Divine Child System

Chapter 748: Little bastard, have enough trouble

"This... this kid, can fire bullets?"

A civil official under the household department pointed to Ye Meng tremblingly, with a look like a ghost!

Bullet, how long have they not seen it?

ten years? Twenty years? Or thirty years?

Since Situ Yue took the position of prime minister of the cabinet, he began to vigorously develop martial arts. The Yuan Wu Empire was changed from a modern empire to a feudal empire respected by martial arts by Situ Yue!

However, Situ Yue has only been in power for more than 30 years. Therefore, the remote planets in the Yuanwu Empire still retain traces of modernization!

But among the capitalists, they are no different from ancient times!

Therefore, this civil official seemed so shocked after seeing Ye Meng launch a bullet!

He was not only shocked that Ye Meng was able to fire bullets out of thin air, but more reasons were obviously because he hadn't seen bullets for decades!

Under Ye Meng Galint's blast, all the forbidden troops were completely fallen in a pool of blood in just a moment, and no one was spared!

Many ministers around, although they were also affected by Garlint's blast, their cultivation level is relatively high after all, and there is no danger of life, but they are unavoidable!

"Yeah, eat this baby again!"

Seeing all the ministers in embarrassment and avoiding, Ye Meng laughed with joy!

When he lifted his wrist, a rocket was launched instantly!


Amid the huge roar, the rocket catapulted a honorable person, and immediately led him out of the hall!


The explosion sounded, and the monk was blown into flying ash!

Several civil servants near the gate, after seeing it, immediately lost their souls!

The Xunqi of Guiyuan Realm's cultivation base was bombed to death like this?

This kid is so terrifying!

"Reverse, reverse!"

Prime Minister Situ Yue and King Luo Jian of Dingxi were so angry that they screamed!

The child in front of him was so bold and arrogant that he openly killed the minister in the Golden Luang Temple. This was simply not taking their Yuan Wu Empire into consideration at all!

"Let the old man come!"

Finally, one of the military commanders in the military faction was overwhelmed!

He shouted and stood up!

"It's Li Biqi!"

"Hussar General Li Ruhai, returned to the Yuan Dynasty Eighth Layer, looking at my entire Yuan Wu Empire, I am also a first-class master!"

"With Li Piao riding a horse, I don't believe that I can't take this alien child!"

"Yes, that kid is at most weird. In terms of strength, he is no more than a grandmaster. How is Li Piqi's opponent?"

As a figure in the military forces second only to General Hengyue, Li Ruhai is still quite confident in his own strength!

He just carefully observed Ye Meng's several methods and found that they were only unexpected!

In terms of pure strength, this kid is not his opponent at all!

At this point, Li Ruhai's figure flashed, and he immediately stopped in front of Ye Meng!

"Little bastard, is there enough trouble?"

Li Ruhai yelled, all hair and beard, glared at Ye Meng!

Ye Meng made such a big trouble in the Golden Luang Temple, Li Ruhai, as the imperial barrier, naturally couldn't stand it anymore, so he chose to take action!

Otherwise, it is reasonable to say that he is not necessary at all, and he will jump out now. After all, everything is caused by the civil servants and the cliques!

"Do you dare to scold this baby?"

Ye Meng tilted his head when he heard the words, staring at Li Ruhai sharply, grinding his little teeth!

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