Divine Emperor of Death

Chapter 784 Terrifying Woman

Davis became stunned.

"At that time, I didn't pay it any heed, but..." Princess Isabella continued with a pause.

"Combined with the serious words that you once said before, that you had your eyes on me from when you were five years old and mentioned that you weren't joking, and even told that you have more secrets than I know...

"I foolishly made some sense of it and thought that you have a disproportionate soul age..."

Princess Isabella paused again before she hesitantly asked, "Are you perhaps not the real Davis and someone who... possessed this body?"

Davis had his eyes wide as he listened to her, and when he heard her last sentence, his mouth went agape.

Looking at his reaction, Princess Isabella knew that she was spot on! She instantly panicked but tried to calm him down instead.

"No... I... If you have possessed this body from its birth, I can understand... You still love your family and your wives... I... I..." Princess Isabella tried, but no words came to her mind.

Her expression became helpless, wondering why she had to reveal this... She cursed that she should have just kept this to herself, but she just had to say it and make things worse between them.

She was afraid, not of her life, but the feelings that she had already invested with this person and the intimacy they exchanged would be shattered with this revelation. Even if she were to come out of this relationship, it was too late!

She had already decided to become this person's woman! If she rejected, her conviction and the heart to cultivate would be shattered, giving her an almost unresolvable heart demon!

This was also the reason why cultivators kept themselves from falling in love and instead treated the opposite sex as use and throw objects. The knot of betrayal from a loved one is equal to a stab in the back that would mostly ruin a person's will.

Davis looked at her as if he was looking at a goddess.

With just those two flimsy points and one strong point, she managed to find out that he wasn't the real Davis?

He looked at her with a speechless expression on his face.

Was it her intelligence or intuition? He didn't know but was in awe of her deduction.

"So, this is the reason you were feeling insecure..."

The feeling of bitterness disappeared, only to be replaced by understanding.

Davis finally understood before his expression became solemn, "Now that you know of it..."

He paused and looked at her reaction.

It was as if her soul left her body as she looked at him with a pale countenance.

Indeed, Princess Isabella became aghast, thinking that she touched on a topic that she should haven't. She looked at his solemn expression and began to think things were over between them.

Her heart began to feel heavy and painful while she felt her world crumbling down, and looking at his expression, she knew the words that he was going to say next, that he was going to silence her.


Davis grinned, "I have no choice but to explain things!"

He didn't wait for her to react.

"First of all, you're right but wrong in some parts..."

"I did indeed possess this body, but I did not kill this body's original soul..."

"That's because I bypassed the reincarnation cycle and ended up possessing my next incarnation that was without a soul, meaning that this is still my next life but also with the perk of possessing my previous life's memories!"

Princess Isabella became stunned as she heard him speak. It was loud and clear, but she urged him to repeat it after a few seconds of deathly silence.

Davis nodded his head and repeated his words without changing or improvising. As far as he knew, what he said was the truth, the observable truth as far as his findings went, so he wasn't aversed to saying it.

Princess Isabella took some time to comprehend his words. To bypass the reincarnation cycle...

What kind of concept was this?

She had believed that the reincarnation cycle was a half-truth and half myth but to think that it really existed...

'Is that why Davis was taken in as a disciple by that Immortal Existence? Because he bypassed the reincarnation cycle?' She mused in all seriousness.

"Initially, I thought I could tell you this after I married you, but to think you found it out by yourself with those few clues..."

Davis wryly smiled, "You're a terrifying woman, Isabella. I'm glad to have you on my side..."

"After I married?" Princess Isabella looked taken aback, "Does that mean Evelynn and Natalya already knew?"

Davis shook his head, "Evelynn knows, but Natalya doesn't. I was thinking of saying it to you two when I brought all of you into the same residence..."

"Same residence..." Princess Isabella muttered before she realized what these words meant.

However, she was in no shape or mindset to blush. She silently looked at Davis, feeling confused if what he all said was true.

Davis noticed her reaction and merely smiled, "You can ask Evelynn if you want... She's the one who knows the most about me other than my little sister Clara. I believe that Evelynn will provide a satisfactory explanation to prove my innocence..."

Princess Isabella stood there stunned, not knowing what to say. This all felt a bit surreal as even she didn't think her deduction was true. She just felt his existence to be a little strange, and it constantly stayed on her mind, but never did she think that her deduction was near to the truth.

She remained speechless.

Asking Evelynn would say that she didn't believe his words, but if she didn't ask, she could in no way verify his words.

"You want to believe but can't bring yourself to believe, is that it?" Davis smiled without an iota of hard feelings, "It's common..."

Evelynn felt the same in the past when he revealed his true past. He felt that even Natalya would start to question him if he revealed his backstory.

Their doubt and suspicion regarding who he truly was remained justified and was their right!

In any case, he already knew trust and suspicion were part and parcel of relationships, and his intimate relationships grew from two to three. He was prepared to face all scrutiny from his wives since he was the one taking advantage of their feelings.

Princess Isabella bit her bottom lip, "I..."

She didn't know what to say so she could only nod her head, feeling complicated.

Davis shook his head as he suppressed his anger, "But for that stupid Earth Dragon Immortal to mention that I am 'archaic', does it even know that I'm only thirty years older than my current age? Hmph!"

Princess Isabella became stunned once again. She instantly came out of her reverie and asked, "Your soul is only thirty years older than your current age?"

"Approximately..." Davis nodded his head, feeling unjustified.

That stupid Earth Dragon Immortal just had to interfere in the affairs of the young ones. Although he could see that the Earth Dragon Immortal warned her out of good intentions, it might've backfired on him if Princess Isabella misinterpreted.

"That..." Princess Isabella's eyelids quivered, "That means that you're around my age in truth!?"

Davis became taken aback before he nodded his head, "I guess so..."

Then he watched Princess Isabella's face abruptly blossom into a smile. He blinked and could tell that his age somewhat weighed in her mind.

'Women do indeed concern themselves with the strangest facts...' He became speechless.

So what if he was lesser in age than her? To him, it only mattered if the other party was a consenting adult or not!

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