Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 1704 - Heading To The Golden Dragon Valley

Tumultuous waves of disbelief spread throughout the human and magical beast territories.

They couldn't believe that the Emperor of Death just manhandled an overbearing and domineering Zlatan Family Grand Elder like it was nothing.

Was the soul suppression that significant? This told them volumes of his prowess and made them finally understood

Still, with that bold threat, was the Golden Dragon's legacy finally going to become extinct?

The people felt dread, wondering if the Calamity Light's disaster indicated the birth of this Emperor of Death. After all, looking at the Dragon Family's retreating as if they were inferior, lowly, and dishonorable completely flipped their worldview.

This isn't the Dragon Families they knew, for they had always been overbearing with their methods.

In the Heaven Mandate Temple, the Temple Master, also titled the Mandate Emperor, sighed after witnessing Davis's actions. He stood up, his figure disappearing from his extravagant palace.

Similarly, the Karmic Guardian Emperor's eyes flashed in a mysterious light before his expression became pale.. The divine water in front of him shook and erupted into a blurry projection the next second, displaying bloody soil and ruined buildings.

'Oh no... the Zlatan Family is going to be massacred...!'

The divination cost him his blood essence, but to think that he couldn't see much other than the ruins of the Zlatan Family.

How can there be so many interferences? But he didn't sense any, making him believe that the Emperor of Death's deathly mystic arts were vastly stronger than him. Nevertheless, he clenched his teeth as his silhouette also disappeared from his palace.

On the other hand, the Starnova Emperor appeared solemn, but his gaze didn't move away from the projection.

On the ninth floor of the Purple Guest Palace's, Davis's eyes flashed with threat before he lowered his hand and turned to look at the person, who flinched under the scrutiny of his gaze.

"Domitian Family, leave your Dragon Queen and scram if you don't want to die."

Davis's voice echoed with intimidation. Before he started killing, he could restrain himself, but once he killed, it was difficult for him to put a stop to his killing spree.

"Ah... yes...!"

Zeramus Domitian knelt and bowed before he left, followed by the youths. One could see that their expressions were reluctant, but dread was more dominant in their eyes when they recalled how with a swing of that ominous scythe, their counterparts from the Zlatan Family were beheaded within a second.

They left quickly, leaving a trembling Domitian Family's Dragon Queen all alone in the red palanquin. Usually, this carriage would be her marriage procession if at all she was married off, but now, it was nothing more than a carriage that made her fall to slavery.

Why was she here? What happened to all that adoration they had shown her?

Tears kept flowing down her eyes, making her feel extremely betrayed.

With Bylai Zlatan's words, it didn't take her long to realize what had happened.

However, Bylai Zlatan herself was feeling worse by the second. She abhorred her Grand Elders, who threw her to be violated and sacrificed, but that didn't mean that she wanted her entire Zlatan Family to die.

"No..." Her meek voice echoed out before it raised a few octaves, "Please, no more killing... I'll please you with everything I possess even if you do not kill the other two Grand Elders. I... I retract my second condition..."

Davis took his gaze from the Domitian Family's Dragon Queen before his head swiveled, his expression turning into one of ridicule.

"Did I give you the impression that I was doing this for you?"

Bylai Zlatan's expression froze.

"I gave your Zlatan Family a chance to rectify themselves, but since they messed it up, they don't deserve their lives. Your confession is of insignificance because I already knew that you were hexed from Elusivemist's statement three days ago. However, your confession only managed to save yourself from my wrath."


Bylai Zlatan remained stunned as she heard his words.

Davis turned back to look at Evelynn, who nodded her head with absolute sureness.

Placing absolute faith in her, Davis smiled and looked towards Isabella before they both flew away from the Purple Guest Palace, leaving the Alstreim Family.

At the same time, Evelynn's third eye opened and shone with blue light, casting her Sealing Hex on both Bylai Zlatan and Domitian Family's Dragon Queen. She didn't believe that the cultivation seals that they had on them were firm and solid. Nonetheless, this Sealing Hex ultimately took away even their last bit of way out as they no longer possessed a way to commit suicide.

Davis and Isabella flew in the skies as they made their way towards the Golden Dragon Valley Territory. Their speed was so fast that they practically crossed a Territory each minute, although it took a bit longer to cross the Astral Light Sect Territory.

It was their first time entering both these Territories, but they didn't even have the time to admire its prestige and sceneries. Cities sprawled every few kilometers as if they were towns, and floating palaces could be seen whenever they turned to look around.

There was little wilderness or magical beasts in the Astral Light Sect Territory, but it was just the opposite in the Grand Viridian Beast Mountain. It was a paradise of magical beasts. Some relaxed in the form of their magical beasts, but many adopted the form of humans, looking no different than the human race. Still, from the ones with the human aura, he could see that they acted like slaves, inferior and imprisoned with brands on their foreheads.

Davis saw these scenes with his soul sense, but he remained indifferent, knowing that this was the hatred plaguing the two races. Humans enslaved or tamed magical beasts, and in turn, they did the same. It wasn't anything new, to be exact, but certainly did put distaste in his mouth.

When he entered this Grand Viridian Beast Mountain Range, the magical beasts didn't dare to stop him or even speak a word as they let him through. There were various magical beasts, and of them all, three of them radiated a powerful might.

A lion with an ocean blue mane and a watery fur enveloping it, making it look dazzling and refined. A flaming fox with three crimson tails and a charming countenance.

'Torrential Wave Lion, Devilish Flame Fox, and the third and the most dangerous out of them all...'

Davis's gaze fell on the cyan-armored rat, whose eyes shone in a cerulean light but still possessed the feeling of caution towards him.

'The Cyan Soul Rat...'

Davis felt nostalgic as the last time he saw a magical beast rat was when he first entered the First Layer, fighting alongside his two cousins, Lucas and Lucia, making him wish well for them. That episode sure did cause him to understand magical beasts better, making him aware that their lives were just as equal as humans. However, this rat was different than the one he reminisced about.

This magical beast was also known as a soul-type magical beast, where its body was not the one improving fast but its soul. Since he didn't meet them in his adventures, he mused that they were extinct, but he now came to know that it was not the case after learning from the Soul Palace.

Nevertheless, all of them emitted Peak-Level Emperor Beast Stage undulations, but their prowess wasn't as strong as the apex powerhouses, nor did they dare to stop him.

Still, Davis knew that these three ruled the Grand Viridian Beast Mountain Range together, rich in a particular ore. Humans and magical beasts both widely sought out this viridian-colored ore named the Embriantum Ore, a Peak-Level Emperor Grade Ore famed for its durability and soul deflection, was rich in density underground.

It was rumored that the Cyan Soul Rat was also a mutation from habitation, adapting, and consuming these ores through the thickness of their sharp teeth while absorbing them into their body.

Davis didn't know about the specifics as he had yet to digest all information but moved forward and left the Territory Gate along with Isabella.

They didn't dare stop them and were even thankful that the Emperor of Death didn't attack them. After all, they knew that he was going to the Golden Dragon Valley Territory and that their caution might instead be seen as defending the Zlatan Family, which they wanted no part of.

Davis and Isabella then traveled thousands of kilometers before they crossed into the Golden Dragon Valley Territory, and when they arrived, there were no Zlatan Family guards, much less a shadow of a person.

Isabella merely smirked with coldness while she shot forwards, looking impatient than Davis while Davis caught up with her. Soon, they arrived above the Zlatan Family's massively tall golden capital city.

However, looking at the city's deserted streets and empty skies, Davis and Isabella looked at each other before their soul senses spread.

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