Divine Civilization

Chapter 91: The Dark Witch in Action

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Without alarming anyone, the dark witch Judy quietly escaped back to her room with the help of the shadow.

Thick curtains were drawn on the windows, not a ray of light came in. The whole room was dark, only a magic lamp on the wall emitted a faint white light, illuminating a small area against the wall.

On the table below, a large pot of strange black liquid was boiling in a mysterious crucible, bubbling and emitting strange smells.

In the whole room, except for the bubbling sound in the cauldron, there was no other sound, and the silence was a little scary.

Of course, this is for others. For Judy, darkness and silence can only make her physically and mentally happy, and when she returns to a familiar environment, her tense mood relaxes a lot.

With a casual finger, a dark force popped out from her fingertips and landed on the door.

In an instant, streams of light flew past the door, and the magic circle that had been arranged earlier was instantly activated, completely isolating the inside and outside of the room. No matter what happened in the room, whether it was sound or energy fluctuations, nothing could be felt outside the door.

After doing this, Judy immediately opened a hidden compartment on the table, and a small statue of a god appeared in the hidden compartment.

She knelt down on her knees and prayed in a low voice: "Merciful and great Lord, your believer Judy has something important to report to you. The situation is urgent, and believer Judy begs for your response."

"O merciful and great Lord, your believers..."

She kept repeating the same words, clenched her hands slightly nervously.

Will the Lord answer her?

Just when she was uneasy.


A majestic divine voice sounded in her mind, the voice was indifferent and majestic, with only one short word: "Zhun Qi!"

The Dark Witch Judy cheered up, and immediately reported what she had just overheard, and then said reverently: "My lord, I think Connor is very angry, and the big battle may be coming soon. Next, I will find a way Inquire clearly about Connor's military deployment and battle plan so that Her Majesty the Holy Maiden can prepare in advance."

"Witch, you have proved your piety." The majestic voice sounded in her consciousness, and her soul was trembling with the booming sound, and she explained it cryptically, asking the witch to find a way to delay the time and cooperate with the Holy Maiden of Light.

"Delaying time?"

The Dark Witch was stunned for a moment, and doubts flashed across her eyes.

With the backing of the gods, the Holy See should have no disadvantages in its foreign wars. Why delay?

Could it be that……

Her heart skipped a beat, a certain guess vaguely surfaced in her heart, and she almost wanted to come out of her womb.

However, before she could think about it, the majestic divine voice sounded again in her mind: "Witch Judy, this is a commendation of your piety."

After the words fell, a holy beam of light suddenly descended from the sky and enveloped her.

In an instant, she only felt an incomparably vast and incomparably sacred power quickly seeping into her body from the surface of her skin.

This power was obviously extremely powerful, but when it brushed over her body, it was as gentle as spring rain, quickly nourishing her dilapidated body and depleted spiritual power. But in just a short moment, most of her body that was severely injured in the previous battle recovered, and even the various hidden injuries and hidden diseases in her body were healed little by little in this gentle comfort, and disappeared little by little. .

Her body seemed to be soaked in hot springs, and she was so comfortable that she felt ecstatic.

"My, my lord, this, this is..."

The dark witch's eyes widened for a moment, and her voice trembled with excitement.

She was wrong~ My lord must have deep meaning in wanting to delay the time, she shouldn't question it.

How bad her own physical condition is, only she knows.

Injury is still a trivial matter. The most important thing is that in order to improve her strength as quickly as possible, she has used many unconventional methods. Taking the dark witch medicine that stimulates potential is nothing, and she swallowed it directly at the risk of exploding to death. She has done everything about the magic core, and even tried the taboo technique of signing contracts with dangerous creatures several times.

Her body seemed to be strong, but her core was already riddled with holes. Occasionally, she would break out and often tortured her to death. With such a body, don't say anything about improving potential, it would be good if it doesn't collapse.

But now, those hidden injuries and hidden diseases that had tortured her for a long time had disappeared. Disappeared!

After many years, she finally felt healthy and energetic again.

This not only means that she has regained her healthy body, but also means that she finally has the hope of advancing again. What she wants to do, finally has the possibility of success!

At this moment, she was so moved that tears almost filled her eyes, and her heart was full of emotions, but she couldn't say anything.

After a while, until the white light covering her completely dissipated, the Dark Witch came back to her senses with a sob.

Thousands of words, she didn't know how to express, she could only bow down deeply to the god statue.

"Thank you, my lord."

"Judy will definitely die to complete the task."

At this moment, the channel of belief above her head suddenly changed, from a devout believer to a fanatic.


At the same time, the Kingdom of Light.


After dealing with the witch Judy's prayer, Wu Hui couldn't help but let out a breath of foul air.

Unexpectedly, spending 0.1 divine power to groom Judy's body turned her into a fanatic. The dark witch's personality was unexpectedly simple and pure, which was a small surprise for him.

However, thinking of the news the witch just said, he couldn't be happy again, and the brows were a little heavy.

That Viscount Connor finally couldn't bear it and broke out. He wanted to launch a general attack on Gelu Town and wipe out all the followers of light. This is definitely bad news for Wu Hui, who is secretly developing believers with peace of mind.

However, Wu Hui also understands that fire cannot be contained with paper, and as more and more believers develop, the movements will also become louder, and it will be a matter of time before the incident breaks out.

Now Wu Hui has won more than 20 days for stable development, which has actually exceeded Wu Hui's expectations.

Viscount Connor's overall power is huge, and his overall strength is several times that of the current Holy See of Light. Once the two sides start a full-scale war, even if Wu Hui wins the war with less than 6 points of divine power reserve, the final result will be unbearable.

Time, what is most lacking now is time for development. The longer the time can be delayed, the strength Wu Hui can accumulate will increase geometrically.

This is also the reason why Wu Hui quickly formulated a delaying tactic when he heard the witch's prayer report.

It seems that I really have to count on the pawn of the witch Judy.

Wu Hui also secretly looked forward to whether the witch Judy could have any wonderful performance. If she can really settle this matter, Wu Hui doesn't mind training her well to become a sharp sword under his command.

wait for a second.

Wu Hui cast the Eye of God along the path of belief of the witch Judy.

In the next moment, he appeared in a magnificent castle.

Compared with the gloomy and dank Gru Castle, which is still petty, the family castle of Viscount Connor is undoubtedly much more majestic and gorgeous.

The walls made of stone are no longer the mottled vicissitudes that can be seen at a glance, but are hung with tapestries carefully woven by craftsmen. The stones on the wall have also obviously been screened, smoothed and polished. The overall tone is the same, and the surface is smooth and smooth. There are even exquisite patterns carved in many places. Even the iron candlesticks embedded on the wall are bigger than Gru The castle is more gorgeous and exquisite, as if it already has the kind of charm he imagined a European castle should have.

Looking out through the window, outside the castle, there are a wide area of ​​racetracks and training grounds, extending far away, the area is a bit shocking. Gardens and pools are embedded in it, embellishing the entire courtyard beautifully and full of artistic atmosphere.

Wu Hui raised the angle of view to overlook the entire castle, and felt that the castle was majestic, with an open courtyard, and there was even a separate moat outside the castle, just like a city within a city.

However, all of this is not important. The most important thing is that there are already some scattered points in the whole castle, which represent believers of light. Although their belief channel is very weak, most of them are shallow believers.

But you know, Viscount Connor's lair. This represented the success of Wu Hui's belief diffusion tactics, and it had penetrated into Viscount Connor's side in an all-pervasive manner.

Wu Hui was very pleased.

If he is given a certain amount of time to develop, continue to spread believers, and continue to deepen their beliefs, he may be able to take down this castle without bloodshed and control the entire Saint-Louis region.

While thinking about it, he turned his perspective, and he was already beside the Dark Witch again.

This is a study.

There are thick cowhide books on the black and red wooden bookshelf, occasionally mixed with a few rolls of parchment, and several air-dried heads of monsters hang on the wall, silently demonstrating the bravery and force of the owner of the study like medals.

In the study.

Viscount Connor leaned lazily on the delicate lambskin sofa, and looked at the mysterious witch wrapped in a dark purple hooded robe with a smile on the opposite side: "Miss Judy, this is the first time you have come to my study on your own initiative. Try this glass of red wine, which was produced in the harvest season of the Evra estate thirty years ago."

His posture is warm and modest, even though he has gained a little weight, he still has an aristocratic demeanor, which is completely different from the domineering look that was about to bleed in rivers of anger not long ago.

The dark witch turned a deaf ear to his words, staring at Viscount Connor with her dark eyes, with a hint of madness in her eyes.

Even with Viscount Connor's state of mind, she stared a little hairy, and changed the subject with a dry laugh: "Since Miss Judy doesn't like wine, let's change to tea, this magical leaf from the East can relieve boredom , long-term use can also increase mental strength."

The Dark Witch was still staring at him motionless.

Viscount Connor's heart was a little chilly, and after a while, he had to take the initiative to say: "Miss Judy has any request, although you can ask, I will definitely do it if I can."

"The heart of the scorpion, the fire of the soul of General Skeleton." The witch's voice was hoarse and low, "and the poison sac of the poisonous corpse."

Every time he heard something, Viscount Connor's eyelids twitched, and finally he couldn't bear it any longer, and he said angrily, "Miss Judy, are you going too far?"

Not too much, not too much~

Wu Hui, who was watching secretly, secretly gave the witch a thumbs up.

This crazy woman is crazy, and she still has a tactical mind in her work.


(The number of words in the recent chapters is very long, and I also thank you brothers and sisters for your support, such as recommendation tickets, rewards, and messages ~ I love you)

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