"Drink. Wang Xian touched it and drank it all.

"Hee-hee, brother, you're so fierce, drink it all, this is a high-count wine.

"Oh, dizziness. Wang Xian tilted his head and fell into the arms of the little hippopotamus.

"Don't make a fuss, get up, there's a lot of people. The little hippopotamus pushed Wang Xian: "Really drunk?"

"Teasing you." Wang was idle: "When I was in college, I still practiced a lot of alcohol.

"You, don't drink too much, there's still activity at night." "

Yes. Wang Xian nodded.

"What activity?" Lin Yun asked curiously.

"Secret. Wang Xian smiled mysteriously.

"Brother, just tell me!" Lin Yun took Wang Xian's hand and kept coquettish.

"Brother Jin, just tell her. The little hippopotamus bowed his head shyly.

"Uh-huh. Lin Yun still didn't move.

"That's it..."Wang Xian muttered in Lin Yun's ear.

"Bad brother. Lin Yun hammered Wang Xian's shoulder: "Why are you like this, why are you telling me in such detail

?" "Haha, don't you want to know?" Wang Xian rolled his eyes: "Come, drink." "


the three of them were drunk, and then they headed towards the villa bay.

"Sister Lin Yun, don't leave today, stay with me, there are many rooms anyway.

"Is it really possible? brother. A smile appeared on Lin Yun's pretty face.

"Naturally, stay here. Wang Xian took Lin Yun's little hand, and the other hand wrapped around the waist of the little hippopotamus: "At night, serve me well, I know." "

After the three of them returned to the villa.

"Brother Jin, I'm going to take a shower. The little hippopotamus went upstairs.

"Sister Lin Yun, you can choose a room by yourself, and I'll go take a bath too. "

Uh-huh. Lin Yun walked upstairs, looked for a long time, and stayed in the room next to the little hippopotamus.



It's not quiet.

"Why don't you stop!" Lin Yun glared and held his mobile phone: "It's been three hours." "

Sleep, sleep. Lin Yun took the quilt and put it on his head.

Nothing was said all night.


"Brother, get up. The little hippopotamus rubbed Wang Xian's nose: "Brother Jin, Brother Jin."

"Don't make a fuss, get some sleep. "

Hee-hee, you know it's not going to work, you're tired. The little hippo flipped Wang Xian over: "Brother Jin, I'll give you a massage." The

little hippopotamus's hand was on Wang Xian's waist.

"Okay, okay, you go out, if you're here, you're simply tempting me. "

Hmph. The little hippopotamus pouted, twisted her mature delicate body, and walked outside: "Brother, Mina came over today, what time do you see you meet?"

"Oh, got it, wait a minute." Wang was idle and thought: "Mina, a high-level girl, should be able to spend money, I must take it, this tool man, I want it."

Wang Xian put on his clothes and walked downstairs.

"What about Sister Lin Yun?" asked Wang Xian.

"Went to work. "The little hippopotamus came out with the fruit.

"Brother eats first, I'll cook, I've learned to cook, wait for me." The little hippopotamus twisted its apron-wrapped body and headed towards the kitchen.

"You know how to cook? It's not going to be dark food. Wang Xian sat on the sofa, holding his mobile phone and eating fruit.

"Hee-hee, you'll find out in a moment. "

Mina is on the air, outdoors. Wang Xian directly rewarded ten super fires.

"Wow, thank you, thank you for the tip, thank you. "

Woo, Emperor Xian, love you, Emperor Xian, see you later." "

Woo, it's over, there's an old man again. "

Woo, Mina is on the shelf. "

Woo, my Mina, my woman, my big ball

!" "The style of barrage painting has changed abruptly.

"I'm not an old man. A huge barrage drifted by.

"I don't believe it, you're an old man, woo, my Mina.

"Old man, you can tap in a moment. "

Wori!" Wang Xian was directly speechless: "Mina, see you later." "

Is it an old man?" what a curiosity, what would I do if it was an old man?


"Is it delicious? The little hippopotamus sat in Wang Xian's arms, holding a piece of vegetable and putting it in Wang Xian's mouth.

"Delicious, delicious. Wang Xian took a bite and kissed the little hippopotamus on the mouth: "It's still delicious for you." "

How is it?" have you agreed on a location?" asked Wang Xian.

"Well, I made an appointment, a western restaurant near the commercial street, high-end, in line with your requirements. "

Well, I'm really getting better and better at training you. The king rubbed her pretty face.

"Hee-hee, isn't your training good?"

"You eat too, and when you're done, we're going to see Mina." "

Uh-huh. "


The sports car slowly stopped at the door of the western restaurant.

"Wow, sports cars, brothers, do you see?

"Tens of millions of supercars." Mina sat at the door of the restaurant, the camera focused on the sports car.

"Wow, it's the first time I've seen this kind of sports car, except for the pictures, it's the first time I've seen it alive.

"Me too.

"Wait, let's see who's in the car? little hippopotamus." "

Wow, is the little hippopotamus in such a good shape?"

"I'm obedient, the gold lord's shelf, woo woo, envious." "

I'm really envious every day!" "

Me too, envy +1." "

Brother Jin. Mina's eyes stared straight at the car door, and she prayed in her heart: "Don't be an old man who comes down, please." "

Please. Mina muttered quietly.

"Wow!" Suddenly, Mina's eyes lit up: "It's a handsome guy, it's a handsome guy." "

Wow,, is this the Emperor Xian? so young? "

Rich second generation, look like this, you just graduated from college. "

Is this a copy of Wang Cong?" "Is Wang Cong

so rich?

"Well, that's how I feel, too. "

Mina was stunned, hahaha, who would have known that the old man we were talking about was so young!"


Mina, don't be stunned, go up and be a shelf, hurry up." "

The Idle Emperor. Mina reacted instantly, twisted her amorous little waist, and walked up.

"Sister Mina. The little hippopotamus smiled.

"Mina,. Wang Xian couldn't help but exclaim slightly.

"What's wrong? Mina couldn't help but whisper.

"You're in good shape, aren't you? Wang Xian admired Mina's figure: "It's more than twice as good as in the live broadcast."

"Hehe, the idle emperor has won the award, I'm in for a treat, the idle emperor, let's go in." Mina approached Wang Xian and whispered, "I've opened the hotel." "

Don't be in a hurry, don't be in a hurry, just eat." "

Huh?" Mina was slightly stunned and laughed: "Okay, Emperor Xian."

"But. Wang gossiped sharply.

"What's wrong?" Mina tensed.

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