Divine Hint: Reporting An Escaped Convict From The Start

Chapter 267 Private mansion, can't enter? (please collect and subscribe)

Li Hao was shocked when he looked at the magnificent palace in front of him.

This is the No. 6 Gennan Street in Xihuangcheng, it should be No. 7, and there is no other courtyard in front of it, only this palace.

Could it be that this palace is No. 7-9 Gennan Street, Xihuangcheng? Is it the house rewarded by the system?

Li Hao had this shocking thought in his heart.

"Young master, it's really strange. This courtyard house is No. 6, and there is no one next to it. You mentioned No. 7 to 9, but I didn't see it."

At this time, Zhou Junjie also turned around, came to Li Hao's side, and said to Li Hao with some confusion.

However, Li Hao did not speak.

Instead, he walked straight ahead.


When Zhou Junjie saw Li Hao's actions, he also looked forward, and a look of surprise appeared in his eyes.

"Huh? Li Wangfu?"

Zhou Junjie naturally saw the palace in front of him. This is a palace called 'Li Wangfu'. It was once the residence of a prince. The prince was powerful and his title was Li Wang, so this palace was called this name. It has been preserved until later.

As a native of Beijing, Zhou Junjie naturally knew that the palace in front of him was a building left over from hundreds of years ago. It is also a very famous scenic spot with a large area and many historical things.

Zhou Junjie saw Li Hao walking towards this palace, and a look of doubt appeared on his face, and he immediately followed.

Li Hao came to the front of this Li Wangfu.

At this moment, there are some figures in front of the Liwang Mansion. It seems that there are a group of tourists. Some people are taking pictures with cameras and mobile phones.

There is also a beautiful woman in a shirt at the front, holding a small flag in her hand, and wearing a loudspeaker is sitting and explaining to these tourists.

"What everyone sees in front of you is the Palace of King Li."

"This Li Wangfu was built in 1766. It has a history of more than 200 years."

"This palace of Li, covering an area of ​​40 hectares, is the largest palace in Jinghua City. It is large in scale, covers a wide area, has multiple doors, and has deep courtyards with hundreds of rooms."

"Li Wangfu is also one of the highest-level palaces in Jinghua City."

"This palace of Li Wang is mainly divided into three roads. The middle road has the main entrance, the second door, the Yin'an Hall, the Chuantangmen, the shrine, the back cover building, etc. The west road of the palace is a garden, and the pavilions and pavilions are scattered. The east road of the palace was originally where Prince Li and his family lived.”

"This Prince Li is said to be extremely powerful, and he is also a legendary cultivator. He then went to ask the immortals and asked, but his whereabouts are unknown, but this Prince Li's mansion was preserved by his descendants."


The beautiful tour guide spoke in a eloquent manner, introducing the magnificent Palace of King Li in front of him to the tourists behind him.

"Forty hectares? That's six hundred acres? That's too big."

"Six hundred acres? My God! This is in Jinghua City."

When I heard the introduction of this beautiful tour guide, some tourists suddenly exclaimed, and they were really shocked.

Six hundred acres! This is the capital of inch gold inch land! The imperial capital.

"What? Lord Li is actually a monk? Is it true or false?"

And when he heard that this Prince Li was actually a monk, it was even more unbelievable.

"Guide Bai, can you go in! I want to go in and see?"

But at this moment, someone asked the beautiful tour guide again.

The name of this beautiful tour guide is Bai Muya, and everyone calls her tour guide Bai.

"Yes, tour guide Bai! This is the style of the door. What's the scene inside? I also want to go in and have a look."

"We all want to go in and see."

"Can you go in?"


But at this time, there were several tourists next to it, who also agreed, all looking like they wanted to go in and have a look.

Hearing these people's words, Bai Muya sighed again.

"Hey, you can't go in! This Prince Li's Mansion is a private mansion, and there are still descendants of Prince Li. You can't let people in casually. Look, there are still people guarding it."

Bai Muya shook her head and said, looking at the gate of the Prince's Mansion with a sense of disappointment.

As a tour guide, she brought countless waves of tourists here, and introduced the Liwang Mansion countless times, but so far, she has never entered the Liwang Mansion.

She also really wanted to go in and have a look at the Palace of Li Wang. It wasn't that she didn't try it, but without exception, she was stopped by someone.

Ahead, even though the gate of the Prince Li's Mansion was tightly closed, there were still two strong young men standing there guarding the door, like guards, not speaking, but there was an involuntary coldness on their bodies. Lie's momentum, people are daunting, and thus deterred.

"Ah? Private mansion? Such a big man's mansion is actually a private mansion!"

"This is the real local tyrant! How much is such a big palace worth? Ten billion or one hundred billion?"

"Oh, I can't go in! It's a pity! It really seems like I can go in and see what it looks like."


When everyone heard Bai Muya's words, they immediately exclaimed in amazement. Such a big mansion was actually private, which shocked their hearts.

Bai Muya looked at everyone's disappointed expressions, but there was nothing she could do.

The only way to get in is to get the consent of the owner of the palace, but even now, Bai Muya has never even seen the owner of the palace, and doesn't even know who it is.

However, at this moment, a young man came to Bai Muya's side at an unknown time.

"What a handsome young man!"

Bai Muya looked at this young man, her beautiful eyes suddenly burst into a gleam, she couldn't help being surprised, just because the young man in front of her was so handsome, with a handsome face and fair skin, revealing Leng Jun with sharp edges and corners, thick eyebrows raised slightly rebelliously, under the long and slightly curled eyelashes, dark and deep ice eyes, looking wild and unrestrained, evil and sexy, and also exudes this detached temperament, Can't help but fall in love.

Bai Muya suddenly had an unspeakable strange feeling in her heart. She had seen countless handsome boys, but she had never seen a guy like the one in front of her, who was unique and had an extraordinary temperament.

The young man who came to Bai Muya's side was naturally Li Hao. As an alchemy cultivator, his body had already changed sharply, his skin was better than that of a girl, and he naturally carried an extraordinary temperament. Release the charm that makes people nowhere to be placed.

Chapter 247 is still blocked and has not been released yet.

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