Divine Child System

Chapter 3397: Long live

"Isn't the gas age the first civilization born on our planet Valen? According to historical records, it should be the Stone Age. How could it become theology?"

"No, the age of gas is the age of mythology. Haven't you discovered that most of the myths and legends on our planet Valen come from the age of gas?"

"Right, right, the age of mythology, can't be wrong!"

"Does a mythical character really exist?"

All the architects were surprised!

Angulo continued to glance at the books, suppressing his excitement!

He took a deep breath and said in a deep voice.

"Everyone be quiet, listen to me!"

When everyone heard the words, they all fell silent!

The architects present are basically Angulo’s disciples and grandchildren, so naturally they will not fail to give Angulo face!

"The age of gas is the age of myth. There is no doubt about this!"

"A long time ago, some scholars put forward this argument, but it was forcibly suppressed at that time!"

"Before, I didn't believe this, but now, this book clearly tells us that the age of myths really exists!"

"Look, these data clearly point out that God is not fictional!"

While talking, Angulo pointed to the data in the book.

When everyone heard the words, they all gathered around, looking at the book in unison!

The next moment, everyone was stunned!

This book actually uses data to analyze what a **** is!

"Oh my god, it's incredible!"

"According to the statement in the book, as long as we can achieve such data, can we become gods?"

"Yes, I just calculated it and there is no problem with the data!"

"I have also calculated, the data is correct!"

Everyone exclaimed again and again, with an unbelievable look on their faces!

No way, they saw for the first time that someone could use data to explain what a **** is!

"Okay, let the matter of the gods aside, Raymond arranges it, let everyone separately calculate whether the data of the star station is correct!"

"If there is no problem with these data, then we can start building the Star Terrace immediately!"

Upon seeing this, Angulo waved his hand and said!

For Angulo's words, Raymond will naturally not go against it!

He nodded and agreed!

Soon, began to assign tasks!

After a while, Angulo's entire team suddenly entered the intense data calculation!

"The building dimensions and standards are correct!"

"The gravity calculation is correct!"

"The quality unit is tested correctly!"

"The indicators match!"

One after another with joyous voices sounded!

The joy of Angulo's face became more and more obvious!

When the last person reported the test data, the whole studio was suddenly caught in a huge cheer!

"Long live!"

"It's great, now we can definitely complete the task!"

"Oli bless the great god!"

"Thank Ollie for the great god!"

The huge pressure that was originally engulfing the team was wiped out at this moment!

You know, without this "Theology of Gas", they might not be able to accomplish Favali's mission!

When the time comes, Favali, who is furious, will know how to deal with them!

It can be said that at this moment, Angulo's team all relaxed!

They are now confident to build the Star Terrace within a limited time!

After all, even the key data for the construction of Xingkong Station has appeared before their eyes in detail!

As top architects, if they still can’t figure it out, they can be killed in a headshot!

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