Divine Child System

Chapter 820: Almost scared the lord to death

"She... Sixth Layer of the Mortal Realm?"

Hua Nishang and the elders looked at each other, and they both found a huge shock in each other's eyes.

"I remember that three days ago, Ye Meng still just entered the first stage of Shufan, right?"

Great Elder Hua Luoyun asked uncertainly.

"It can't be wrong, three days ago, Ye Meng ate the spirit soldiers and the spirit treasures and entered the Transcendence Realm!"

Hua Nishang nodded affirmatively.

At that time, Ye Meng's breakthrough, they had witnessed it with their own eyes, and it was indeed a singularity.

But now that he hasn't seen him for three days, Ye Meng has broken through the five levels one after another and reached the sixth level of Transcendence?

Although Hua Nishang and others have thought that Ye Meng is a peerless genius of gluttonous physique, even with gluttonous physique, I am afraid that he cannot achieve such an exaggerated breakthrough speed, right?

"Could it be that what happened in the sect in the past two days?"

Hua Nishang and others unconsciously began to be suspicious!

In fact, they are not very familiar with ordinary disciples, otherwise, they should know that the person who broke through is not the core disciples of Wangyue Pavilion, but all the people present!

"what happened?"

Hua Nishang turned her head and asked Xue Ziqian.

If you don't understand the key, how can Hua Nishang and others relax?

"Back to Sect Master, things are like this..."

Xue Ziqian explained this with a smile.

After listening to Xue Ziqian's words, Hua Nishang and the elders showed a husky expression.

"You mean, Ye Meng killed the ancient python demon cow, and then roasted the ancient python demon cow. You also ate some demon beef, and then collectively broke through?"

It's not that Hua Nishang and others didn't believe it, but this matter, no matter how you look at it, makes people feel absurd.

"Sect Master, this is a fact. If you don't believe me, ask the ordinary disciples present. It can be said that this big brother's...playful act made all the disciples of the Hundred Flower Sect break through the first level!

The voice fell, and the ordinary disciples around also responded.

"Yes, Sovereign! Senior Brother Xue is right. If it weren't for Senior Brother's demon beef, how could I have such a chance!"

"Yes, the behavior of the big brother seems to be mischievous, but in fact every step has a deep meaning, from killing the demon cow to roasting the whole cow, bit by bit is under his control. I really admire it. Five-body cast!"

"That's natural, don't look at the age of the big brother, but compared to me, it is completely foresight, and layout the world!"

"This ancient python demon cow contains terrifying energy in its body, and only a sage like the big brother can come up with such a genius idea as roasting a whole cow!"

While all the disciples responded, they praised Ye Meng loudly.

Ye Meng heard this, and her little face was suddenly filled with joy.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, everyone, don't be so honest!"

Seeing Ye Meng's "shy" look, Hua Nishang and the elders' hearts, immediately whizzed past like a hundred thousand grass horses!

"Ye Meng has a foresight, lay out the world?"

Hua Nishang was stunned and asked the elders.

Why didn't she see where Ye Meng's foresight was? What kind of roasted whole beef he made, I am afraid it is more to satisfy his desire to speak!

The elders smiled bitterly after hearing this.

However, despite Ye Meng's mischief, his unintentional move has improved the strength of the entire Hundred Blossom Sect by one level, which is really a great achievement!

While speaking, the great elder Hua Luoyun suddenly raised his head and said to Hua Nishang.

"Sect Master, since Ye Meng accidentally made such a great achievement, I can't help but reward!"

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