Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 2062 Hex Trial

Nonetheless, that state of shock left her in a few seconds as her expression returned to normalcy.

She took a step forward, walking past the spacious hall before she stumbled across an ancient-looking door with the glaring image of the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid. However, she noticed its third eye's hex symbol appearing sharper, even primordial, as though it contained the great mysteries of Hex Laws.

Evelynn's eyelids fluttered heavily as she was unable to match gazes with this terrifying third eye. However, she didn't stop staring, straining her eyes that they became bloodshot.

[Name: Evelynn Cauldon]

[Bone Age: 38]

[Cultivation Talent: Elite Emperor]

[Trial Grade: Emperor Grade]

[Trial Difficulty In Accordance With Age: Extremely Difficult]


Evelynn became shocked as he saw the lines of words appearing in her view.

This third eye imprinted on the gate was able to see through her? What a terrifying ability, no, a formation! Perhaps, was the Emperor-Tier Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid Immortal able to use Karmic Laws as well? After all, Karmic Laws and Poison Laws were the sources for Hex Laws. Or maybe, she was just overthinking, and this was a product of their clan.


When she blinked, the words floating in mid-air disappeared, and the door slowly began to creak open.

Evelynn stared beyond the gate. However, it was pitch-black, disallowing her to bear witness to what was inside, but she took a step forward and continued to walk.


Purple flames lit up over the walls, allowing her to see that this was also a hall that stretched a kilometer on all sides. There was only a single door to the opposite end. It was the same door with the same image of the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid Immortal. However, its third eye seemed more alive than before, looking at her as its hex pupil eerily moved.


Evelynn heard the door behind her closing, causing her to become cautious of her surroundings, especially attentive to the third eye a kilometer away from her.


Suddenly, the third eye on the door shone blue.

Evelynn instinctively could tell what was going to happen without even thinking about it. However, the blue illumination of the hex fell on her even before she could take a step to the side in order to dodge.

By the moment her right foot fell on the ground, she felt her meridian pathways constrict, dantians become sealed tight, severely affecting her ability to circulate her energy.

'My cultivations have been sealed…!'

Evelynn's eyes went wide in shock as she felt a chill creep up her spine. She thought a kilometer wasn't even a challenge for her, but now she understood.


A hole suddenly opened on the wall above the door, revealing an arrow as it shot towards Evelynn. The short-range worked against her now. The arrow was upon Evelynn in a split second, heading straight towards her forehead.

However, four scythes abruptly appeared in front of her forehead, adorning in front of her like a crown.


The sharp purple arrow hit the scythes, causing her to retreat back a few steps.


Evelynn snorted in derision as the scythes of her four spider lances connected to her back retracted, revealing her veiled face. She couldn't believe the prowess of the arrow just now had been two levels higher than her cultivation level, which was at Peak-Level Ninth Stage.

The gap between the levels in the Ninth Stage was no joke. Moreover, having her cultivation sealed, she would just have to rely on her body. She came to understand that this trial was rigged from the start to test her bodily prowess.

'If I didn't have the Earth Dragon's might, I would've been a goner just now...'

Nonetheless, Evelynn moved cautiously as her cultivation was sealed at the get-go. She knew that she couldn't afford to make mistakes and slowly moved towards the gate. She wasn't walking, but she wasn't running or flying fast either but making her way at a controlled pace, about fifty meters per second, which was extremely slow to her, who could travel thousands of kilometers in a second.

The moment she crossed a hundred-meter mark, flames surged from all sides, intending to burn her to death.

Evelynn's scalp turned numb as she saw no way out. Her four scythes jutting out from her spine struck the ground, their seven segments bending eerily in a single direction before they all surged with an immense force, causing her to spin.

Her hips twisted as she spun in mid-air, her scythes rending down the incoming flames. She stopped them from engulfing her into ashes as she became a hurricane, snuffing out the wild flames.

"I see. Every hundred meters I cross, there's a challenge waiting for me."

Evelynn spoke, but her expression or voice didn't reveal any happiness because the flames that had surged out were also two levels higher but even more powerful than the last attack. By now, she figured out that the only way to survive this predicament was for her to use her pure physical might gained from the Earth Dragon's blood, but even then, skills were a requirement.

Otherwise, with her cultivation sealed, she felt that she would've been burned by those terrifying flames that were as strong as Lea's phoenix flames.

Evelynn took a whiff of breath before she continued to walk forwards. She was at the nine hundred meter mark from the gate and walked all the way till she came across the eight hundred meter mark. However, she didn't take a step forward and waited for some while.

'So it won't attack me if I keep wasting my time here?'

Evelynn didn't want to waste time nor earn some eerie penalty. After all, the longer she waited, the harder it could get for her to clear. She lacked information, so she didn't waste time and swiftly crossed the eight hundred meter mark.


She could hear some kind of mechanism activate, causing her to feel intense danger.


Evelynn's scythes assembled on top of her head when it rumbled. A lightning bolt plunged from the ceiling, swiftly falling on her head.


The attack caused her footing to stagger, but the four scythes equally defended against the terrifying lightning bolt while its weight was immense, causing her to bend a knee.

'First, it was a physical arrow. Second, there were flames. Third, it was lightning. Are these three the weaknesses of the Three-Eyed Chromatic Hex Arachnid?'

Evelynn couldn't help but shiver as her fey blood raged. However, there was also a mocking smile on her face.

"Unfortunately… lightning attacks work the least against me..."

Due to her fused Earth Dragon Blood, she didn't have to worry about earth-based attacks for the most part. Even fire-based attacks would be hard-pressed to damage her, so it could be said that her weaknesses were made up for using the Earth Dragon Blood.

After a few seconds, Evelynn stood up and continued to walk. The four scythes that were slightly scarred also returned to their purple yet deadly sheen, radiating with poison.

The moment she entered the seven hundred meter mark, a radiant green light shone in the gate's third eye.

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