Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 569 Idiotic Third Brother

"I know, just don't put yourself down in front of anyone, not even my Royal Father, the Ethren Emperor who is high above all of us, because, even he has to bow his head to a higher power sometimes."

"In a cultivator's life, strength is everything! But respect comes from one's heart. I know you respect me a lot so there's no need to repeatedly display it to me."

The Third Prince expressed with a smile on his face.

Agis Stirlander's expression became moved as he answered, "Yes!"

The Third Prince chuckled and looked as if he were heartened but he then suddenly opened his mouth.

"Say, did you come into contact with this person known as Davis Loret?"

Agis Stirlander became taken aback for a moment before he replied, "Yes..."

He wondered why he was suddenly asked about his newly made acquaintance or friend, Davis Loret by the Third Prince.

Alexi Ethren nodded his head, "I've received reports indicating that you've indeed been in contact with him. I'd like to know if you did so knowing that he was a subordinate of the Conferred Queen?"

"Davis Loret is the subordinate of the Conferred Queen!?" Agis Stirlander became wide-eyed and he involuntarily lost his balance, his back hitting the ground.

He then slowly nodded his head, "No wonder... No wonder he could afford to purchase a King Grade Pill and all those knowledge of Alchemy at King Grade and not feel the pinch of it..."

"Indeed, your Highness. I did come in contact with him over pure boredom. He looked a little bit constrained, wondering if he could step into the core grounds or not. I just wished to help him and did what I liked but it looks like what I assumed to be his reason for restraint is entirely different than the one I initially assumed."

The Third Prince nodded his head, "His master likely ordered him to not involve in her social scene, or I could be wrong."

"Your Highness is never wrong." Agis Stirlander echoed.

Alexi Ethren just shook his head and said, "I don't have much information on the Conferred Queen as she just rejected all invitations from all powers, including my Royal Family."

"She just refuses to accept the goodwill laced with traps, and from this, I can see that she is a cautious individual, and not forget, extremely fierce."

"Yes, I've seen her battle as well." Agis Stirlanded couldn't help but nod.

"However, I don't know why she refuses to reveal her background even when the Crown Prince or a person of similar status asks..."

"She is now an enigmatic mystery in the Royal Capital and although no one dares to court her, they are intent on knowing her background, including me."

"So, I just ask of you this favor. Use whatever means necessary to find her background."

Agis Stirlander became taken aback. His Highness, the Third Prince, his benefactor was asking him a favor?

Without even hesitating another moment, he affirmed, "Yes!"

At this time, a woman skipped over in the distance, her silhouette playfully dancing within the emerging sunshine while grazing past all the flowers and bushes with a burst of cheerful laughter.

Alexi Ethren looked over and saw the woman in a strange light, "Your granddaughter is coming, I'm leaving then..."

Agis Stirlander watched the Third Prince leave and slowly stood up, his facial expression became a bit heavy before he sighed, 'What mess have I gotten myself into...?'

A few seconds into his reverie, he heard his granddaughter shout, "Grandpa! You're back from the Alchemy Convention!"

His lips inadvertent formed a smile and he turned to look at her with a gentle and hearty smile on his face.

He had wanted to spend a few dozen of his years, wanting to watch his granddaughters peak in cultivation, get married, and give birth to his great-grandchildren, however, it looks like he wouldn't enjoy these peaceful days as he was asked by his benefactor.

"Haha, you're up early. Where is your father, mother, and elder sister? Is that lad still sleeping?"

The young lady's rosy lips moved, "Father and mother are in seclusion, cultivating while elder sister is also... uh... no, she is awake! And not only is she awake she is at it again!"

"You mean that she is drawing that portrait again?"

"Yes, she has drawn him on the portrait over a hundred times yet she has never shown us his image, not even once!" The young lady flipped her black hair to the side and pinned a short bun, "Well, only you grandpa had 'accidentally' seen it before, but you paid the price by not being able to talk to her for over a month! Hahaha!"

"Sigh, don't mention it. I never actually thought that she would get angry over such a silly prank." Agis Stirlander sighed, "If I knew about her temper and stubbornness, I wouldn't have peeked at that portrait."

However, he suddenly blinked.

'Didn't the face on the portrait and Davis Loret's portrait vaguely resemble? Perhaps, they are relatives and by finding it out, I can figure out the Conferred Queen's background?'

'Wait! As if there would be such a coincidence! For all I know, they two just could be doppelgangers or just similar in certain aspects...'

"Grandpa, what are you thinking of?" The young lady curiously asked.

Agis Stirlander blinked again before smiling at her, "Let's visit your elder sister, shall we?"

The young lady rolled her eyes, "Don't tell me that you want to peek at the portrait she drew again?"

Agis Stirlander just laughed and walked towards the outer courtyard. His expression became calm before he inwardly let out a sigh, 'In any case, checking once again wouldn't hurt much. It's just a month of not being able to talk with my precious granddaughter...'

'However, I find it surprising that the Third Prince holds interest over the Conferred Queen. The Third Prince doesn't have a wife, so it is understandable that he suddenly holds an interest in the Conferred Queen, considering that she is at the top of the pyramid in strength and beauty over this entire region.'

'Not to mention her fierceness in traveling without a protector and just her subordinates but whether if there is a protector secretly protecting her or not is remained to be seen yet...

He pondered over for a while before he finally reached the inner courtyard and headed towards where his first granddaughter stayed.

'Nevertheless, if I can exchange a month of being able to talk with my granddaughter to help the Third Prince to find the Conferred Queen's background, then it would definitely be worth it!'


In an inconspicuous alley, a person suddenly appeared.

It was a man, draped over in stately purple robes. His long hair was blue in color, and his facial features were calm and serene. This man was none other than the person who secretly met with Agis Stirlander.

Third Prince of the Ethren Empire, Alexi Ethren!

Suddenly, he brought his hands towards his face and started rubbing his cheeks, nose, forehead, his entire face, and neck. When he removed his hand away from his face, the facial features looked similar to the one he had previously but didn't entirely match as the nose was slightly longer and lips were slightly wider.

As for the eyes, it had a shrewd glint to it rather than the serene glow.

"So tiring... I don't know how that idiotic third brother could act like this all the time, supporting people of lower status, disgusting!" The man spat out in disgust.

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