On the side, Sparrow was already looking silly.

By the way, it is a space ring! You two pushed around, what about roadside goods at the time?

Moreover, the breath of the two of them is just two ordinary people? How can you have a space ring? Moreover, this space ring is still the best one! Even the head of Zishuimen can't afford it!

The desire in Sparrow's heart soared, and his eyes were almost on the ring.

This ring must be mine!

At this time, in the crowd, there were a few pairs of eyes, also staring tightly on the spatial ring.

Obviously, they are all people who know the goods. They all know that compared to the ring, the boxes of gold coins are simply stinky shit!

The Yunlong Stone Mine in Zishui Town is the largest mine in Zishui Town.

Yunlong Stone is a high-grade ore. Although the output is small, the demand is high. It has always been priceless and there is no market. The owner of this mine, known as the **** Bruce Lee, made a lot of money from the mine under his hands. One stroke.

This Bruce Lee was originally just an ordinary person.

But his luck was good, and he got a copy of the Black Dragon Mind Technique in one accident.

This Black Dragon Mind Technique was originally a technique that can only be practiced by the Demon Cultivator. This Li Dalong can be regarded as a genius of the sky, and he actually studied his own cultivation technique from this Demon Dragon Mind Technique.

Since then, this Bruce Lee has risen. This Yunlong quarry was also made by his hard work.

However, once a person gains power, his xinxing will always change, and Bruce Lee is no exception.

Relying on his Mahayana cultivation base, Bruce Lee has always been domineering in Zishui Town, and even some small sects are afraid of him.

When Bruce Lee learned that Lu Chen had won more than 8 million gold coins from the Zishui Casino from the eyeliner all over Zishui Town, Bruce Lee was moved and began to plan quietly, ready to seize the giant of 8 million gold coins in one fell swoop. paragraph.

Eight million gold coins! This is equivalent to the output of Yunlong Stone Mine in a few years!

But when the eyeliner reported another message, Bruce Lee couldn't sit still even more.

"What? You said that person still has a superb space ring in his hand?"

Bruce Lee rubbed his hands, his face could not hide his excitement.

"There is such a good thing! I think Bruce Lee is just using a **** storage bracelet! That ordinary mortal, what qualifications to have such a good thing! This space ring must be my Bruce Lee's !"

Hearing what Bruce Lee said, the next thin middle-aged man wearing a half-white mask frowned and said: "Dalong! Be cautious, that man actually dared to win 8 million gold coins from the purple water casino, and It is certainly not a simple character to have such a superb treasure as the space ring!"

"Cut! In Zishui Town, there is really no one I am afraid of Bruce Lee!" Bruce said with some disdain: "The big deal this time I will do it myself! I don't believe it, in Zishui Town, someone is my opponent. !"

"But, Dalong, don't forget, there is still the Zishui Gate behind the Zishui Casino! Do you think they will let that person go out with a huge amount of gold coins and space rings? If you do, it is inevitable that you will be with the Zishui Gate people, There is a conflict!"

"I said white face! Why have you been so diligent, be careful of this and that? Zishuimen? Zishuimen is a fart! I will kill him if I am anxious!" Bruce Lee yelled.

"Hey! When can you get rid of this arrogant problem! There are countless masters at Zishuimen, and only with the two of us, which is casual!" The middle-aged man known as the white face sighed and said.

"Then you tell me what to do!" Although Bruce Lee has a grumpy temper, he still obeys this white face. He is a rough person. Without the assistance of the white face, Yunlong Quarry would not have the scale it is today. .

"This time, let me go. Although I am not as strong as you, I will act on the spot. If something happens then I will notify you!"

The white face thought for a while before he said...

At the same time, in Zishui Town, almost all forces, large and small, learned that Lu Chen was about to leave Zishui Casino with a huge amount of gold coins and the best space ring.

Cai is not clear.

In this town of Zishui where the weak and strong, Lu Chen had committed a big taboo, and almost all the forces were ready to kill and win treasures.

Surrounded by a group of gamblers, "God of Gamblers" Lu Chen left the Zishui Casino.

As soon as he walked out of the door, Lu Chen saw a man he didn't want to see—Li's brother!

The girl Li is so kind, but Lu Chen doesn't understand how he has such a **** brother!

Seeing Hu Yun coming from not far away with a smile on his face, Li was also unhappy.

To pay the debts for my brother myself is to fulfill my responsibility. In fact, in Li's heart, I have long denied this brother!

His mother was seriously ill back then. This guy, not only didn't want to treat his mother, but also stole the money he saved up again and again to give his mother the money.

Even the jewelry left by his mother and the real estate at home were all sold by this guy.

Seeing this guy, he would be pretty good if he didn't give him a punch. How could he greet him with a smile?

However, the smile on Hu Yun's face was very strong, but it seemed very scary to cooperate with the several vertical wounds Lu Chen had left on his face.

"That..." Hu Yun walked to Li's body, rubbed his hands, and said, "Sister...brother-in-law, haha, it's a coincidence!"

Lu Chen snorted, stood in front of Li, and said, "It's a coincidence! You just beat you into the air, did you come here again?"


Hu Yun's face was sullen, but he was forced down again.

"How do you say this, how can I say that I am also Hu Li's brother... Before you beat me, I don't care about it, it's all a family!"

Hearing what Hu Yun said, Li said angrily: "Who is a family with you! You scumbag! Also, don’t call me Hu Li, I don’t believe Hu! You are scumbags just like your father. Adding the surname Hu in front of my name makes me sick!"

Hu Yun was embarrassed for a while, but still rubbed his hands cheekily, and said, "Well, it was my brother's fault before, father's business, I am here, and I apologize to you. After all, everyone else is dead. I care about him!"

Li snorted, not talking.

"That brother-in-law..."

Seeing that Li was not paying attention to him, Hu Yun immediately looked at Lu Chen with a smile, and said, "I think the matter between you and Li is very suitable. You two talented women look like perfect match!"

Lu Chen snorted and glanced at him disdainfully.

What is Hu Yun thinking, would Lu Chen not know?

Wasn't it just because you just won the eight million gold coins?

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