Divine Child System

Chapter 3515: Ye Meng's plan

Among them, the Great Sui Dynasty was due to the contradiction between Sui Emperor Yang Zhai and the Great Sui's martial arts forces.

In the Qing Dynasty, it was because no convincing master has appeared so far!

Like what Tiandihui Chen Jinbei, Shenlong leader Hong Anchang, Huashan Mu Renqing and others, they are undoubtedly far from the realm of the great master!

But these people are already the strongest masters on the face of Qingming!

Therefore, the Qing Dynasty has gradually declined in recent years.

Of course, in the entire Yanyang Continent, the strong are like clouds.

Some masters may not be the same as the court.

"Little brother, this is interesting!"

After listening for a while, Shen Hongye's old face showed a look of interest!

Regardless of whether it is the court or martial arts, it is an extremely fresh experience for Shen Hongye!

Although, the level of force in Yanyang Continent is not high!

But so what?

"Yes, Old Shen, this Yanyang Continent is indeed quite interesting!"

Ye Meng nodded when he heard the words and agreed.

Isn't this Yanyang Continent the World of Comprehensive Martial Arts!

Ye Meng has experienced various planes, but has not yet encountered the world of comprehensive martial arts!

Therefore, he was originally only to deal with the Wuhei in the Central Plains, but he gradually became interested in this Yangyang continent!

"Little brother, what are you going to do?"

"Should we help foreigners or natives? Should we enter the court, or are we in the martial arts?"

Shen Hongye asked Ye Meng expectantly.

Ye Meng gritted his teeth when he heard the words.

"None of us will help, nor enter the court. We will create a sect by ourselves, and then recruit some player disciples to mess up the whole martial arts!"

"Hey, this baby wants to see, where else can the Zhongyuan Wuhei guy hide!"

Central Plains Wuhei, like them, came to Yanyang Continent by special methods!

Therefore, even the Heavenly Way of the Sun cannot sense the Five Blacks of Central Plains!

"Good good!"

Upon hearing this, Shen Hongye immediately agreed loudly.

Naturally, Liu Feifei and Ye Shishi would not object to this.

Anyway, the two of them are purely following to make soy sauce!

"Then little brother, where are you going to create a martial art?"

Shen Hongye seemed to be quite interested in Ye Meng's proposal and couldn't wait to ask.

"Go to Daming next door. As for the position of creating martial arts, this baby has already found it!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth when she heard the words, said milky voice.


Daming, adjacent to Datang.

Taoyuan Town is actually the junction of the three dynasties of Ming, Tang and Song!

Therefore, if you want to enter Daming, you must pass Taoyuan Town.

After more than an hour, Ye Meng and others appeared on a steep cliff.

This cliff is about a hundred meters high, and the strange peak is abrupt, easy to defend and difficult to attack!

"Little brother, are you planning to occupy this place?"

Shen Hongye looked up at Shanya and asked curiously.

"Yes, this is Heimuya, the general altar of Sun Moon Sect!"

"The Sun Moon Teaching is among the players and it is very popular. As long as we win the Sun Moon Teaching, we don't have to worry about not being able to recruit disciples!"

Ye Meng grinned her little tiger's teeth and started talking with joy!

The world of martial arts in Yanyang Continent is quite strange!

Many martial arts schools and martial arts masters are similar to the characters and schools in some martial arts novels that Ye Meng knew in his previous life!

Just like the Sun Moon Sect in front of us, the leader is called Dongfang Undefeated!

This is like the Sun Moon God Sect of the Golden Martial Arts, the East is unbeaten, and it feels quite specious!

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