Divine Child System

Chapter 3443: Storm

"Master Willie, the theory of meeting ceremony exists in Eastern civilization."

"You can take something at will and deal with it. I think Ye Meng, this kid, is not deliberately making trouble!"

Seeing that Willie hadn't reacted yet, Uncle Gong Ye quickly whispered.

Hearing this, Willie screamed and recovered.

"Ye Meng, all the guests here are guests. You ask them to meet... but it's not appropriate to meet you!"

"Well, your gift, the temple will prepare it for you, sit down!"

Willie coughed slightly and said to Ye Meng.

He didn't dare to let Ye Meng mess around again!

Otherwise, in the end, the shrine is still the temple.

Hearing Willie's words, Ye Meng thought for a while, nodded, and sat down!

Some things are not done overnight, he is not in a hurry.

Seeing Ye Meng sitting down obediently, Willie was relieved.

He shook his head, and secretly decided in his heart that he would not let Ye Meng, a little kid, attend such an important occasion after being killed!

Tong Yan Wuji is pretty cute, but if it doesn't distinguish between occasions, it becomes embarrassing!

"Everyone, it's okay, the kid is ignorant, laugh, laugh!"

Willie smiled and began to apologize to everyone!

How to say, the scene just now was somewhat embarrassing!

As the host of the dinner, Willie could not lose his courtesy.

After hearing the words, everyone laughed a few times, and gradually skipped the topic.

No way, they feel embarrassed too!

After all, a kid stood up and asked you for gifts!

That's all, but the guests present can't get them all!

Ninety-nine percent of them were guests of noble origin, and they were somewhat dull.

Archbishop Aogu glanced at Ye Meng, his eyes rolled, and a playful look appeared on his face.

The next moment, he suddenly stood up.

"Little friend Ye Meng, Aogu was rude just now, this is your meeting...meeting ceremony!"

While speaking, Aogu had already walked up to Ye Meng.

Then he took a mouthpiece necklace from his neck and handed it to Ye Meng!

The pendant of this necklace is a strange-looking human being framed by a frame around him!

This strange-looking human being is Oli to the great god!

According to legend, Oli was betrayed by a traitor before he became a god, leading to being imprisoned in prison and almost dying!

This allusion is used in the mouthpiece!

It is quite similar to the cross of **** on earth.

The ordinary word frame is naturally nothing unusual!

But Ogu's article is very unusual!

This is the word frame bestowed by the leader after Aogu entered the religion, and it is also a holy artifact!

Therefore, Ogu's took out this word-speaking frame, which is considered to be bleeding!

As for why he did it!

Outsiders can't understand his thoughts!

But when Willie saw this, his face sank.

"Archbishop August, what do you mean?"

With Willie's insight, he would naturally see through Ogu's actions at a glance, and it was clear that he had no good intentions.

"Hehehe, Lord Willie, I'm sending a meeting gift to Ye Meng, do you think it's wrong?"

When Ogu spoke, Ye Meng had already taken over the mouthpiece with Shi Shiran, which made him instantly confident.

Seeing Willy questioning, he suddenly replied.

Willie's face was a little gloomy when he heard this.

But he didn't have much to say!

Ogu is willing to give a meeting gift, what else can you do?

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