Divine Child System

Chapter 3501: Fall off the altar

As for why Ollie just declared that the supreme ruler was out of place, it would cause the belief system to collapse!

That's also because Ollie gave the internal system!

The belief system bound by Ollie has no more wool on Ollie!

So, this thing is about to cut leeks!

That's right, leeks are for Ollie!

The goal of the system is to give Oli a huge divine power to the body!

Is it true that Ollie’s divine power that is gradually disappearing is caused by the collapse of the belief system?

Wrong, it was eaten by the system!

It's just that the system cuts leeks, and it's very particular about methods!

It will not swallow the supernatural power that Ollie has given to the body all at once!

Doing so will only kill Ollie instantly, and it will not do any good for the system!

After all, this broken system has not yet found a new host!

It also needs the body given by Ollie to continue to provide it with nourishment!

Of course, if it waits for it to find a new host, then it's time for Ollie to die!

The system harvested Ollie, and after nearly a quarter of its supernatural power, it stopped.

Feeling the divine power in the body and stopping the passage, Ollie breathed a sigh of relief secretly!

He hasn't noticed until now, this is the ghost of the system!

This guy naively thought that the belief system really collapsed, causing his divine power to decline!

Ye Meng glanced at Ollie and shook his head.

In front of him, Ollie gave the broken system in his body, any movement was unobstructed!

However, Ye Meng would not remind Ollie to give it!

Even if he has decided to accept Ollie, it is no exception!

This guy is too stupid, let him suffer more, and it is better to learn from the rise!

Anyway, as long as he destroys the broken system that Ollie gave to his body, the supernatural power that Ollie gave will be restored!

Ye Meng is not interested in the belief system given by Ollie!

A low-level system that doesn't even have a prefix. If you say something bad, don't give it to him!

"Okay, Ollie will give it to you, and don't **** with that kind of carelessness!"

"Those believers want to make trouble, let them make trouble!"

"Go, go back with this baby!"

Ye Meng said, patted Ollie, and said milky voice!

Ollie's smile grew bitter after hearing this.

However, he didn't dare not listen to Ye Meng's words.

Immediately, he bitterly, followed Ye Meng and walked towards Aogu and others!

Believers riots are happening on all planets in the entire Xuanyuan universe!

The π galaxy is no exception!

However, Ye Xuan is in the π galaxy, and Ye Xuan will not tolerate these **** followers!

The believers in the π galaxy were ruthlessly suppressed by Ye Xuan's army when the riots just appeared!

Even the various temples and religious branches in the π galaxy were completely destroyed by Ye Xuan's army!

There is no need for any faith in the Ye family's territory!

Even if there is, it can only be the Ye family brothers!

Of course, Ye Xuan can order the destruction of the temple and the religious branch without hesitation!

It was also because Ye Xuan knew that Ye Meng had already planned to rebuild the religion of God!

Therefore, these original temples and religious branches have become dispensable!

Anyway, to rebuild, it might as well destroy it first!

The believer's riot did not last long!

After all, the ruler of any planet will not tolerate such a thing!

After three days, all the turmoil was completely calmed down!

The angry nobles also recovered their calm again!

However, after this incident, Ollie completely fell from the altar, and there are almost few people who continue to believe in him!

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