Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 314: Catch blood pigs and rats!

With the tearful farewell of all the MMs of the blood sea clan, Lu Chen finally embarked on the road to continue their journey. Looking at the many MMs behind him, looking at Lu Chen's messy clothes, ruined hair, and looking at Lu Chen's dark face, I only know how many MMs had attacked Lu Chen just now!

"Haha! Brother Chen is still amazing. The MMs of the blood sea clan just now are really crazy! Brother Chen, I think! You should stay there, other MMs are already so bold, why can't you satisfy them! "Li Yan said with a smile.

"Yeah! Lu Chen, look at my sisters when you leave, how sad you are, don’t stay behind, stay with them!" Henna, a fairy-like woman, saw Lu Chen "Misery" said with a smile involuntarily.

"You don't want to stay with them! It just so happens that we are not far away. If you want to go back, you can go back!" Lu Chen was already a little hot by those blood sea clan MMs. Li Yan still has it. At this moment, Henna was blocking Lu Chen's gun. Isn't this looking for death!

Lu Chen's anger was so obvious that everyone was stunned. For a while, the entire team was quiet! The people who were laughing and playing just now, after Lu Chen yelled, bowed their heads, cowered, and cautiously followed Lu Chen forward!

After a long time, Henna walked slowly to Lu Chen's side, playing with her clothes corners with her hands, while whispering: "Sorry, Lu Chen, I shouldn't have treated you like that just now, I..." While talking, Hina, a bold and **** woman, actually cried!

What Lu Chen didn’t see was a woman crying. As long as a woman cried, Lu Chen would choose to compromise when he was in a good mood. When he was in a bad mood, he would feel even more irritable, but seeing Haina’s pitiful feeling, Lu Chen still held back the anger in his heart and said:

"Sorry, Sister Hina, I have something wrong! I am in a bad mood now, so it's better not to talk to me! Let me stay quietly for a while, and I will be fine! Lu Ye, you accompany Sister Hina Talk about conversation!" Lu Chen pointed at Henna and said to Lu Ye.

Lu Ye naturally knows Lu Chen’s character. The women who have stayed with him for a long time also know that there are only three blood sea tribes, Heidi, and the three women who just joined have no idea about Lu Chen’s character. . Lu Ye naturally knew what Lu Chen meant, so he hurriedly pulled Henna, and of course Heidi and Haiwenwen two women walked aside together and talked in a low voice!

Lu Chen slowly walked to the back of the team, while walking, thinking about things quietly by himself. I don't think about anything with the slightest purpose, just think of something like this. Lu Chen liked this when he was upset. Or, just think about the life on earth in your previous life.

Lu Chen now, don't know why, suddenly miss the earth very deeply! He even sometimes has an idea that even if he becomes an ordinary person again, he still wants to return to the earth and live a life on the earth, although that is not comfortable at all!


I don’t know how long it took, Lu Chen’s ear suddenly heard Lu Ye’s voice, "Master, we have already reached the blood bamboo forest where the blood pig rat lives. I don’t know if we are resting for a while! We can catch it immediately. Blood pig rat, and then enter the interior of the Scarlet Abyss?"

Lu Chen looked up and saw that people like himself came slowly, and one day had passed unconsciously, but fortunately, they also arrived in the bamboo forest where the blood pigs lived. The sky was already a bit dim, and it was definitely not a good time to enter the **** abyss, so Lu Chen said:

"Stay up first! Now is definitely not a good time to enter the **** abyss. In the evening, after I catch the blood pigrats back, we will clean up tomorrow morning and enter the inner layer of the **** abyss!" Lu Chen stretched out his hand and waved a few times.

After a day of quiet thinking, Lu Chen has long since disappeared from the irritability he had before, and his mood has already been much relieved! The idea of ​​wanting to return to Earth was naturally left behind by Lu Chen himself. He knew that he definitely had no chance to go back now! Even if there is, Lu Chen cannot leave at this time!

As soon as Lu Chen's words fell, Li Yan was among them, so he took out various necessities from his ring, and began to set up a tent. These things can now be mastered by them very skillfully! It's not like when they camped for the first time, if it weren't for Lu Chen's help, they would really use the sky as the bed!

In the evening breeze, Lu Chen's camp was right next to the bamboo forest where the blood pig rat lived. Friends who have bamboo forests near home know that at night, bamboo forests are the scariest place among all the woods. When a gust of wind blows, weird sounds will come to mind in the bamboo forest, which sounds creepy!

Lu Chen and the others are experiencing this kind of feeling now, but when Lu Chen was on earth, he had already experienced such things, so he didn't feel at all. But Lu Ye and the others are different. Even though they have a high level of cultivation, they still feel uneasy amidst such terrifying cry~

"Don't be afraid, those are the sounds of the wind. If you feel uncomfortable, I will directly set up a soundproof enchantment!" Lu Chen waved his hand directly and set up a soundproof enchantment beside him, and suddenly all the terrifying surroundings The sound disappeared, only the "pop" sound of the firewood under the flame.

Originally, Lu Chen didn't plan to do this, isn't it just the sound of some bamboo forest being blown by the wind! What's so scary! Even if you are afraid, you have to endure it. You can't bear such small things. How can you do big things! But later, when Lu Chen saw the women eating, he didn't have any thoughts, and finally let out the enchantment helplessly!

With the protection of the enchantment, the few women finally recovered. When they ate before, the panic and anxiety finally disappeared. The appetite that they did not have appeared here. Even eating more makes Lu Chen feel very speechless for several women!

After eating, Lu Chen comforted a few women slightly, and then said, "You guys have a good rest here! I'm going to look for the blood pig rat now! I don't know if these things can be found at night! If it doesn't work! We must still bring it here to this full moon night!"

Knowing the importance of the matter, and because of previous feelings, this time Lu Chen left, the few women did not propose to follow along. After talking a lot with Lu Chen, they just sat aside, Lu Chen took out the big bed. , Began to chat for himself!

Lu Chen was speechless again, greeted him and walked directly into the bamboo forest. After entering the bamboo forest, Lu Chen directly released his divine consciousness and prepared the entire bamboo forest for a good inspection! But what Lu Chen didn’t expect was that his spiritual consciousness could only detect the bamboo forest, which was less than one mu of land, and the bamboo forest he saw with his eyes was at least a few hundred acres. What happened? What's going on?

Suddenly Lu Chen suddenly thought, what is the other characteristic of this **** abyss? Isn't it a magic array? I haven't encountered a few phantom formations for so long, and suddenly forgot the big feature of Scarlet Abyss. This is not an early death. Fortunately, even if Lu Chen wakes up!

First, he carefully checked the places that could be found. Lu Chen was very sorry to find that, as the elder said, when it was not the night of the full moon, he was looking for the blood pig rat. So difficult! A whole acre of land, nothing was found!

Then Lu Chen naturally began to check the phantom array. Before he was sure, Lu Chen didn’t dare to walk into that piece of land privately, and find the place that he couldn’t find. In case this is like the Lost Forest on the TV, after entering Can't get out, Lu Chen still has to cry to death inside!

Of course, this is a joke, such a small fantasy formation still can't stop Lu Chen's pace. But Lu Chen also knows the truth about knowing yourself and the enemy in all battles. Only by thoroughly eating this little fantasy array, can Lu Chen be like a fish in the water, looking for that **** pig and rat, isn't it just like playing!

Maybe Lu Chen’s mouth was the same as the crow’s mouth. After he slowly understood the illusion a little bit, he suddenly realized that, as he had guessed, there was really a lost place inside. If it weren’t for Lu Chen’s entry, Probing one side well, I really have to be trapped inside!

But now! But it was different. Lu Chen had completely grasped this phantom array, and entering and leaving it was like entering no man's land. Moreover, Lu Chen's divine consciousness had already entered this lost place first, and found some cute but very clever little things inside!

After careful identification, Lu Chen knew that these little guys were the blood pigs and rats he was looking for. When they couldn’t hang up, they couldn’t find them. They all hid in this place. As for why they could see it on a full moon night where are they. It was also because of the blood moon, that night, the illusion of the Lost Place would disappear, allowing outsiders to see the situation inside!

But I don't know why. Although the formation will disappear that night, these blood pigs and rats will not be able to leave this bamboo forest unless an outsider brings them out. Not only that, even other large creatures can't enter this bamboo forest. So this forest, of course, has become a paradise for these blood pigs and rats!

Directly dragging out a few blood pigs and rats with his spiritual sense, Lu Chen slowly withdrew from the bamboo forest and walked back to the station! That fantasy array has nothing Lu Chen can expect, he naturally won't go in, wasting time!

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