Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2951: Deep into the base

This underground base is a bit similar to the underground base called Hive in Resident Evil that Lu Chen had seen before.

The first is a small base used to cover up the ground. In a hidden location in this small new base, there is a huge passage that connects the real large base.

The small base used to cover up was about the size of a basketball court. There were many sophisticated instruments at the time. At this time, all these instruments were broken and fell to the ground everywhere. Lu Chen could see all kinds of things. Documents that I don't understand are scattered randomly.

"There is nothing useful here, let's go directly to the real base!"

Xiang riding around in a room the size of a basketball court, picking up a piece of white paper from the ground from time to time, swept his eyes on it, and finally waved his hand helplessly and said.

"I never thought about anything useful here!"

Ye Qingyun glanced at Xiangqi indifferently, and then led the crowd towards the secret passage leading to the lower part.

When I came to the secret entrance and opened the door, what appeared in front of everyone was a ramp that was slanting downwards. He looked at several hints on the surrounding walls and said:

"There used to be a base car here, but now you have seen it, so we can only go on by ourselves! Be careful, everyone!"

Xue Dongguang did not hesitate. As a scout in the team, he was obliged to take the first place.

As the people deepened, the passage gradually became smooth, and the whole passage was very calm. When the people walked to the entrance of the real base, they didn't find anything wrong.


When Xue Dongguang's feet first stepped out of the tunnel and stepped on the real large base, there was a sudden sound and countless flashes of light lit up around him.

"I wiped it! I didn't know if I turned on the light to remind brother, I almost didn't flash him to death!"

Xue Dongguang complained slightly, but he also guessed that this is probably because the automatic sensor in the underground passage sensed their presence and turned on the light deliberately.

"This base seems to be well preserved! After such a long time, there is still energy!"

Le Pepsi smiled, rushed out from Ye Qingyun's side, and looked outside the passage, this huge square.

"Don't look, there's nothing good here, let's keep going!"

Xiang Qi patted Le Pepsi on the shoulder, and regardless of whether the scout Xue Dongguang had fulfilled his duties, he walked directly to the huge door on the right side of the square.

"This door is locked, I will find a way to open him!"

Xiang Qi walked to this huge door and took out his laptop. He was about to connect to the main control computer of the underground base, but suddenly he felt a powerful force coming from him, and then...

With a "boom", the door that Xiang Qi wanted to open for a long time was directly blasted through a big hole in the middle.

"All said, just put your stuff away when you don't have to, it's so easy!"

Standing next to Xiangqi, Ye Qingyun glanced at Xue Dongguang indifferently, indicating that Xue Dongguang could enter for inspection, and then slowly received his weapon into the ring.

"Uh! Captain, do you want to be so violent!"

Xiang Qi shrank his head with a bit of aversion, put his notebook in the ring, and muttered quietly in his mouth, not knowing what he was talking about.

"Violence? Even if it is violent, isn't it good to be able to solve the problem as soon as possible?"

"Does our captain always do this?"

Lu Chen couldn't help being speechless, walked up to Le Pepsi, and asked carefully.

Le Pepsi glanced at Ye Qingyun calmly, and after discovering that Ye Qingyun would not pay attention to him, he nodded gently and said:


"Okay! Brother, I sympathize with you!"

Lu Chen patted Le Pepsi on the shoulder, and said with an expression of "You are bullshit, such a woman dare to chase after" on his face.

Lu Chen's expression and words made Le Pepsi's face that had been squinting a bitter smile, turning his head to look at Ye Qingyun, a trace of confusion flashed in his eyes.

"No problem, everyone come in!"

Soon, Xue Dongguang's voice came from the big hole that broke open.

Ye Qingyun took the lead, everyone walked into the big cave one by one, and a fairly modern office appeared in front of everyone in an instant.

"Yo! Is this the place where they work? Very good!"

Le Pepsi regained his optimism once again, smiling and whistling while strolling slowly in this nice office.


Suddenly, from the right of Le Pepsi, a faint green light burst out suddenly, and with a roar of a beast, it rushed towards Le Pepsi's neck.

"Fuck! Such arrogant, a small E-level mutant beast, dare to scream in front of me, a future S-level master?"

Although the speed of the mutant beast was very fast, Le Pepsi was faster than him. He didn't know when an extra dagger appeared in his hand, and it struck out against the faint green light.


The faint green E-class mutant beast was easily cut in half by Le Pepsi, and rushed forward for a certain distance, and finally fell into Le Pepsi's arms.

"Nima, it's disgusting!"

The mutant beast was directly divided into two parts by Le Pepsi. The organs and internal organs in the body are also the same. After falling on Le Pepsi, naturally the things stained with various mucus and blood will fall on Le Pepsi. It's disgusting!

"Xiao Dongzi, why is it like this again? Didn't you say that it is safe here? Why are there mutants?"

Le Pepsi cleared the disgusting things on his body with a look of disgust, turned his head, and said dissatisfiedly to Xue Dongguang, who was gloating next to him.

"You said it yourself, and it's the same. You can only say that your character is really bad. You see, every time I just talk about safety, besides you, who else has encountered a sneak attack by a mutant beast! Even for you, it's not easy to solve it!"

Xue Dongguang didn't care about Pepsi's complaints. Obviously they had encountered this kind of thing too many times!

Standing aside, Lu Chen and Liu Mei, who looked at the two people puzzledly, only realized after hearing Ye Qingyun’s explanation that it was not the first time this happened. Every time they went to do a task, Xue Dongguang originally It was already confirmed that there was no danger, but they would never know where a mutant beast came out to attack Le Pepsi.

Fortunately, these mutant beasts that attacked Le Pepsi were relatively rubbish, and they were easily dealt with by Le Pepsi, which just made Le Pepsi a little embarrassed!

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