Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2967: Million per hour

"Where is the Shui family, you can take me there now! I will ask your friend if he knows this person!"

Lu Chen couldn't wait any longer, pulling Yu Ye Qi's hand even harder, so that even with the S-level cultivation base Yu Ye Qi's arm, there were traces of blood.

"Student Lu Chen, can you let go of my hand first, let's talk slowly!"

Yu Yeqi felt that if his hand were pinched by Lu Chen like this, he would soon be scrapped, and he couldn't help crying and said.

He lowered his head and glanced at Yu Ye Qi's hands, and quickly released them, there was already a circle of blood stains on them.

Lu Chen scratched the back of his head awkwardly, and said embarrassingly:

"Elder Yu, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean it, but because I have been searching for Lan'er for so long, and now suddenly I have news of her, I was a little excited for a while! I was too excited!"

"It's okay, it's okay, understandable, this shows that Lu Chen, you are a lover of personality!"

Yu Ye Qi moved his hands and endured the pain that came from him, and said with a strong smile.

"Haha! Elder Yu, can you tell me where the water house is? Could you please take me some time and take me there?"

Lu Chen hurriedly asked again after smiling.

"Student Lu Chen, it’s not that I don’t help you, but that I really don’t know where my friend is now. I haven’t seen her for about ten years! Even she’s still not here. I don’t even know the world!"

Yu Yeqi was really confused now, and said with a guilty conscience.

"What? Not in this world? Impossible, he must be in..."

Lu Chen's face at this time suddenly became extremely tyrannical. The soul hidden in the depths seemed to have some connection with Lu Chen's body. A powerful **** spirit instantly rushed towards Yu Ye Qi.

Standing right across from Lu Chen, Yu Yeqi was shocked by this powerful blood evil spirit. He seemed to have lost his soul. His complexion became extremely pale, and traces of blood flowed out of the seven orifices. Fortunately, even though Lu Chen After reacting, I stabilized my emotions.

"Elder Yu, are you okay!"

Lu Chen asked halfway, while using his vitality to help Yu Ye Qi check his body, he was relieved when he found that Yu Ye Qi seemed to be embarrassed, but there weren't many problems in fact.


At this time, Yu Yeqi's eyes on Lu Chen were already full of fear, and when he talked to Lu Chen, his voice was a little trembling.

"I was a little sorry just now, no matter if your friend is in this world or not, would you please take me to the water house?"

Lu Chen pleaded in a very sincere tone.

If there hadn't been the scene just now, Yu Yeqi might still shirk a little bit, but now he dare not shirk it at all, for fear that Lu Chen would come back like this again, maybe his life will be gone, so he said:

"No problem, should Lu Chen go back and prepare. I will take you to the water house tomorrow?"

"No need, let's go now!"

While talking, Lu Chen found the location of Liu Mei through his mental power, and then told Liu Mei through voice transmission that he would go out for a time, so there was no need to worry about himself.

"Now? But there are no free fighters at all. It will take a while to arrange fighters! Look..."

"Without warplanes, let's fly over!"

Lu Chen unceremoniously interrupted Yu Yeqi's words. He had never thought of flying over by a fighter plane, and flying by a fighter plane was not as fast as he himself.

"No fighter plane? Just fly over?"

Yu Yeqi's face turned pale again. There are millions of kilometers from Chaowu Academy to the Shui Family. At his speed, it takes a full ten hours to get there. He has never experienced anything like this. , I don’t know if I can hold on!

"En! If you can't fly, I'll take you there! You show me the way!"

While speaking, Lu Chen took Yu Ye Qi's hand and flew away from the ground instantly, reaching a height of 500 meters above the ground, and then said:

"Elder Yu, trouble you, show me the way, where is the Shui Family?"

"In... probably in that direction!"

Yu Yeqi didn't know what to say, so he could only look at the direction, and then pointed to the direction of the water house.

As soon as Yu Yeqi's voice fell, Lu Chen's speed rose instantly. The huge pulling force almost made Yu Yeqi unable to withstand it. If it wasn't because his strength had reached S grade, he replaced it with an A grade. People, I'm afraid the body just fell apart!

Even if Yu Yeqi has S-level strength, his body can withstand such a fast flight, but his eyes can't see the surrounding scenes at all, he only feels the surrounding environment is confused, and he can't see everything else.

"Elder Yu, how long does it take to fly in this direction?"

Lu Chen asked suspiciously while flying.

Yu Yeqi glanced at Lu Chen, and found that the expression and expression on Lu Chen's face had not changed at all. In shock, he had to admire the strength of an 18-year-old child like Lu Chen, but his mouth Shang still said:

"About two million kilometers or so! When you hear it, I can't see the surrounding scene at all now!"

Lu Chen nodded without saying anything. After flying at full speed for about an hour, Lu Chen stopped, glanced at a large base city in the distance, and said:

"Elder Yu, we have already flown about 2 million kilometers. A big base city appeared in front of us. It seems to say Water Rain Orchid Alliance. I wonder if the Shui Family is in this base city?"

"Ah! So fast?"

Although he could personally feel that Lu Chen's speed was indeed not slow, he could not figure out how much it was. Now he heard Lu Chen say that he had flown 2 million kilometers in one hour. Isn't this already the speed...

Yu Yeqi couldn't help but say: Abnormal, this is simply not the speed that humans can fly out!

"En! Elder Yu, can you please see if this is where we are going?"

After breathing for a few times, closing his eyes for a while, opening his eyes for a while, Yu Ye Qi's eyes finally returned to normal, and then he looked at the huge base in front of him.

"Yes, right here! The headquarters of the Shui Family is in this base city, so it seems to be in that location!"

After Yu Ye Qi pointed in the direction, Lu Chen landed on the ground and did not continue flying forward.

Now that he is here, Lu Chen feels that he does not need to convene. What he needs to do now is to calm down his current mentality. In case that Yu Yeqi’s friend is really no longer here, I’m afraid he won’t have to. Happy for nothing?

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