Divine Child System

Chapter 998: give up

After suppressing Ling Xi and satisfying his thoughts, Ye Meng patted his palms and said milky voice.

"Well, the show is over!"

With that said, he had already walked off the field Shi Shiran, leaving only a huge mountain and a howling Ling Xi in the martial arts field.

Upon seeing this, Special Envoy Wu took a deep breath.

"So, the four big competitions are over, and the four first in this session should belong to the Hundred Flowers Sect. Do you have any objections?"

With the voice of Special Envoy Wu, the audience was silent.

Are you kidding me, who dares to dispute?

Even Ling Xi's metamorphosis was suppressed by Ye Meng. Now who would dare to compete with Hundred Flowers Sect?

"In this case, the Hundred Flower Sect has got a chance to challenge the Shangzong. If it wins this game, it will become an advanced eight-grade sect and replace the Hehezong position."

While Special Envoy Wu spoke, his eyes shot at Ye Meng.

He is selling like Ye Meng, and to be honest, he really hopes to see Ye Meng's sect instead of He Hezong.

It's just that, his words made He Hezong's face look ugly.

But this was an order from the Feixia faction, and they couldn't resist.

Therefore, whether it was a promise or Duan Muyi and others from the Presbyterian Church, they all looked nervous.

Their eyes fell on Ye Meng. Obviously everyone knew that the most important person in the Hundred Flowers Sect was not the lord Hua Nishang, nor the core disciple Xue Ziqian and others, but the six-year-old Ye Meng!

"Yeah, what do you guys do when you look at this baby? Go to see the master sister!"

Seeing this, Ye Meng waved his hand, as if he didn't want to bother.

This is Hezong, it's still so-so, he didn't want to decide such a thing.

Hua Nishang smiled and shook his head.

She took a deep breath, stood up and said slowly.

"Back to the special envoy of the last sect, my Baihuazong gave up this challenge!"

The voice fell, and the audience was stunned. After they recovered, they all felt sorry for Baihuazong.

What a great opportunity to replace Hehezong and become the ruler of the neon light world. That is the supreme glory, why did you give it up?

He Hezong was suddenly relieved, and Duan Muyi and other elders showed a look of fortunate.

"Hey, the old man never waited to see the Hundred Flowers Sect before. He always felt that the Sovereign was partial to the Hundred Flowers Sect. He did not expect that the Sovereign’s usual good destiny, but at this critical moment today, got the good results. There is a cause and a result!"

"The old man is not as good as the suzerain. After today, the old man will give up his position as the elder, retreat behind the scenes, and stop intervening in the affairs of the clan!"

Duanmu Yi sighed for a long time and made a decision.

Today's Grand Tournament, so many things have happened in a row, and Duanmuyi is completely awakened.

Whether it is Hundred Flower Sect, Ming Palace Sect, Luo Ji Sect, and Nine Jue Valley, a large part of the reason for the eruption of such a powerful strength is because they are united in one heart and do not engage in internal strife.

The Wan Jianzong with serious internal fighting has already been squeezed out of the four sects.

The original Hundred Flower Sect was also a sect with extremely serious internal fighting, so it was not without reason that they were bottoming out every year.

Coupled with Hehezong, he was almost downgraded, so Duanmuyi realized the seriousness of the internal fighting and voluntarily gave up the position of elder.

Yan Nuo and others obviously didn't expect Duanmuyi to make such a decision, and they were all stunned.

Only Special Envoy Wu was lamenting Hundred Flowers Sect and had missed such a good opportunity.

Not reconciled, he continued to ask.

"Hundred Flowers Sect really wants to give up the challenge?"

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