Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 2986: Brother-in-law and sister-in-law

Of course, the relationship between Lu Chen and Liu Qing in the world should be the relationship between brother-in-law and sister-in-law.

But so what, to outsiders, Liu Qing is the younger sister, and Liu Mei is the older sister.

Because the two sisters are compared, perhaps because Liu Mei has been irrigated by a man, so the delicate face will have a touch of maturity that a young woman can have, just like ripe-permeable water-honey-peach, Seducing every man at all times.

But Liu Qing is different. Her pretty face is the same as that of Liu Mei. Although it is the same temptation, it is more like a green apple. Although some people like to eat it, there is no water-honey- Does the peach taste good?

Although these are outsiders' speculations, they don't know what the true relationship between Lu Chen and this sister-in-law is like, but this can't stop everyone from looking at Lu Chen's envy and hatred.

So Lu Chen seemed to return to the Dragon Soul Continent for a time, as if he brought the same feelings he felt when the enchanting concubines were shopping.

Fortunately, Lu Chen was used to this kind of thing, but Liu Qing, the beautiful sister-in-law, couldn't accept these gazes.

Secretly, I don't know how many times I have to dig out the eyeballs of these hateful men and kill Lu Chen to vent my dissatisfaction.

Of course, when Liu Qing said that she wanted to kill Lu Chen, she no longer looked so resentful as she used to. It seemed that she had understood that she was not Lu Chen’s opponent, or that she had gradually agreed with Lu after a few days of contact. Chen likes it.

As for Lu Chen, what should I do in the past two days? Let Liu Mei do it when there is something to do, and dry Liu Mei when he is okay, and he's pretty smart.

The only embarrassing thing is that yesterday morning, Lu Chen was doing morning exercises with Liu Mei, but as a result, he forgot that there was another person in the house and the door of the room was not locked.

Liu Qing didn't know if his brain twitched, but on purpose, he suddenly rushed into the room and naturally saw something that he shouldn't be looking at.


"Huh! That's ugly!"

Natural Liu Qing's face turned red in an instant, but still pretending that nothing happened, turned around and left Lu Chen and Liu Mei's room directly.

It is precisely because of this incident that Liu Qing's attitude towards Lu Chen has changed slightly, but for Liu Qing's changes, Lu Chen doesn't know whether to cry or laugh.

After Liu Qing left, Liu Mei, who recovered, naturally didn't want to exercise anymore, but of course Lu Chen didn't want to. So he pulled Liu Mei to exercise until noon before slowly coming out of the room.

At this time, Liu Qing's sister-in-law had already prepared lunch, waiting for the two to appear.

You know, although Liu Qing has been considerate to Liu Mei in the past two days, Liu Qing has never done anything like cooking.

Lu Chen thought that Liu Qing could not cook anymore, who knew that Liu Qing had made such a delicious meal.

Speaking of which, Liu Qing's food tastes very good.

Only when eating, Lu Chen always felt that Liu Qing's eyes looked so awkward!

In the end, Lu Chen, who was really overwhelmed, directly lowered his head and ate quickly without looking at Liu Qing.

What Lu Chen didn’t notice was that Liu Qing’s gaze at Lu Chen changed again at this time. There was a little pride, a little joy, and a little panic. Faintly embarrassed.

And Liu Mei's face was even thinner, and he didn't know how to talk to his sister, and he complained about Lu Chen.

It wasn't because Lu Chen was dragging him to do morning exercises, but because Lu Chen even forgot to close the door when doing morning exercises.

But this awkward atmosphere had gradually disappeared in the evening.

The main reason was that Lu Chen was worried about encountering noon again, and then pulled Liu Mei and Liu Qing directly to the Maple Leaf Pavilion for dinner, and after arriving at Maple Leaf Pavilion, he also pulled the owner of Maple Leaf Pavilion, Maple Leaf.

Because of the presence of an outsider, coupled with the drink, the atmosphere gradually disappeared, but Lu Chen could still feel that Liu Qing's attitude towards him had changed a lot.

Therefore, when I woke up early this morning and saw the breakfast in the restaurant and Liu Qing’s smiled expression, Lu Chen also smiled and said hello to Liu Qing when he was waiting for Lu Chen and Liu Mei to get up for dinner. He didn't avoid Liu Qing anymore.

After breakfast, the group of three walked towards the third-grade martial arts field. Lu Chen and Liu Mei needed to go there to meet the other third-year students who entered the college competition, and then go to the super-large martial arts field that belongs to the entire Chaowu Academy. .

Seeing Lu Chen and the other students in the trio of Liu Mei and Liu Qing, they suddenly realized that the three of them seemed to have changed today.

Two sisters Liu Mei and Liu Qing walked in front hand in hand with joy, and from time to time there were pleasant smiles from the two women.

Lu Chen followed the two women with a slight smile, and looked forward without surprise.


"Let's see! What do I say, Lu Chen will eat his sister-in-law sooner or later, and see, how obvious the changes are now!"

"It shouldn't be! With my years of experience in hunting beauty, is this Liu Qing obviously still a young man?"

"Your many years of experience in hunting porn? Shit! Why didn't I know you have so many women?"

"Huh! You don't know what happened to Brother, but... you are right. I really can't tell if Liu Qing is a young man!"

"Then you just said that Liu Qing is obviously still a young child?"

"Hey! Didn't I just tease you? But according to my guess, the relationship between Liu Qing and Lu Chen is very good now. It is estimated that even if Lu Chen did not do what he loved to do with the sister, it is not estimated It will be too long!"

"Hey! Why am I not Lu Chen! It's all about having a Liumei, and now there is another sister who is twins with Liumei. A man should be content for his sake!"

"Just you, there is no hope in this life! Women like Liu Qing and Liu Mei are not something we can enjoy at all!"

"Yes! Forget it! Let's go quickly! Otherwise, if you lose your position for a while, you won't be able to see Lu Chen continue to show off his majesty. Hope this time he won't kill his opponent with another trick!"

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