Divine Descending System

Chapter 139: Magnificent Is My China! 【Second Update】

"Shengshi Group declares war on the United States and seeks death?"

"China's hope, let your blood burn! Analysis: Can Ran Shen challenge the whole world?"

"Shengshi Group vs. America! Data Emperor Analysis!"

News reports and Internet posts are popping up like mushrooms after a rain, and there is no way to stop them!

In the morning, Ji Ran had just declared war on the United States.

By noon, the news had spread all over the world!

All the eyes of the world are on Ji Ran and the United States.

The people of the United States also watched quietly.

At this time, they hate Ji Ran and Shengshi Group to the extreme! If the government cannot make the decision for them, they will probably protest again.

It was just after noon, one o'clock Kyoto time.

The official Foreign Education Department of the United States issued a statement!

The target of the statement is China.

"Chinese government! The behavior of your Shengshi Group has seriously provoked our country's dignity and is also challenging our country's bottom line! Please ask it to stop its behavior immediately and order it to apologize. Otherwise, our country will take coercive measures!"

At the same time as the statement was issued, honest policies were also issued through various departments.

For a long time, due to the political system of the United States, various parties have been hostile to each other and various forces have competed with each other, making it difficult to convey many decrees and even more difficult to implement them.

But this time is different. The decree was issued quickly and implemented even faster!

Ji Ran's provocation has obviously aroused the dissatisfaction of the entire American capitalists. He is pushing the political parties behind the scenes. The political parties have temporarily put aside all their prejudices. This time, Lao Ao will bring the power of the entire United States to launch an offensive against the Shengshi Group. !

Government Order 1: All Shengshi Group products shall not be sold in the United States.

Decree 2: Shengshi Group and all members of Shengshi Group are not allowed to apply for American citizenship, let alone come to the United States!

Government Order Three: Officially launch an offensive against Shengshi Group, and warn all countries to take their own actions!

As soon as the decree came out, the world was shocked!

America is targeting Ji Ran and Shengshi Group individuals!

This is the first time that the most powerful country in the world has targeted an individual like this!

It can be seen how much the United States has been destroyed this time!

These three decrees can be said to be a direct reply to Ji Ran's declaration of war! The United States...accepts the war!

At the same time, the third decree directly reveals the hegemony of the United States!


This word... is obviously a naked threat!

This is to stop countries all over the world from buying Ji Ran’s products!

What is the most fundamental thing for a businessman or a corporate group?

Profit! Money!

That’s right!

The United States is taking action precisely on this point!

However, hiding away was a mistake this time...

Ji Ran...is not an ordinary businessman at all! Shengshi Group is not an ordinary group either!

Ordinary groups and ordinary businessmen want to make a profit, but Ji Ran and the Shengshi Group... make a profit?

What a fart!

However, the American official issued a statement after all.

This statement.

The whole world started to move!

A country responded to the challenge?

Is this really going to be a game between individuals and the country?


at this time**.

Naturally, the seven bosses including No. 1 also received the notice from the American Department of Foreign Education.

"Bang, 々!"

There was a muffled sound.

Number Seven punched the table.

How unreasonable! Such a foreign devil is so arrogant! Announcement from the Ministry of Foreign Education? Who does he think he is?"

Although No. 1 and others were speechless, their gloomy expressions were clearly dissatisfied with America's attitude.

The Foreign Education Department of the United States has a completely commanding tone!

China, China has been around for five thousand years! Being ordered by a country that has only been around for hundreds of years?

Simply ridiculous!

The whole room fell into an eerie silence after No. 7 got angry.

at this time.....

No. 1 suddenly stood up!

"The United States is strong and strong, and I, China, am not a coward! After enduring it for so long, it's time to relax and let go!"

Following the announcement on the 1st, the remaining days became more dangerous.

..(Promise is good).

I recommend a book written by the same author, The Strongest God System in the City. If you like it, you can check it out. As for other friends... come with some automatic subscriptions, some flowers, review votes and play Reward it!

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