Divine Cultivation in Other Worlds

Chapter 377: Are we running away?

"Hmph!" Lu Chen's cold snort suddenly sounded in Nangong Sheng's ears, and then Lu Chen's indifferent voice also sounded afterwards: "I said, just rely on you people, don't want to catch Ours! I will take Yunqing away first. If she wants to come back in the future, I will send her back! Bye!"

After Nangong Sheng and the others woke up, they discovered that, at some point, Lu Chen and Nangong Yunqing had disappeared before their eyes. This made Nangong Sheng quite angry, but the fear in his heart was more than angry. Think about it if Lu Chen really wants to deal with him, this alone is not something he can deal with!

"Father, what should I do now!" Nangong Yun looked at his father with a chill. Although Nangong Yun looked like this on his face, he was quite happy in his heart. He didn't agree with his father to do this. Taking away such a powerful man, he was naturally extremely happy, but worried that he would not be able to see his sister in the future!

The relationship between Nangong Yun and Nangong Yunqing has been very good since childhood! No matter what happens, Nangong Yun is very protective of Nangong Yunqing, and Nangong Yunqing also admires his brother very much. The difference between the two is five years. It can be said that after their mother's death, Nangong Yunqing has always been Nangong Yunqing. Bring the big one!

"Fine! No matter what they want! What they want to do, just do it!" Nangong Sheng's face changed for a while, and finally he slowly lowered his head, sighed slightly, turned around helplessly, and said, "Let's go. We should go back too! There is nothing left here!"

Lu Chen took Nangong Yunqing and teleported directly to a place more than ten kilometers away. This is where Lu Chen's mission was. Because Lu Chen didn't know where to go at the time, he thought that he still needed to do the mission, so he just went Teleported directly to this place!

"Lu Chen, thank you today!" As soon as he got there, Lu Chen released Nangong Yunqing from his arms. Nangong Yunqing looked at Lu Chen with a shy expression. He had no self at all. He had already arrived at a place ten kilometers away from the place just now!

"Thank you! As long as you don't blame me for abducting you!" Lu Chen chuckled, pointing to a stone under a big tree next to him, and said: "You were a little tired just now, now sit down Let’s take a break! I’m going to do the task in a while!"

"No! Let's get out of here quickly! Otherwise, if my father...Nangong Sheng catches up! Then we're done!" Nangong Yunqing looked at Lu Chen with a worried expression and said.

Lu Chen laughed and said, "Okay! You sit down first, and then look around! Does it feel like it is not familiar here at all!"

Nangong Yunqing nodded, and slowly sat down on the rock. After sitting on the rock, Nangong Yunqing slowly raised his head and looked around, suddenly feeling very surprised, everything here is so strange, it is not the scenery near Mowu City at all!

"This...what is this place? Why did we come here?" Nangong Yunqing asked Lu Chen with a shocked expression on his face, and asked puzzledly.

"This is called Fenglin, you may not know it, here..." Feng Lin is an internal statement of the mercenary union, which is actually a large barren stone forest, but because the wind is relatively strong, it is called Fenglin. In the eyes of ordinary people, there is nothing here!

Lu Chen originally thought that it was impossible for a daughter like Nangong Yunqing to know this kind of place, so he was going to explain to Nangong Yunqing, but who knows, he was interrupted by Nangong Yunqing as soon as he was talking, "You Say... You said this is Fenglin?"

"What's the matter, do you know this Feng Lin? This should be something only known within the mercenary union!" Lu Chen asked in surprise.

Nangong Yunqing sniffed his nose in dissatisfaction, pursing his small mouth and said, "You too underestimate me! Don't think I am a woman, but I am also a B-level mercenary anyhow. Of course I am in Fenglin. Got it! I have been here and have done many missions! And I came out this time to do the mission. The mission location is near this Fenglin!"

"Oh! Looks like I really underestimated you! B-level mercenary! Then I ask you, do you know where this Fenglin Fengtan is? My mission this time is in that place. !" Lu Chen chuckled, then after thinking about it for a while, he asked directly!

"Fengtan?" When talking about Fengtan, Nangong Yunqing's face suddenly became very ugly, and his voice was a little trembling.

"Huh! How did you know, yes, that's it!" Lu Chen nodded.

"Lu Chen, I advise you to give up this task! This task is too abnormal, it is impossible for people to complete it!" Nangong Yunqing said worriedly.

"En?" Lu Chen frowned. He didn't understand how Nangong Yunqing was so scared of Fengtan, so he asked: "What's the matter, where is the fearful place of Fengtan? Have you been there! Can you? Tell me, what's in there?"

After a moment of silence, Nangong Yunqing suddenly said, "Lu Chen, that place is too scary. I don't want to mention it. When I mention that place, I feel uncomfortable all over, and I feel... I can only beg you, don't go. Is that place good? For nothing else, for me, can you not go!"

"For you? What do I have to do with you?" Lu Chen rolled his eyes helplessly in his heart, but said in his mouth: "Okay! I promise you not to mention that place, but that place must be where I am going. , I can’t give up my mission because of a little fear!"

Lu Chen's answer made Nangong Yunqing very sad, but seeing Lu Chen's firm expression, he didn't know what to say for a while, so he could only be silent like this slowly!

"Yun Qing, don’t look like this. I have confidence in myself. Isn’t it a more dangerous place? I go to a lot of dangerous places, a little wind... There is nothing to be afraid of! You don’t have to do it for me. Worried! Don't...you like me?" Lu Chen couldn't help but persuade him when he saw Nangong Yunqing's silence!

"I... I'm not worried about you!" Nangong Yunqing gave Lu Chen a shy look. The fear in Fengtan began to diminish, and then suddenly he rolled his eyes and asked with a smile: "Lu Chen , You say... you say we are eloped!"

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