Divine Child System

Chapter 3476: Have to rely on the temple

"What an arrogant child!"

Cardinal Pauli shouted angrily and stood up!

Poly has never been a person who likes to be a bird, but this time is different.

Ye Meng's resistance made him suddenly realize that his opportunity was coming.

The strength of this kid right now is really extraordinary.

Just relying on the black-clothed followers, there is nothing to do with the opponent!

Then, in the end, they will definitely need cardinals like them to take action, perhaps to take the opponent down.

Since he has to shoot sooner or later, it is better to take advantage of the other people's unresponsiveness, and he will take down the kid first!

In this way, when he competes for the position of Archbishop vacated by Ogu, will he be able to occupy more advantages?

Therefore, Poly, who has always disliked to be the first bird, came forward first!

Poly's move stunned the many cardinals present.

In the next moment, many people have already reacted!

"Made, this opportunistic villain Poly!"

Some cardinals screamed in their hearts and stood up one after another!

Ye Meng glanced over, and found that the cardinals who stood up were basically the ones who asked him questions just now!

What Porta, what Poly, what Druya ​​and so on!

They are all for the position of the archbishop, who are determined to win!

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth without saying anything, turning his hands, and patted the nearest Poly.

Ye Meng's palm didn't use any energy, only relying on the power of the flesh!

But this is the case. His random palm is already shocking enough!

A palm was shot, and the void suddenly rang out!

Immediately, the entire cathedral began to tremble!


Upon seeing this, Paulie was shocked.

He had never seen such a fierce palm in his life.

After all, Poly is just a civilian bishop. Although he has a certain combat effectiveness, he may not have rich combat experience!

Just so dumbfounded, Ye Meng's palm was almost about to photograph Poly's body!

But Poly was still stupid and still hadn't reacted!

Seeing this scene, Willie's figure suddenly moved!


The palms intersect in the air, making a loud noise!

Willie's body suddenly withdrew a few steps backwards!

But Ye Meng remained motionless.

Poly shivered, and then he came back to his senses!

"Thank you Deputy Willie!"

Pauly, who has recovered, is extremely grateful to Willy!

Had it not been for Willie, I'm afraid he would have been lying on the ground now!

"Your Excellency Poly, you guys, retreat!"

"This kid is the Awakener, you are not his opponent!"

Willie took a deep breath, glanced at Ye Meng, and said slowly.

Hearing Willy's words, the bishops who had just scrambled to stand up all breathed a sigh of relief!

To be honest, they were all shocked by Ye Meng's brutal hand just now!

It's not that they are timid!

Rather, they are all civil servants!

Even if it's fighting, you have to pray first, and use power from Oli to help the great gods, so that they can exert their power beyond ordinary people!

Therefore, all the bishops are self-aware, knowing that they can't get involved in a battle like this!

To deal with this child, you have to rely on the temple!


Seeing the bishops retreating, Willie gave a soft sigh!

Fuer heard this, and understood!

The next moment, he snapped and snapped his fingers!

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