Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 532 Turning Into A Beast!

Instantly, a vial appeared in the male finalist's palm by being recalled from his spatial ring, causing the others to be stunned!

The moment the vial was taken out, a huge wave of undulations spread blatantly around the battle platform. The undulations quickly subsided as it if had been never there before, but everyone could feel a sense of trepidation in their hearts at that short moment.

Princess Isabella became stunned. She saw what was in her opponent's hand and sensed a vague amount of vitality spreading around him. She could only feel with her physical sense and the others couldn't do so because they were far away.

The vial which was fist-sized had crimson-colored viscous liquid in it.

With her experience, she could unquestionably tell that it was a Magical Beast's Blood! Not any ordinary blood but condensed blood which is otherwise known as blood essence!

\"You! What are you doing?\" Princess Isabella turned anxious!

Not for herself but for her opponent because she saw him open the lid of the vial and drink it as if it were a spirit drink!


Princess Isabella couldn't believe her eyes! And neither could the others who knew about what was going on!

Crown Prince Hadre stood up in shock, \"He is courting death!\"

The Royal Protectors also stood up with their robes fluttering from their own undulations while their faces were stern in all seriousness.

They emitted Law Sea Stage undulations which made the people behind them slightly move back from the pressure itself. They all looked at the Royal Protectors and the Crown Prince and came to a realization that the situation could perhaps be worsening in the tournament!

The Conferred King Tournament only allowed Seventh Stage Cultivators who were below 800 years old to participate. This meant that the man still had the potential to break into the Eighth Stage within centuries or even decades.

They could not understand why this man would resort to this method to break through to the next stage!

Princess Isabella had been also subjected to this age test but the formation only seemingly told the spectators and judges if she were below 800 years old or not. It did not have the capability to accurately pinpoint her age.

The age identification formation only had three lights in it and she hit the lowest one which told the other she is less than 200 in age. This caused an uproar and also deepened the impression people had on her, making her seem like a woman with a large background.

Needless to say, it further enhanced Princess Isabella's image and background in the minds of the others.

Princess Isabella looked at the scene with her wide eyes, not willing to miss anything.

The male finalist dropped the vial on the ground and he looked senseless as if he had given his soul away. The next second, life came to his eyes but he instantly shivered from head to toe as he held his abdomen.

He collapsed to his knees and started to cough out blood like a critically sick person. His eyes turned bloodshot and his skin grew tumors, his bones started to elongate as if he were changing shape!

Princess Isabella could not understand why this man would resort to a method like this to defeat her! She did not kill her opponents unless they went way overboard and she didn't even know the person opposite to her!

That rose a question in her mind why would this person go as far as to win this battle by potentially harming himself!?

In the past, when she had asked the Earth Dragon Immortal what would happen if she were to absorb plenty of its Blood Essence and refine it in her body, it just replied with a single word.


\"Arghhh!!\" The man threw up his head and screamed as if his soul was being ripped apart.

Princess Isabella thought her eyes were playing on her.

Because she saw that his forehead grew two curved horns, his hands morphed into two claws with his elbow stretching out into two blade-like bones. His legs experienced growth of a different kind, however, she could not see the change due to her sight being blocked.

His teeth rapidly grew like a tiger's while his jaw enlarged.


A beastly howl resounded from him, making the hairs stand up on the end for the spectators who all heard it. They unknowingly straightened their backs and experienced a chill running through their spine, making them shiver like a coward.

Davis held Evelynn's hand as he noticed her shiver from the undulations emitted by the man who is currently transforming into a beast, who was supposedly the finalist but become no more from now.

Such thought and sight left a profound impression on him but at the same time, he was not able to figure out why... It was like the finalist possessed an enormous amount of hatred for Princess Isabella but that definitely didn't seem like the case when he urged her to surrender.

That left him confused as to why this man would resort to a method such as absorbing blood essence in large quantities.

'Isn't he just courting death?'

Davis figured that this man would not survive for long and even if he survived, there would be consequences but Davis didn't know much about that. Instead, he was only able to guess the current cultivation base of the beastly figure.

'Eighth Stage...'

\"He had reached the Eighth Stage...\" Royal Protector Aleron muttered with a sigh, however, he quickly added, \"The time has come for us to see if he will succeed to keep himself alive...\"

Royal Protector Freed couldn't help but nod his head.

In his lifetime, he had seen only three people use this method to increase their cultivation, but they were all at their wit's ends, either trying to expand their lifespan or forced to do so by other factors.

Even then, he didn't understand much.

He turned to look towards Royal Protector Aleron and thought that he should know more about this, so he couldn't help but ask.

\"Royal Protector Aleron, will he be able to survive?\"

\"You will be able to witness it in a few seconds...\" Royal Protector Aleron wasn't willing to miss this scene, hence he didn't dare to lose concentration or take his eyes off him.

Royal Protector Freed also turned to look at the man who grew a lot taller as if his entire being was changed into a beast with fur starting to grow in his body.

Numerous spots in his body erupted with blood and even tears of blood were flowing out from his eye sockets. His nose protruded and elongated along with his jaw, making him look similar to a tiger species Magical Beast.

However, the transformation suddenly stopped as if it was impeded by an unknown factor.

At this time, the near magical-beast like man regained the clarity in his eyes as he looked around, his eyes revealing confusion. He staggered and face fell as he experienced a jerk.

The jerk made him tremble, and the light in his eyes turned pure berserk as his pupils elongated into one of the felines!


Undulations spread as he started to destroy the paved battle platform in a berserk manner, scratching with his claws and pounding it with his fists! Numerous rubble flew around impacting the battle platform into a mess.

\"He failed...\"

In the VIP platform, Royal Protector Aleron sighed.

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