Divine Child System

Chapter 654: The world is shocked

"Yes, mentor! Don't underestimate the changes in the alliance. After all, now you have been deeply involved with Wei Gong, Liu Gong and others. I am worried that the new leader may use this excuse to do it against you! "

After hearing what Shen Hongye said, Su Xiaotian also showed a worried look on his face.

He sees farther and more thoroughly than Shen Hongye!

In the eyes of outsiders, Du Ruoan, the new leader, only has the lineage of Mi Lian Star, and his attitude is more biased towards Mi Lian Star, but Su Xiaotian knows that Du Ruoan is actually a running dog of the Holy Alliance, and he doesn't know about Mengzong Mansion. What did you think about making such a person the leader!

Once Du Ruoan gains a firm foothold in the position of the leader, can Du Ruoan stand by and watch Ye Meng's eyes with the sacred alliance?

So far, everyone can't calm down!

You must know that everyone present is deeply involved with Ye Meng. If Ye Meng is unlucky, they will naturally not be much better.

"Oh, this baby got it! Isn't it just the alliance left by Old Man Du, this baby is not afraid!"

Ye Meng waved his small hand, still with a nonchalant expression on his small face.

Su Xiaotian, Shen Hongye and others suddenly laughed bitterly when they saw this.

Now, they have no choice but to take one step at a time.

"Hey! What an eventful season!"

Su Xiaotian sighed silently in his heart.


The next day, news of the alliance's tremendous changes finally spread throughout the entire Nebula Galaxy!

The leader of the League, Du Chaoyang, died, and Du Ruoan, who was born in the line of the Mengzong Mansion, took the position of the leader.

After the ceremony of sacrifice to the sky, the leader Du Ruoan issued several alliance orders in a row!

He first announced the ten most serious crimes of Liu Jin from the West Pavilion, publicly released the news that Liu Jin had been arrested and brought to justice, and asked the entire alliance to try their best to arrest Liu Jin and his party Yu Liu Man and others!

Immediately afterwards, Du Ruoan's second order of the alliance was to detain Wei Zhongxian of Donglou Lou Gong for bullying the leader, the cholera alliance, and announced the public arrest of 900-year-old Wei Zhongxian and purge the East Tower party members!

The East Tower and West Pavilion, two forces with a history of ten thousand years in the alliance, were uprooted by Du Ruoan, Mengzong Mansion, Holy League and other forces almost overnight!

The only remaining Jindaotang went up and down, all panicking, but they had not waited for the news that Lu Bing had returned to Stormtrooper, they had been arrested by Du Ruoan with an alliance order, and they were all arrested in the alliance prison!

The three traditional forces of Azure Star in the alliance were disintegrated almost instantly!

All of a sudden, countless officials of literati background in the alliance celebrated!

In the eyes of these literati, the East Tower, the West Pavilion, and the Jindaotang were notorious spy agencies. The leader used these three forces to operate the sword. It is really wise, wise and decisive!

It's just that these literati didn't even think about it. Without the three forces of East Tower, West Pavilion, and Jindaotang, would the Azure Stars still have the right to speak in the alliance?

Just when most people were fortunate that the new leader was a wise king, the development of things became beyond their imagination!

In the afternoon of the same day, Du Ruoan issued an alliance order again, announcing that the blue star would be downgraded to a second-class planet, and the people of the blue star would no longer enjoy the treatment of first-class citizens!

But the matter was not over yet. Soon afterwards, Du Ruoan announced again that Mi Lianxing would be promoted to a special star and to be the companion capital of the Alliance. Its status is tied to that of Storm Star and surpassed all the planets under the Alliance!

At the same time, the Moon Star, which was originally only a second-class planet, was upgraded to a first-class star by Du Ruoan, directly governing Azure Star, Baume Star, etc., the Eastern Planet of the Alliance!

When the news came out, the world was shocked!

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