Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 366: Old tortoise!

Finally, Lu Chen and his entourage looked at the gold coins, silver coins, copper coins and the only pair of gold rings piled up in front of them, a feeling of depression from the heart filled their hearts. Lu Chen, who didn't believe in evil, looked at it with his spiritual sense and found that there really was nothing valuable on these people!

Lu Chen jumped off his horse and counted carefully. There were a total of 56 gold coins, 4,200 silver coins, and 68 copper coins. That is to say, there were only 98 gold coins for one type, not even a hundred gold coins. The bandits in front of them are too poor! Lu Chen was embarrassed to take such a small amount of money!

"You only have so much money?" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

"There is only so much! We are very poor! Don’t look at the number of us, but we were all members of a caravan before, so it’s not easy to understand that a caravan is not easy. Every time we make money, we are at most one. Monthly use, the last time we robbed, it was already a month ago! Because of our good faith, every time a caravan passes here, it will be generous and leave us a little money!" Wei Dai said pitifully.

"Uh!" Lu Chen was speechless. This girl was a bandit, but he was treated like this. You thought you were a toll booth! Every time you pass, someone takes the initiative to pay, but other toll stations are very profitable. Why are you so incompetent! Lu Chen thought silently!

"Forget it, take the money, you go! Just this little money, I'm really embarrassed to grab it!" Lu Chen shook his head speechlessly, waved, Xiao Wuming and Li Yanye suddenly jumped from the ground. When he got there, Lu Chen jumped up, waved his hand, and the group drove away quickly.

As for the blocked exit, Lu Chen and the others didn't care at all. They pulled the horse's head and flew directly to a place more than ten meters above the ground, and flew directly over, leaving behind a large patch of dust. , And the hundreds of dumbfounded bandits!

"Boss, they are too amazing! That's more than ten meters high!" The one-eyed man swallowed and whispered.

"Bump" is the sound of knocking on the head again, "My eyes are not blind, do you think I haven't seen it! What a fool!"


"Haha! Lu Chen, I really laughed at me just now, those guys can also be called bandits, and only a small amount of money is not enough for us to eat!" Catherine clutched her belly, small tears came out! Just now this little Nizi wanted to laugh, but she kept holding it, but now she can't help it!

"Haha! They can be considered as thief! They will be robbed once and eat for a month. I don't know who else will be robbed by them!" Lu Chen said with a slight emotion!

"Whoever has him! Anyway, the caravan passing by here already knows that there is a'toll booth' here. Since they have to pass by here, it means that they don't care about the little money at all, so we don't have any. I need to worry about those people!" Lu Ye nodded and said.

I don’t know how long it took. Lu Chen suddenly saw a huge "mountain" in front of them. This "mountain" was very high, almost several hundred meters in height. If this point is really a "mountain", this point is high. , It's not a big deal at all, but the problem is that this "mountain" can move!

"What is Lu Chen?" Feng Yi asked in surprise.

"I don't know! It looks like it's been a tortoise all the time!" Lu Chen looked around for a long time and finally came to a conclusion!

"What! That's a tortoise all the time? You are not kidding! How could it be possible!" Feng Yi didn't want to believe that, not far away, the thing that was several hundred meters high turned out to be a tortoise all the time! He has seen a tortoise, but such a big tortoise is really incredible!

Lu Chen waved his hand, "I also don't want to believe what I see with my eyes, but I have to say that he is indeed a turtle, um! He is still an... old turtle! This tortoise should be equivalent to a level nine monster. The cultivation base! I just don’t know how it appeared here!"

"I remember it! If according to you, he is a ninth-level monster, this should be a Tuxuan tortoise!" Feng Yi said in surprise.

"Tu Xuangui? What is that thing?" Lu Chen was stunned again. After spending so long in the school library and reading almost all the books in it, he still didn't know why there were so many things! No wonder people always say that it is better to travel thousands of miles to read thousands of books!

"Tu Xuan Turtle is a product of the Demon God War, and it hasn't appeared for a long time!" Feng Yi said with emotion!

"It's the Demon God War again!" Lu Chen muttered silently. In this **** Demon God War, how many species have disappeared?

Feng Yi nodded and explained: "Tu Xuan Turtle was originally an eighth-level water monster, but I don’t know for what reason later it actually possessed the soil type ability, and directly evolved to the ninth level. For convenience, To distinguish his original race, call it Tuxuan Turtle!"

"This is your explanation, it's too cheating!" Lu Chen felt that he was a little bit painful. He pricked up his ears and wanted to listen to Feng Yi's explanation very seriously, but Feng Yi just said something. There is no more text, making Lu Chen extremely painful!

"That's all, what else do you want to hear?" Feng Yi rolled his eyes and said.

"Okay, okay!" Lu Chen waved his hand, "I know that this old tortoise is dual-line, and I don't know how this girl appeared inexplicably! By the way, Tiger, this mysterious tortoise can't be with you. Like you Tianhu Clan, all go to the Lost Garden! Could he also come from a secret passage in the Lost Garden?"

"No..." Tiger suddenly shook his naive head and said: "No! I've heard of them too, but they are definitely not in our Lost Garden. The alien creatures in Lost Garden are the lowest. At a **** level, except for the aborigines inside, the alien creatures can't resist the coercion inside!"

"Oh! Then where did they come from!" Lu Chen thought suspiciously!

"Hey! Lu Ye, what are you doing!" Lu Chen hurriedly asked when he saw Lu Chen riding a horse towards the old tortoise.

Lu Ye glanced at Lu Chen, and then returned: "Master, don't you want to know where the old turtle came from! I'll help you ask now, you won’t be clear! Wait for Master, I will do it soon!"

Lu Ye's actions made Lu Chen a little embarrassed, yes! I always do this every time. I obviously want to know something, but I don't know how to act directly every time. I guessed there for myself, wasting time, and seeing how refreshing Lu Ye was, and I went straight to ask!

"Hello, are you Tuxuan turtle?" Lu Ye walked to the old turtle and was startled by the two huge eyeballs, but Lu Ye quickly stabilized his mind, and then I asked my own doubts directly!

"Yeah! Who are you? Where is this place? Why did I appear here?" A childish voice came from the mouth of the old turtle!

Lu Ye rolled his eyes helplessly, not only because of Lu Chen, but also because of the mysterious tortoise in front of him. To Lu Chen, because of the tortoise in front of him, his voice was so tender that he was called by Lu Chen. It is the "old tortoise". The reason for the Tu Xuangui in front of you is because you appeared here yourself, and you still have to ask me how I came, where did I know!

"This is the Dragon Soul Continent, where were you originally?" Lu Ye had to explain!

Tu Xuangui's huge eyeballs gave Lu Ye a roll of eyes, "Of course I know that this is the Dragon Soul Continent, I just want to know which country it is!"

"Uh! This looks like the Huaxia Empire!" Lu Ye thought for a while, he seemed to have passed through several cities, and he should have entered the border of the Huaxia Empire!

"The Huaxia Empire?" Tu Xuangui's eyes showed a confused look, "Which country is this Huaxia Empire? How come I haven't heard of it. Is this country very small? But it's not right! You can call it all. The empire is not a small country, right?"

"Then excuse me, where were you originally?" Lu Ye had to ask.

"I! I was... by the way! I remember! I was in the Huaxia Empire!" Tu Xuangui suddenly realized.

"Um!" Lu Ye was speechless. If Lu Chen were here, he would definitely point to the old tortoise and curse: "NND, you fool me..."

"I remembered, I seemed to be sleeping in a river, but when I woke up, I found that the place where I was was turned into a high mountain. I just woke up, so I was a little confused, sorry! This sister! "Tu Xuangui said with an embarrassed expression.

"Sister..." Lu Ye was defeated again. He was only about 20 years old this year. He was actually called a sister by an old guy who was at least several thousand years old. Although they sound like a child, ...I don't want to be an old witch! Lu Ye thought helplessly.

"Then how old are you this year?"

"I... wait! Let me do the math..." Tu Xuangui tilted his head, and began to mutter quietly in his mouth, "I was born in XXX, and then I participated... Later, I was injured in XXX Years ago, I had to fall into a deep sleep. Well, sister, how many years are now!"

"19XX year in the Western calendar!" Lu Ye said directly.

"Oh! Thank you sister! I'm counting..." Tu Xuangui tilted his head to calculate. A few minutes later, Tu Xuangui said happily: "If I don't add the time I spent sleeping, I will be already Thousands of two hundred and eleven years old, if I add the time I slept, I am only three thousand one hundred years old! Well! I am very young! I should be called your sister!"

Lu Ye was already a little dizzy when he heard Tu Xuangui say that he was more than 3,000 years old. At the end of hearing that, Tu Xuangui said with certainty that he was very young and that he should be called Lu Ye his sister, Lu Ye couldn't bear it anymore. Live, just fainted!

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