"What kind of person I am, it seems to have nothing to do with you!"

Lu Chen still had no expression on his face.

"As a member of the law enforcement team, I am responsible for the safety of our academy... and you, a... well, should be a third-grade student, and you have the strength above Grade B. Don’t you think I am the captain of the law enforcement team, Is it responsible to find out the cause?"

When Bart on the side heard that Lu Chen turned out to be beyond the B-level strength, his already terrified face became even more terrified at this time, but at this time his face was hardly visible to outsiders.

Bart cursed in his heart at this time: I rub, a person with strength beyond B is not the strength of A, my old man is only A strength, Nima, you, a person with A strength, actually ran to The third-grade campus is here to play tender! Fuck your whole family!

Lu Chen certainly didn't know what Bart was thinking at this time, otherwise if he knew about it, he would definitely not hesitate to kill Bart directly in front of the law enforcement team captain.

"Huh! My strength and my age have nothing to do with you! Even if I hide my strength, so what! However, my so-called strength beyond B is just your own guess. When I entered the school for the test, the elder of our school was beside me. Do you think I could fool our elder?"

When Lu Chen said this, he suddenly reached out and patted the shoulder of the captain of the law enforcement team, and continued to say with a smile:

"That's it. I don't want to say anything extra. You can figure it out by yourself! By the way, my name is Lu Chen and I live in the third-grade villa area. You can come to me if you have anything to do. Here you are! I'm leaving!"

Lu Chen turned his head, directly pulled Liu Mei who was still silly, turned and left.

"My name is Qin Chao!"

The law enforcement captain did not stop Lu Chen from leaving. When Lu Chen talked about the elder, he dared not say anything. He could only watch Lu Chen turn around and leave, and also told Lu his name. Chen.

"Captain, just let him go?"

"What else can I do if you don't let him go? We don't know what the virtue of Bart is. It's probably the girlfriend who this kid is interested in. He asked for it himself! Pooh!"

Qin Chao lowered his head coldly and spit on Bart's body.


This spit just happened to spit in Bart’s mouth. As a result, Bart’s little vitality was originally frightened by Lu Chen’s strength, but he quickly consumed it. Now he was stuck in this spit and died directly. .

"Captain, he is dead!"

Qin Chao's team members had planned to take Bart to the medical team for treatment, but they found that Bart had died directly.

"If you die, you die, it's a shame that this kind of people die!"

Qin Chao didn't care at all, and he didn't even think that it was because of his own sputum that this guy died.

"How did Bart's father explain it? After all, he is also an elder!"

"What can the elder do? I'm not an A-level person. Have you broken through A-level? As long as you don't break through A-level, our law enforcement team doesn't need to be afraid of him! Besides, isn't there that kid! Let him solve it by himself go with!"

Qin Chao suddenly raised his head, looked at Lu Chen who was slowly going away, and said with a smile.

Seeing the somewhat treacherous expression on his captain's face, the player was slightly taken aback, and then stupidly asked:

"Captain, does that kid really have the strength of A-level? But he is so young, he is probably not twenty years old! And I see him as a C-level peak!"

"Then what happened to the two of you just being shocked by him? Don't tell me, the two of you specially cooperated with him, and deliberately backed away while he was drinking!"

Qin Chao glanced at the two subordinates who had been shaken out, then touched his chin, and said:

"But! What the real level of this kid looks like has nothing to do with us, as long as we know that behind him is our great elder, and his demonstrated strength is the C-level peak. Up!"

"Get to work!"

After Qin Chao said a word again, he instructed his men to start cleaning up the funeral affairs.

When the law enforcement teams of the Qin Dynasty disappeared from this snack street, the time slowly passed by half an hour. At this time, if Lu Chen and Liu Mei went to this snack street again, they would be surprised to find that this time. It was overcrowded again.

The people walking on this road all looked like nothing had happened. Those who should eat, drink, and sell are still yelling.

"Lu Chen, I seem to remember that some law enforcement team came here just now! Why did they go? Why did we come here again?"

After Liu Mei was dragged by Lu Chen for a long distance, she gradually recovered. After she recovered and found that she was no longer where she was just now, she was confused for a long time before reacting, and asked suspiciously. .

"The law enforcement team did come. They have already left. I took your hand and walked slowly here!"

Lu Chen stopped and looked at Liu Mei's confused look. He felt that Liu Mei was very cute at this time. He put his hand on Liu Mei's nose, squeezed it gently, and then answered Liu Mei's questions in turn.

"But haven't you already violated the school rules? Didn't those law enforcement teams embarrass you?"

Liu Mei was a little surprised, not understanding what was going on.

"Since it is a law enforcement team, it must of course be implemented in accordance with the laws and regulations. Although I have violated the laws and regulations, the fault is not with me. Moreover, Bart knows what it is like, but because Bart’s father is an elder, there is no Do it to him!"

Lu Chen's tone was full of contempt for Qin Chao's law enforcement team.

If Qin Chao knew that Lu Chen had completely misunderstood them because of the actions of their law enforcement team, he would not know whether to cry or laugh!

"How could their law enforcement team talk so well? Just let us go?"

Liu Mei couldn't believe it, and after knowing Bart's father was an elder, he even felt that the law enforcement team could not let them off so easily, so Liu Mei felt that the law enforcement team must have other bad ideas.

"Well, Xiao Nizi, don't think too much! Things are not as complicated as you think! Bart's father is an elder, but he doesn't represent anything. And although we were let off by the law enforcement team, we will certainly not be let by Bart. Let his father let go, we must protect Bart’s father from revenge!"

Lu Chen didn't know what Liu Mei was thinking, so he said with a smile.

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