Divine Child System

Chapter 613: Little Fairy Travel

"Palace Master Su, the chicken is here!"

Wei Zhongxian said, screaming at Du Ruolin!

Su Xiaotian saw this, and stood still on the spot in an instant, the whole person was messy!

Wang Ji became a chicken? The mentor will keep her in a cage? What's all this mess?

After struggling for a long time, Wang Ji Du Ruolin was still regarded as a chicken by everyone, and she was locked in the cage where Ye Meng used to raise peacocks!

It is useless to let Du Ruolin cry and cry!

Now it’s clear that Little Fairy has treated Wang Ji as a little chicken, how can everyone defy Xiao Fairy’s meaning?

Early the next morning, Ye Meng, who was already uncontrollable and lawless, appeared on the streets of Nanjiang Mansion with a group of sub-grand masters!

In Ye Meng's words, he is going to buy a more advanced cage for the chicken!

Ever since, Wei Zhongxian in the East Tower, Liu Man in the West Pavilion, and Lu Bing in the Jindaotang, the three famous gangsters in the alliance, turned into old eunuchs, nodding and bowing to accompany Ye Meng to start shopping!

Ye Meng's first die-hard fan, Shen Hongye, who has no skin and no face, and Shang Yuanliang, the fox of Nanjiang who has a tendency to become a second fan!

Coupled with the great masters such as the old demon of stars, it is really mighty, shouting from the front to the back, making countless people look at him!

"Huh? Isn't this the little fairy boy? He is now becoming more famous, and he is starting to make a show? When he comes out to go shopping, there are a lot of bodyguards crying out..."

"You are so blind, you can see who is around the little fairy boy, can you talk about it?"

"That is, the most annoying of these brainless sprays, do not understand anything, and come out and beep, not afraid of embarrassment!"

"Is there anything special about the people around Xiao Xiantong... Hey, my god, it's Wei Zhongxian, Wei Lougong, Liu Man Liu Gefu, Lu Binglu Jin Swordsman... They are all alliance leaders!"

The onlookers were stunned!

Little Fairy went shopping, so exaggerated? Let the alliance bosses have to personally accompany them, and depending on their looks, they look like slaves, how can there be the slightest appearance of the alliance boss?

After the news spread, everyone was shocked!

Soon, even in the TV news, this news was urgently interrupted!

It didn't take long for the news that the three alliances appeared on the streets of Nanjiang Mansion, appeared in front of many leaders of the alliance!

Milian Star Holy League, Black Palace!

The great godfather Auba Niu sullenly, shouted to the intelligence personnel in front of him!

"Who can tell me what the **** is going on? Why did Ye Meng, a kid, get in touch with the forces of the Azure Stars so quickly?"

All the officials of the Black Palace, and the intelligence officers of the Holy League were silent!

In fact, how did they know that Wei Zhongxian and others appeared in Nanjiang Mansion inexplicably?

"Trash, all of them are trash!"

*** Upon seeing this, my heart became even more angry, roaring loudly!

After venting for a long time, Auba Niu took a deep breath and said solemnly!

"The arrest of Ye Meng should be put on the agenda as soon as possible. This godfather needs to see Ye Meng appear in my black house before the end of next month! If you can't do it, this godfather will send you to the black technology laboratory!"

"Yes, Great Godfather!"

When the officials heard the words, they only agreed!

Just as the Milian Star Holy Alliance was preparing to capture Ye Meng, the Red Fuji Group, also from Milian Star, was also full of tension!

The facilitator and CEO of Red Fuji Group, Mi Lianxing's one of the few masters, Qiao did not think weakly lying on the recliner, his confidant, surrounded all around, frowning and frowning, with a panic expression!

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