Divine Doctor's Harem

487 I'll Treat You

Zhao Liying was sipping her tea and talking about Wang Chao's story when she suddenly heard sobbing. She turned her head and immediately saw Shen Bing in tears, her face filled with sadness. Zhao Liying was taken aback. "Why are you crying?"

Shen Bing couldn't speak, she just continued sobbing, unable to control her emotions.

Seeing her like this, Zhao Liying suddenly understood something. "Are you feeling sorry for Wang Chao?"

With teary eyes, Shen Bing slowly nodded.

Thinking about the suffering Wang Chao had endured, her heart ached even more, as if being stabbed by a knife.

How good would it be if she could be by Wang Chao's side right now?

She could heal his scars one by one, comfort him, and do so many things for him.

Seeing Shen Bing like this, Zhao Liying was even more astonished.

She finally understood why Wang Chao treated Shen Bing so well.

This girl seemed high and mighty, strong and domineering, but deep down, she was incredibly gentle and kind-hearted, especially towards Wang Chao.

If it were her, and someone of the opposite sex shed tears for her like this, she would also be moved.

"This Wang Chao is so lucky," Zhao Liying thought to herself.

At the same time, she pondered in her mind, "Have I been too careless and not gentle enough with Wang Chao? Is that why, after working together for so long, he isn't interested in me?"

She was an assassin and had a lot of experience working with Wang Chao.

During this process, they had faced life and death together, and they had even had several moments of heartfelt conversation while on missions.

But nothing had ever happened between them.

She even suspected that Wang Chao had no interest in women and was a legendary homosexual.

Later, when she saw Wang Chao's particularly intimate relationships with many women, she felt that she lacked charm.

"If I had shown some care for Wang Chao at that time, maybe we would already be together," Zhao Liying thought to herself.

The next day, Canton City was bustling.

Overnight, numerous strong military teams returned in triumph. The city was filled with countless soldiers, generals, tanks, and armored vehicles, spread across every corner of Canton City.

Countless soldiers walked the streets with an imposing demeanor, exuding a powerful presence wherever they went.

Wherever they walked, they were like the main characters, enjoying countless cheers and applause.

"Heroes, heroes, can you sign an autograph for me?"

"Heroes, thank you for protecting our country. Can I take a picture with you?"

"Heroic defenders, I love you."

Many women on the street looked at the soldiers with gleaming eyes, continuously requesting photos.

The heroic soldiers enjoyed the attention and happily took photos with the beautiful women, smiling and cheerful.

Some daring women even kissed the soldiers on the cheek before leaving with a smile.

Groups of soldiers walked the bustling streets, looking at everything around them, laughing heartily, their eyes filled with tears, and their faces radiating happiness and a sense of honor.

"This is the city we protect. It's so prosperous."

"It's been so many years since I've returned to my hometown. I didn't expect Canton City to be like this, completely different from what I imagined."

"Yes, our battles, sacrificing our lives, finally have meaning!"

"Not only does it have meaning, but this time, following Lord Sikong's campaigns, achieving success and retiring, with Lord Sikong becoming king, we soldiers with achievements will definitely be promoted. We'll have a good life from now on."




"Yes, look at all the young girls on the street admiring us. As long as we can also hold a position, our future lives will definitely be great."

"Right, right! The war is over, and it's time to enjoy our rewards."

The soldiers walked the streets with happy and proud smiles on their faces.

They chatted, laughed, drank beer, and sang songs, enjoying themselves and looking forward to a better life.

In every street and alley, a similar scene was unfolding.

Wang Chao woke up early and went for a morning jog. Today, his mother hadn't cooked breakfast, so he went out to buy some.

Steamed rice rolls!

Oyster rice rolls!

He ordered two rice rolls at a famous shop and sat down to enjoy his meal at a leisurely pace.

He couldn't bear in mind the last time he had eaten like this, so relaxed.

The lively atmosphere of the city and the bustling life fascinated him.

"If I could live like this for the rest of my life, it would be great," Wang Chao thought to himself.

To bid farewell to war and live a simple and happy life, with money, a house, a car, a job, without the hardships and the pain of life and death.

That would be good enough!

"Get lost, what are you beggars doing here?"

Just as Wang Chao was eating, suddenly, a voice filled with disgust came from the entrance of the shop.

Wang Chao looked up and immediately saw five ragged beggars standing at the door, begging and pleading for food. The owner and waiters were trying to drive them away.

"Boss, please, we just returned from the battlefield following Lord Sikong. We're starving, can you give us a bite of rice roll? Just one mouthful, please."

"Yes, boss, we were protecting the country outside. We are also protecting you. We don't have any money now. Can you give us a bite? Not much, please?"

"Boss, we were injured in battle, and we probably won't get promoted or receive any titles in our lifetime. We just want to eat this rice roll. Can you let us have it on credit? When we earn money, we will definitely pay you back."

The five beggars looked at the rice rolls inside the shop, their eyes shining, continuously pleading.

They're all disabled, some missing hands, some missing legs, some missing both hands and legs, some even had no eyes, leaning on others for support.

Although their clothes were tattered, their worn-out fight uniforms were washed clean.

They stood tall, resolute, exuding the iron-blooded aura of warriors.

But they did not steal or rob, they only kept begging the owner for credit, promising to repay it in the future.

"Heh, I've seen enough people like you trying to trick me into free food and drinks. Pretending to be soldiers, warriors, do you have any shame?" The owner of the breakfast shop sneered, picking up a broom and scolding the beggars, "I warn you, do not come here and disrupt my business. Get out immediately!"

As he spoke, he made a motion as if to hit them.

The five beggars, seeing this scene, looked disappointed. They cast a lingering look at the rice rolls and turned away, reluctant to leave.

"Beggars are just beggars. They desire to pretend to be Lord Sikong's soldiers to get free food and drinks. Disgusting!" the owner cursed.

"Exactly, Lord Sikong's soldiers are all dignified and imposing."

"You guys are humiliating Lord Sikong by speaking like this!"

Many customers in the shop looked at the five beggars with disdain and contempt.

"Please wait, five gentlemen," Wang Chao stood up, called out to the beggars, and then turned to the owner, slapping a hundred yuan bill on the table. He said, "Boss, bring ten portions of rice rolls, two for each of these five gentlemen, and add more if it's not enough!"

Then, he looked at the five disabled individuals and smiled, "Gentlemen, you seem to really like rice rolls. Let me treat you!"

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