouyuan, the dignitaries of the π galaxy have almost reached the point of being in awe!

Think about it, this group of powerful, wealth, power, reputation, beauty, what?

But unfortunately, the longevity they want most is not possible!

Even the technology of the π galaxy has developed to an incredible degree!

But it can only barely increase the lifespan of mankind by 20 or 30 years!

This sounds weird!

How can it be impossible to solve the longevity problem when technology has developed to a certain extent?

But in fact, it is!

The most popular way to increase longevity among the nobles in the π galaxy is to replace organs!

Replace aging organs with brand new or even artificial organs to achieve the purpose of life extension!

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