Divine Child System

Chapter 3438: Public doubt

Roth and De Kola feel that Uncle Gongye’s rating is low!

But Aogu, King Yad and others hold different opinions!

"I know that Uncle Gongye is just a poor man who has been deprived of his noble status!"

"He can wake up, it's nothing more than **** luck!"

"Such a humble thing has actually received an extraordinary rating, huh, the temple has been abusing power over the years, it is simply too much!"

Archbishop Ogu was very indignant about this!

The temple and the religion, although they were created by the great **** by Ori!

But at the beginning of its establishment, the responsibilities of the two organizations were completely different!

The temple has the right to rate any cultivator in the realm of the great **** by Oli!

They control the cultivators, whether they can be included in the official only channel!

The gods do not have any rating rights!

They only have the right to evaluate!

The so-called evaluation right means that any clergy must undergo an annual evaluation every year!

Once the assessment fails to meet the criteria, then this clergyman will be expelled from the temple or religious cult!

Speaking of which, Ollie also played pretty beautifully with this hand!

One is the right of rating and the other is the right of assessment. The two sides check and balance each other!

This completely belongs to the emperor's mind!

When Olivier was reigning, the temple and the religion naturally did not dare to make any noise!

But now, Ollie disappeared suddenly.

These two forces naturally want to get rid of each other's checks and balances!

Therefore, the two sides have been fighting more and more over the years!

If they hadn't been afraid of Ollie giving it to the Great God, they would have already torn each other's faces.

But this is the case, the temple and the religion have gradually begun to establish their own rating and evaluation system!

Once both sides get rid of the other side's checks and balances!

Then, the day when the temple and the religion are completely turned over is not far away!

"Uncle Gongye was the first to awaken in the Tulu galaxy in nearly a hundred years, and stepped into the transcendent level of awakening. Naturally, there is no need to question his talent!"

"Therefore, the people in my temple decided unanimously to grant him the position of three-star warrior!"

Willie looked around and said loudly.

Although, Willie seems to be speaking to everyone!

But in fact, everyone knows that he said this to Archbishop August and others.


Archbishop August heard this and snorted coldly, deeply dissatisfied!

What does it mean to be a three-star warrior?

It means that a lot of resources will be divided by the temple!

This is undoubtedly what the gods do not want to see.

But unfortunately, no matter how dissatisfied Archbishop Augu is, there is no reason to refute!

Who is the rating right, in the hands of the temple!

Just when Archbishop August was angry, a figure stood up!

"Wait a minute, Lord Willie, I have a question!"

The sudden sound made Willie stunned!

He turned his head and looked around, and his anger suddenly rose!

The speaker turned out to be the presiding judge of the court Paul!

The court is just a small force under the name of God!

Even if the presiding judge Paul is extremely powerful, he may not even compare to Willy in terms of authority!

Now, he actually dared to question the rating of the temple in public!

What does he want to do?

Willie was surprised and angry at this.

Not to mention Willy, even Archbishop August is completely confused!

"President Paul, what do you want?"

Willie's face turned gloomy for an instant, and there was anger in his tone.

The priests of the temples all around also lowered their faces, glaring at Paul one by one!

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