Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 585 Feeling Useless

Davis headed towards his parents' home once he left Lucas at the entrance. He didn't say much before he left, only advising the latter to be careful with his woman.

In a room, Davis and his parents were gathered. He informed them of his plan to train in the Sunset Tear Magical Beast Mountain.

"It's a Magical Beast territory and is at the west of the Ethren Empire. There is also the Sunsi Kingdom which is at the west of this Ethren City, so I would have to pass by the Sunsi Kingdom to reach the Sunset Tear Magical Beast Mountain. When I leave, I'll be leaving my avatar here, so I would know if something happened in this city." Davis explained.

The Ethren Empire had three Kingdoms under its jurisdiction, one of which is the Sunsi Kingdom; a Peak-Level King Grade Power.

Peak-Level King Grade Power has Peak-Level Seventh Stage Expert at the helm, hence the Kingdom itself only possessed a minor threat to Davis who can use Fallen Heaven to kill them.

As long as the Soul Forging Cultivation of a cultivator wasn't at the Seventh Stage or above, he could kill anyone. This has been confirmed with the past usage of Fallen Heaven. At least, there were no outliers he had seen or experienced.

The Sunsi Kingdom acted as the Ethren Empire's frontier to defend against the Magical Beast Tide that would happen once in every decade.

Every decade, they would be faced with a Magical Beast Tide that potentially has the power to destroy the Kingdom. If it weren't for the Eighth Stage Experts sent by the Ethren Empire to help them tide over the crisis, they would've long been destroyed.

However, not all Magical Beast Tide would have King Beast Stage Magical Beast commanding the tide, hence in the past few decades, there were only a few Eighth Stage Magical Beasts that actually wreaked havoc over the Kingdom before being taken care of by the experts.

Even then, killing the Eighth Stage Magical Beasts was impossible since they would retreat if they sensed danger.

Nevertheless, Sunsi Kingdom only had a history of over 200 years because 200 years back, the Ethren Empire had failed to send their experts due to some reason and the result had been none other than the destruction of the previous Kingdom that had existed in the Sunsi Kingdom's soil at that time.

"I see..." Claire nodded her head and pursed her lips, "What about your wife?"

"I'm taking Evelynn with me," Davis answered with a smile.

"Is that so?" Claire smiled and spoke in a solemn tone, "I'm sure that you would be occupied with training and cultivating in the Magical Beast territory. Are you sure that you would be able to protect her and not let her down like the last time?"

Davis knew that his mother was reminding him of the time he had spent with Evelynn in the Ashton Empire's Capital where he was unable to protect her due to negligence on his part.

"Last time, I was caught off-guard. I didn't think my status would be much enticing to those noblewomen at that time, enticing them to make a move on Evelynn. Nevertheless, it was indeed my fault and as a result, it can be said that I've learned to consider many possibilities of being vulnerable when traveling with her in the future." Davis awkwardly chuckled.

"Indeed, I am confident that I will be able to protect her, mother."

Claire's eyes gleamed before she nodded her head in a heartened manner, "I thought you would never take her to a danger zone again... I'm glad to see that the previous incident hadn't affected you negatively. You've grown up..."

Davis laughed, "Mother, I already had memories of being a grown-up when I met you after the rebellion."

"Silly, you were this small..." Claire giggled and gestured with her hand. She sat on the ground, hence, her hand reached only at the point of her neck.

They both laughed for a while we Logan had a smile on his face.

He then suddenly interjected, "It's too bad that I wouldn't be able to train with you. Not only I and your mother are learning Inscriptions under your Grand Uncle, but we're also regularly cultivating our Essence Gathering Cultivation."

Davis lifted his brows as he understood his father's underlying meaning.

"If you want Mid-Level Spirit Stones, why don't you just ask me, father? It's not like I'm going to be stingy with you all."

Davis chided while Logan awkwardly chuckled.

Davis then handed them 25,000 Mid-Level Spirit Stones each, giving them a total of 50,000 Mid-Level Spirit Stones. This further diminished his Mid-Level Spirit Stones to 120,000. However, it ultimately did nothing to his wealth as there were still High-Level Spirit Stones with him.

Claire and Logan became heartened by his gesture but chatted with him a few more minutes before Davis left.

Claire suddenly stood up and walked over to Logan. She suddenly made her muscle relax as if she went limp and fell into his embrace, leaning her chin on his shoulder.

"I find it proud that he provides us with resources but saddening that we cannot provide for him anymore..." Claire said as she remembered the time Davis was nothing but a child.

At that time, they could afford his cultivation and even used Sky Grade Treasures to make him powerful, putting all they had to strengthen him as much as possible...

Fallen Extinction Lightning, the Low-Level Sky Grade Lightning Elemental. They gave it to him and helped him absorb as they acknowledged him as their son!

Using a Sky Grade Pill which they diluted to temper his Body Tempering Cultivation, and making him eat the Mystic Tyrant Fruit to make him unmatched in battles!

There were so many things they did for him without reserve... but now they were at the receiving end...

Even though it was the nature of things to be supported by the next generation... as his parents who hadn't even reached a hundred years old they couldn't accept that their son had quickly surpassed them, leaving them in the dust.

They hadn't even reached their limits yet!

Of course, their son's growth was something to celebrate! It was great and they did not think otherwise either!

However, they felt useless because of it!

Logan could feel that Claire's voice became a little confused.

His lips twitched before he traced his fingers over her long blonde hair, "If you feel like this... Tell me how I am supposed to feel about this? Ashamed? Useless? Good for nothing?"

"I have been nothing to him ever since he admitted that he had his past life's memories. Only you have managed to melt his heart and make him wholeheartedly call you mother, but on the other hand..."

Logan awkwardly chuckled and didn't continue.

"Forget him, ever since I found out about Violet and the others, and realized the past deeds of my irresponsible self, I can no longer set an example for my children. I'm like the failure of fathers..."

"That's not true!" Claire strongly replied.

She looked at him in his eyes and suddenly found a heavy glint swirling over his pupils.

'That's right... Everybody has their own worries but he never voiced his dissent out... Every day, he just tries his best to keep his cultivation up to par and once he caught up to me, he realizes that his son has surpassed him....'

Claire bit her lips realizing that he was perhaps frustrated about a lot of things which he couldn't share because that would make him look like a pushover.

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