Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 580 Am I That Obvious?

Princess Isabella's shock lasted for another second before she flicked his hand away. Her cheeks were red but it faded away rather quickly as she said in a rather convincing tone, "You're married, you can't be like that..."

Davis blinked feeling a little over the top. He became shocked at her answer!

She didn't reject directly, neither was she harsh on him!

That meant that there was definitely some kind of feelings for him in her heart.

He had just said to her that she could make an example out of someone but it could also be him but instead, she gently told him to not act like that...

In the past, he had seen her Karma Thread and on it, there were various colors such as grey, yellow, blue, and red.

Grey Thread signified negative emotions, and Yellow Thread signified worry, including other corresponding emotions that weigh on a person such as restlessness and even insecurity.

Blue Thread signified trust, loyalty, and other similar emotions while Red Thread signified love.

The last time he had seen her thread, there was a bit of the first three colors coating her thread, with only a tiny bit of red, growing on the patch of blue.

Davis activated his Karma Laws through Fallen Heaven and saw that the Karma Thread connecting him to her had undergone a change, no, is currently undergoing a change.

The tiny bit of red on the patch of blue grew, devouring the blue in the process, however, it stopped. On the other hand, there was no grey patch on the thread but the yellow surrounding the thread grew at a rapid rate!

It was as if she was beginning to both like him but becoming insecure while not being sure of her affection for him at the same time!

Davis felt like this could be his chance. His lips quickly moved.

"Isabella, I..."

"Please leave!" Princess Isabella cut him short as she gestured towards the exit of the room.

Davis became stunned. He looked at her expression and figured whether if he should try a forceful approach. However, her fingers which were pointing towards the exit while her eyes were closed, really didn't leave him with many options.

It was as if she sealed all her physical senses, indirectly telling him that she was not prepared to listen.

Davis didn't say anything. He stood up, looked at her for a few seconds with a calm expression on his face, and then left.


Princess Isabella's heart pounded heavily as she closed her eyes. Only when she felt that his footsteps have disappeared did she dare to open her eyes.

Then she suddenly started to breathe heavily as if she held her breathe for a long time. Her breasts were heaving visibly, and she couldn't help but use her right palm to feel the heartbeat that betrayed her emotions.

'I... He... What exactly happened?'

Princess Isabella remained in disbelief. It was as if she couldn't believe that just a while ago, she was confessed to by a man, not just a man but a married man.

In all right, she would've detested such a man, however, the abnormal heartbeat she felt on her palm and the inexplicable feeling that she felt in her stomach told her otherwise!

Princess Isabella wasn't dense. She quickly understood her inner emotions as her pupils dilated, 'I actually like a married man?'

Then she squeezed her breast and shook her head as she denied her feelings, 'No, no, no, this can't be happening. How can I!?'

'By the heavens! How can I even!!?'

Princess Isabella continuously shook her head, denying the thoughts that were welling up within her.


Davis left Princess Isabella's building and cast it a look one last time before he pursed his lips. He turned his gaze away and kept walking towards his house.

'Did it just happen?'

Even Davis was in disbelief that he had acted upon his desires in a moment of heat.

Perhaps, it was a mistake but he took the bite only to fail in the end.

'Of course, I would be rejected... Perhaps, as she said, there might be a chance if I was not married but even if I was given the chance to redo my past again, I would still marry Evelynn.'

Davis inwardly smiled as he felt that Princess Isabella could in no way compare to his current Evelynn. Not in terms of cultivation but in terms of affection and love.

Princess Isabella is just one of his desires while Evelynn is his wife! The time they spent with each other had nurtured an enormous amount of affection on her, different from the want to possess that he felt on Princess Isabella.

However, it would be a lie if he said that he didn't like Princess Isabella. The tiny bit of red that was on his Karma Thread connecting to Princess Isabella was an undeniable proof that he could not refute.

Nevertheless, Davis knew that like and love were entirely two different concepts that wouldn't even come close sometimes but mix up at other times like two poles that had gone haywire.

Davis suddenly realized that he was already comparing them in his mind. He facepalmed himself and did not think of this matter again as he finally made it back to his home.

Unsurprisingly, Evelynn was back, intently watching his avatar contemplate on the differences between a certain ingredient with another.

He knew this because he shared memories with his avatar with only a tenth of a millisecond delay between them. As long as they were in range, he could see what the avatar had witnessed and vice versa.

Evelynn stood up and cheerfully ran to him once she felt him arriving through her physical sense, "You're back."

Davis smiled as he once again felt how wonderful it is for him to have a wife who will cheerfully greet him once he got back home. However, the slight sense of guilt he felt on confessing to Princess Isabella destroyed the inner sense of peace he got from her cheerful tone.

His smile changed into one of dullness before he imperceptibly sighed and sat on the bed.

"What happened?" Perhaps Evelynn noticed the difference in his posture or expression, she asked.

"Am I that obvious?" Davis chuckled at her.

"You are not but I've been with you for more than three years to notice the difference!" Evelynn proudly replied as she winked at him.

She then quickly jumped towards him and sat beside him, holding his arm with hers.

Davis released a breath and looked at her curious expression.

To get the load off his heart, he inwardly decided and opened his mouth, "I just confessed to Princess Isabella..."

Evelynn's heart shook when she heard his words, however, the next words she heard brought her tremendous joy.

"... but I got rejected."

However, at the same time, she felt inexplicable anger growing in her heart, 'Rejected? Rejected? How can she reject my husband!?'

'No one should reject him!'

Her mood turned worse as she mulled at how dare Princess Isabella reject him. Abruptly, she came out of her reverie and started to wonder why she thought like that.

Davis pursed her lips as he saw her expression change, 'Of course, she not going to like this and will probably even laugh at me for my failure...'

He shook his head and said, "Why are you not laughing? Go ahead and laugh. Not only did I fail to curb my desire for Princess Isabella but I also got rejected like a failure of a man."

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